It's so easy to play /r/drama like a fiddle...

0  2017-11-04 by [deleted]

I've been doing it for years. Doesn't matter if I'm posting as Puck_marin, Botchlings, PuckMAGA, or Pizzashill, I've always become the center of attention here whenever I wanted.

Jesus Christ people... I create an account to make serious posts defending the President on /r/drama and people get so fucking butthurt over it because all I do is serious post. That's the gag - serious posting to annoy people who think they are creative by shitposting all the time. You're not creative, you're lame but that's another discussion for another time.

Now I reply to a post and within minutes I get 3 or 4 people (usually the same people) saying the same tired old shit to me.

I delete my account last weekend at just the right time to cause the most drama and there's a HUGE topic about it. You people are fucking pathetic.

Then I come back and say I'm not who I obviously am and now I have people following me around whenever I post saying stuff like:

And we all figured it was only a matter of time until you got to this thread totally not /u/botchlings .

No shit, Sherlock - I'm /u/botchlings. Could I have made it any more obvious?

Meanwhile I'm getting a totally different set of people butthurt by pretending to be a liberal idiot named Pizzashill.

You guys are too fucking easy to mess with and here's the thing... all those responses I get whenever I post a a reply in /r/drama - they get me absolutely turgid. Not because I care what they say but because I see the same names over and over again... you just can't help yourselves. You're compelled to post whenever I post. That's what gives me the most satisfaction - knowing I'll always get a reply from people like /u/annoysthegoys, /u/ed_butteredtoast , /u/ladyvetinari, /u/alohawarrior34, /u/recallrethuglicans, /u/subpoutine, and others. You just can't help yourselves. In that respect, I control you...

And to put any rumors to rest, I'm the infamous puck_marin who was supposedly permabanned from Reddit, but clearly the admins are to stupid to actually make that happen. I'm also Botchlings, Pizzashill, and a few other accounts but I'll keep those secret for now.

Can't wait to see the responses this post garners...

And now I shall delete my account again. Let's see how long you keep posting about me.


"You're all fucking losers!"

  • Guy who dedicates way too much time to trolling strangers

Shit, the sheer length of this sperg-y seriouspost is something to be pitied.

He's lying out of his damn ass lmao

/u/PuckMAGA is the new /u/botchlings, just sayin'

tl;dr: "Nothing personnel kid"

You're def not /u/pizzashill

Dude seriousposts with sources.

Had to make that account just different enough to throw people off the trail for a bit

This is so retarded and yet plausible that I really want it to be true. u/pizzashill what do you have to say for yourself?

Too busy helping Trump move his stuff into my head. He's staying there rent free for the next 7 years

Pizzashill is actually my alt. Jokes on all of you

I have multiple accounts on /r/drama but I'm not this guy.

this was by far your most believable persona, but your inability to resist "dae le feminazis" posting was a dead givaway. as someone who also fucking hates democrats, no actual democrat (like pizzashill) would object to any facet of third-wave feminism, dude. if you were the master troll you pretend to be you'd be able to play a character that could actually dissent from your own retarded opinions in ways other than pretend vote choice and news sources.

Me too thanks!

Lol what? I am absolutely a democrat and I absolutely hate feminists.

Ever consider that maybe you're just retarded and live in an echo chamber?

All of my friends are democrats too and all of them hate feminists as well.

why are you still trying

Are you autistic?

No, absolutely not.

whatever you say neet

This is exactly the type of comment I'm talking about in my post.

You just can't help yourself...

You're bragging that you spend hours a day "trolling" people and that you are a "master manipulator." Most people aren't so forward about how retarded they are, so props to you.

Yeah but he did it to prove a point about the people who post on a shitposting sub.

He's not a neet. He works in either IT or is a code monkey.

No, absolutely not.


And we all figured it was only a matter of time until you got to this thread totally not /u/botchlings .

Aw your retarded ass quoted me. 😘

Someone downvoted you! REEEEEEEEEEEE don't hurt my baby αƒš(β€’Μ€ _ ‒́ αƒš)

No shit, Sherlock - I'm /u/botchlings [-79] . Could I have made it any more obvious?

So the bet is still on

Lmao, -79.


Welp, bets back off I guess.

He's not a man it seems.

def the real reason he deleted the account

-79 you're breaking lolcow laws boi.

I only downvote if it doesn't add to the discussion per Reddit bylaws.

Plus botchlings had a lot of sub comment karma to be put under the 8 minute restriction.

Bit weak to be honest.

isn't this guy like 40 years old by now?

Botch claimed to be over 40 and running a pretty successful company.

Well since you mentioned Trump, I'd love to spend the next 2 weeks talking about him

Whoa shit, we got the puppet master over here

Guess we all better keep on dancing from his strings

as a former teenage boy part of me refuses to believe actual teenage boys would take issue to revealing clothing. i remember being in pe class when the girl i liked was wearing these short shorts, she was on the volleyball team, and like spaghetti strap top which were actually banned at my school, but she was wearing it anyway. as pe was getting over, i was gonna go talk to her but before i was even near her she yawned, stretching her arm way up with the yawn. it was then i noticed her armpit glistening with her workout sweat. dude my dick fucking shot up immediately. i had to take cover cause i was in gym shorts.

i learned that day that i had a thing for armpits. i had heard of foot fetishes before, and i thought i was normal cause feet have never done anything for me. but no, i just had to be "the armpit guy"

Which is actually what i was called for a little bit from my shit friends cuz my shit friend, i asked him "dude, do you think girl i liked's armpits are kinda sexy?" and he blurted out "HER ARMPITS?" then he leaned over to our other friend and was like "do you know what danny just said about girl i liked's armpits!?" and so it went, by the next day, everyone in the world knew. or so it felt like. i remember at lunch one day this other girl was sitting with her arms kinda up behind her head, so of course i took a glance at her armpits. her friend looked over, and was like "ew danny dont look" and put her hand up to cover her friends armpit. my face went red and i was like "i wasnt even checking her out" (i totally was).

surprisingly, my little fetish was my only real pitfall socially. i was pretty lucky in that i seemed to get along pretty well with everyone, which i know is not everyone's highschool experience. the moral of the story i guess, is that some guys like armpits, and some girls like to wear clothes that show their armpits. we just gotta live in harmony and mutual respect. its an awkward age guys, dont make girls feel bad about what they wear any worse than they probably already do.

OK, smartypants, tha's funny and all, but it's not what makes mods smarter. This is due to several factors:

  • Smarter people tend to seek out mod positions. Reddit itself is proof of that. I challenge you to show an example of a mod of a subreddit of more than 5k members doing something stupid.

  • Modding takes hard work, so dumb people tend to give up. Smart people tend to hold a monopoly on hard work. Dumb people tend to be lazy. That's why the sheep need shepherds like us to show them the way.

  • The vast majority of Reddit mods are successful in life. Who has time to mod r/funny between applying for food stamps? If you're modding a default, you likely have made it in life so well that you have enough time left over to do something like mod a default.

Mods are smarter. It's just the way it is. It's OK, it's our burden to bear. And heavy is the head that wears the crown. And before you Xpost this to ShitAmericansSay, your main sub, yes I am an American. And I'll proudly stand up, next to you, to defend her still today.

You know what? im not going to just say sorry and thanks for mking me feel better. no. this time im going to be a man and just say: FUCK YOU YOU STUPID FUCKING BITCH. im not any of your bitches friends. the only important thing is sex and money and ive been friends to all the girls in the school and none of them have sex with me. do you want to know what id do to you emmy?

i want to lay you on your stomach and slap your ass and stick my faces in your ass and lick it dry until theres nothing left. i want to shove a barbell in your mouth and dog crunches over your head with my dick hitting your mouth the furthest i get down. and it hurts but i do it so i can stick my balls in your mouth. yeah thats right im pretty fucking freaky didnt you know? i know your a freak too. i heard you have all tons of sex stories like when did 3some but wouldt even do a 2some with me you stupid bitch.

your a stupid bitch and i dont care if you hear it because you mean nothing to me your just a body to me. and honestly women are terrible people and when i make big bucks i wont lay my hands on you because ill be fucking top calibur bitches and you arent top calibur, whore!

Aww, I got noticed!

Got the munchies so snuck into kitchen to get a snack, it’s all dark so I assume everyones asleep. Tip toe through dining room to get to kitchen fridge, very slowly make a bowl of cereal in order to make no noise. Turns out it was 7 o’clock in the evening I was just wearing sunglasses and my parents were at the dinner table watching me creep around the kitchen and pour the worlds slowest bowl of cereal.

hhahhah what, this is you this you thinking people care about you the way you fetishize yourself

I thought we had something special 😒

We can have something way more special tho 😍😘

Oh, Ed-kun! Never leave us again, okay? πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—

leave us again

It's beyond my control πŸ˜” I'm sorry

just want to point out i called this over a week ago. wouldve been way sooner if i was autistic like you and devoted time to thinking about who internet posters might be.

also lmao that you think this post makes you look less pathetic somehow to literally anyone

This is literally the most autistic drama post ever.


Let's not forget that /u/botchlings was around for months, /u/PuckMAGA was around for a week or so.

I'm going to guess that this is probably just someone who pretended to be /u/botchlings if /u/botchlings made a new account and tried to badly pretend it wasn't him, since agendaposting and sucking daddy's dick constantly for months just for fun takes quite a bit of effort

Tl;dr - Jokes on us. He was just pretending to be retarded.

WTF, I love /u/IdesOfLight now!

No I am Spartacus.

Stirring up drama on /r/drama is like pissing yourself in a pool of other people's piss.

Only you will notice it, and it gives you a warm feeling.

But remember, you're still wading through a pool of other people's piss...

always got the attention I wanted.

Except in real life