A poem by /u/pizzashill

21  2017-11-04 by pizzashiII

A man and a woman were running a race.

The man dressed in red with a very orange face,

And the woman dressed in blue with a pantsuit and a briefcase.

The race was much longer than a dash, mile or marathon,

And to many Americans it felt like it went on and on.

This was a race of old and new ideas and one thought,

And so the race started with the sound of a gunshot.

The woman dressed in blue was off to a great start,

She was gaining support and was eager to do her part.

However the man in the red was racist and sexist I’m sure you would agree,

He even said he wanted to grab a woman by her…

As the competitors turned the corner you got a glimpse of the fans,

And you could hear in the distance a chant about a man with small hands.

He claimed his hands and feet were quite big,

All while having a bright orange spray tan and a big yellow wig.

About halfway through the race the man was falling behind,

And the supporters of the woman were happy to have saved mankind.

As the competitors were nearing the finish line,

The people in blue were already celebrating and drinking their wine.

The woman approached the finish with a big, wide grin,

But then something happened that seemed to be the work of Vladimir Putin.

The woman fell down and lost her lead,

The win began to feel a lot less guaranteed.

The man hurdled over her body and crossed the finish,

And we all knew our Nation’s reputation would certainly diminish.

The man had somehow done it, he actually won,

The supporters in blue sat in shock and ceased all of their fun.

The man was apparently going to Make America Great Again with his campaign,

And the woman was depressed and had to put away her celebratory champagne

The results of this race tore apart our land,

As millions of Muslims were immediately banned.

This man can do absolutely no good,

Except run his mouth and claim he was just misunderstood.

The man has stated “we need global warming” for all to hear,

Which has made me quite certain that the end is near.

He has called women ugly and fat,

Which has left me wondering how he could have won the race and done all that.

After insulting and making fun of men and women nationwide,

I’ve become mortified, horrified, and have lost my American pride.

Every time he talks or makes a speech,

All I can say is impeach, impeach

(Btw, I don't get why people say I'm obsessed with Trump or that he lives in my head rent free. I'm LITERALLY LAUGHING HAHA I'm just having a great big joke against you nazis and it's all really funny to me and I'm not mad, you're mad you nazi.








Did a shareblue agent come to work high today or is this real?

So apparently /u/pizzashill was a /u/botchlings alt that was retarded on purpose. So you're being retarded on purpose satirizing a satire account.

According to the writings of the late /u/puckMAGA.

New botchy was banned?

Says they deleted their account. Pretty sure Clinton assassinated him and made it look like a suicide tho.

His name was SETH "I'M GAY" SPACEY!!

Never forgetti! 🍝


I'm convinced you're just a Markov bot shoving a bunch of shitty unrelated memes together to see how long it takes people to catch on

I'm guessing /u/PuckMAGA got booty blasted because no one remembered them for their "LE EPIC TROLLZ" years ago and instead got triggered over peopel calling him a botch alt.

Funniest shit ever

Tbh I'd kill myself if I ever got Botch alt accusations.

this is probably another one of his retarded accounts tbh

Let's not forget that /u/botchlings was around for months, /u/PuckMAGA was around for a week or so.

I'm going to guess that this is probably just someone who pretended to be /u/botchlings if /u/botchlings made a new account and tried to badly pretend it wasn't him, since agendaposting and sucking daddy's dick constantly for months just for fun takes quite a bit of effort.

I can't keep up with this shit. Is there any proof that Pizzashill is an alt of botchlings?

Well that's a purely epistemological concern.

Is that a Father Ted reference?!

And your point is?


Same but gamergate


Wow you wild! Wyd? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ) ͡°

More like pizzashit

Way too many lines for a shitpost. What are you doing, dude, and where did it all go wrong?