A PSA for /r/drama

106  2017-11-04 by AnnoysTheGoys


This, but unironically.


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That's the spirit snappy! πŸ€—

I understand /u/botchlings (pbuh) and /u/pizzashill (I hope I will never be in ur blocklist bb), but I don't understand you. How are you irl ? How old are you ?

/u/botchlings (pbuh)

Holy shit lmaoooooooooooo. This shit caught me off guard.

how are you irl

vaaaary nice ( Ν‘Β° ΝœΚ– ) Ν‘Β°

how old are you?

Old enough to drink and fuck. Still young enough to be denied running for President of The United States.

Snappy has more humanity than most of you guys.

I'm sorry Snappy but society and reddit already destroyed last remnants of my humanity.

Snappy you're so kind. Please ravage my bussy ;)

Haha fuck you

pls no bully

I love you :3

Y'all both need to make sure you stay safe today

Aww :3 you can join us to make it into a threesome? Polys are very inclusive you know wink wink

stay safe


ironic. Kys smh

I'm a Southerner and that's just the way we talk down yonder. By God don't make me get my pickup crunked up, I can kick your yankee ass and still be back in time for my tomater patch.

Some of these newfangled internet soyboys seem to thing that "y'all" is "backwoods"

Motherfucker, y'all is woke. I didn't have to say "heys yous guys" like they say up north, which is gendered as fuck. I said "hey you all!" which has been shortened to y'all.

Your girlfriend thinks she's a man but doesn't wanna tell you I don't give a shit but I'm gonna ask "y'all over for supper" and that's non gendered

Your boyfriend thinks he's antifa and is screaming about how we need to repatriate land to the natives, I'm gonna ask "y'all to leave" and that's not racist.

Your black wife and his husband come over and I'm gonna ask if "y'all wanna fuck my wife?" because that's my kink and I'd like it if we could make this a regular thing because my last bull got locked up by the CIA.

Please god anyone help. My wife is so fucking fat and I can't bear it anymore. She is asking me to fuck her and honestly my hand is a better option


If anything can be art, that means bullying can be too.

fun fact: bullying is actually the only art

Bullying is like sculpture, but instead of art it makes people.

πŸ€” really makes you think

😭😭😭 What? 😭😭😭


Whoever made this needs to keep themselves safe tbqh

i disagrere; i actually think they should kill themselves posthaste tbh

there are enough assholes on the internet

lol nice meme faggot

Artist sounds more like autist.

This poster is clearly BS, we all know there are no women on the internet

Transwomen are real women!

but i was told traps are gay!

Women are real transwomen.

Whoever made that is a niggerfaggot.

Old mem fek off

fuck you


i like bullying. im just to shy to do it irl. thanks internet

chair kinda looks like a penis haha fucking retard

Kate Leth πŸ‘° is GAY.

Some people πŸ‘₯πŸ‘₯ are mean 😠😀. Get over it 😞 !

What a yummy looking piece of bait.

a real human bean

First rule of life: Don't be a dick.

Be a pussy. The world can always use more pussy.

The greatest thing about the internet is that you can shit on many people, that all have many different lives and inhabit different countries, with just one disarticulated post you wrote while you were taking a dump at work.

The future is now.

Go suck off a tail pipe OP

There is really only room on the Internet for one asshole. The rest of you amateurs should back off.

Ehhhhh go fuck yourself

remember the human fecal matter.

All art is gay, all artists are gayer

So all of you assholes are actual real people? Damn, I weep for humanity.

Fake! Women can't draw.

Some people should be bullied online so that they are made aware of their ignorance.

We should all be so much nicer to each other in person, but giving people too much "safe space" on the internet is turning society into petulant imbeciles.


anyone who uses "shitty" unironically needs to be necked

That's a shitty thing to say.

It is double-plus-ungood, IMO IMHO

Your submission is bad and you should feel bad. Instead of metajerking why don't you look for actual drama to post??

@+$$#@#$!!! hahahahahahahahahaha

I was so pissed when this got posted on /r/StepfordWives.