"Exactly why I voted Trump"

20  2017-11-04 by HodorTheDoorHolder


This is why we need mayocide.


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Lol...Now reddit loves Bush.

nah the bar’s just fallen so far that he’a considered relatively high up on the mental totem pole

Bush should write Trump a giant thank you letter for making him retroactively seem like a less shitty President.

If Hitler rose from the grave to insult Trump, reddit would be full of people praising Hitler within an hour.

The front page would have so many positive links about Hitler from all sorts of subbreddits like "TIL Hitler was an animal lover."

The homepage would become /r/hitlerwearingsocks for hours.

As much as I dislike Trump, I can only marvel at how this younger generation suddenly likes Bush. As someone who came of age in the midst of the Bush administration, watching the various political shifts has been baffling.

B-but he does paintings now!!!1!1!1!111!!!!!1!1

Daily reminder that redditors actually thought Bush would stage a coup in 2009 and prevent Obama from taking office.

Strange, didn't all these lefties hate Bush before? Hmm...

Enemy of my enemy is a frenemy

libs never actually disliked bush they liked him because he made them look good. Lefties still hate him tho.

can confirm, bush was comforting to have as an enemy

You mean George "Literally Hitler" Bush?

nice meme

These kinds of low quality memes are the reason Hillary could never become president.


hitlery never ran against g wilhelm borsch you dumce

These KINDS of memes

smh @ u

the 15-year-old mspainted kind?

The BAD kind of meme, the liberal kind of meme.

not like that primo Ben Garrison shit eh?

what if I told you that meme was a false flag?

I wouldn't care much, since it was just the first image that popped up in a search, and implying that Hitler-Bush comparisons weren't super common in the 2000s would be pants-on-head retarded.

you saw em on signs on TV all the time, yeah. those were all Koch-Soros shills though, just like all those tea in09

Wait, are u trying to red pill me or blue pill me?

Literally every president in recent history has been compared to Hitler.

Thanks, Captain Obvious

i think maybe the ones before Hitler weren’t

pre hitler wouldn't be recent history.

my cutoff is either 1865 or 1917

FDR was compared to hitler. no lie.

If FDR wasn't like Hitler, then how do you explain that he fought WWII just like a certain somebody...

"both sides"

its a fuckin retarded reason to vote for someone

more importantly, it’s vague as hell

And butthurt too lol.

I voted for Hillary

-George Bush

Man, what a life.

I mean preelection Hillary was more of a neocon than preelection trump. Idk why McCain is throwing a bitch fit now. From what I can tell trump is turning straight neocon.