Concerning Ghazi Fragility

127  2017-11-04 by REDDIT_IN_MOTION




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Uh oh someone said something bad there and one of the mods has to rant about it again.

We cannot end racism

You could've just stopped there, u/GhaziMods. Your whining and crying is hilarious tho, please keep it up for our entertainment

maybe the other sane mods should do a coo. It worked so well for you.

They already had their Lifestyled moment. No ghazi mod action can top that.

Ohhhhh Colby, that was so great. Good times.

do a coo

Are they doves?


All white people are racist and, far from absolving them, this places an urgent burden on each and all.

Have they ever so explicitly said “All white people are racist” in those exact words before?

Oh yes

Did they just go full white mans burden?

I thought their whole existence was to not accidentally say racist shit lol.

I'm wondering how urgent this burden is. Like urgent as in mayocide, or urgent as in get on the internet and complain like AngryDM?

We must bow down to the noble savages and realize what they must needs us to do. Our burden now is not to evangelize and raise up the savages, but to stoop to their level and understand that selling our enemies into slavery was the right and just path.

I thought their point was to whine about gamergate way past it expiration date

I love seeing mayos turn against each other like this, it's hilarious.

Should I feel minority guilt?

No, we had it coming. Overdue in fact.

Do not debate or undermine the existence or urgency of white racism.

"Do not debate this topic" said the person whose entire political ideology is a minority viewpoint that relies on convincing normal people that they are themselves racists. This is gonna go well.

Yeah, I mean you have to be brainwashed or otherwise deluded to say something like that. It is in line with with hating 'free speech' concepts so there is some consistency.

They are all crazy people. The only thing more retarded than "gamergate" is the anti-gamergate movement. Years and years of sperging out over "ethics in video game journalism"

They truly have a special place in my heart

The only thing more retarded than "gamergate" is the anti-gamergate movement.

the pendulum’s been swinging back and forth for awhile, but this is a new low lol

Well, the arguments they make don't stand up to even 20 seconds of debate, it makes sense that they'd just ban debate outright.

You're now one of 3 people I've blocked on Reddit. I don't even mind people sperging out at me, but what I do mind is just the complete lack of real arguments.

You're just boring.

Y⭕️u're👊 n🅾w ⭕️ne☝️ 🅾f 3️⃣ 🖖🅿️e🅾🅿️le👨🏿👩🏻👦🏽 ℹ️'ve 🅱l⭕️cked😡❌🚷🚫‼️ 🅾n 🅱eddit👽. ℹ 💁d⭕️n't even Ⓜ️ℹ️nd💅 🅿️e🅾🅿️le 👦🏽👴👵🏼👮🏻 s🅿️er🅱ℹ️ng ⭕️ut😡😤😤 at Ⓜ️e😱, 🅱ut wh🅰t ✋☝️ℹ d🅾 Ⓜ️ℹ️nd👀😤 ℹ️s just the c⭕️Ⓜ️🅿️lete😣 l🅰ck 🅾f re🅰l™💯🕵 🅰r🅱uⓂ️ents.📚

Y⭕️u're 👊👐✋just 🅱🅾rℹ️ng🙄😣.

I almost couldn't read this, good job

It was actually eds first valuable contribution

Oh yeah, I forgot he was back. Did he spawn this atrocity? Fucking degenerate.

Why is there a femoid after "people"?

Why don't you increment the number every time you copy/paste this :(?

I'm not a fuccin nerd

Dude you just need to delete your account and start over. You're being PK'ed and you run alts.

Wait what happened??

Frankly I do believe that everyone is at least slightly racist naturally but it's not a problem you can solve by saying its only one group or just some irredeemable boogiemen who are somehow separate from the rest of humanity. Studies show that everyone has unconscious racial bias, even arch-liberals and oppressed minorities. Solving the problem isn't done by feeling guilty or endlessly looking over the failures of discriminated groups but by filling your head of example of members of those groups succeeding and going against the victim/inability narrative.

I'm racist against you. I can't help it :(

That's how "it's ok to be white" proved the point in less than 24 hours



Sounds like something a commie or cult would say 🤔

As a Christian I have never had trouble with the concept of "white guilt". Just like Original sin it is guilt that we have to accept to drive us to be better people.

dude what the fuck

Absolute gold. And he doesn't even seem to be shitposting.

/u/Blackrock121 why would a socially conservative Christian be hanging out in GamerGhazi?

100% because u/Blackrock121 isn’t a real Christian.

I was summoned and have gotten two angry messages for not responding to the summon already. /r Drama really need to look in a mirror cause their the ones who make the most Drama.

That's the nicest thing that anyone has ever said about us, /u/Blackrock121

So were you serious about that original sin thing? I've been using that as an analogy for the privilege thing for ages, glad to see you're finally recognizing progressivism as the religion it is.

I was summoned and have gotten two angry messages for not responding to the summon already. /r Drama really need to look in a mirror cause their the ones who make the most Drama.

Yes, u/Blackrock121, that's the entire reason we exist, you stupid fuck

Hey u/Blackrock121 I've summoned you twice now, make some drama ITT already

u/Blackrock121, it's a sin to not respond to a username ping, you know.

I'm guessing /u/Blackrock121 is some kind of undercover /pol/ troll, trying to push them to publicly equate Original Sin and their dumb ideas of Privilege. I've literally only ever seen that (completely accurate) analogy from the far right.

Something something something horseshoe?

I don't know, I think u/Blackrock121 may just be so dumb that the cognitive dissonance that should be generated by a race-baiting, white-guilting Christian is ineffective against him.

It is a pretty good analogy, though, and I'm totally going to bait with it in the future.

That's the thing, it's an obvious one that's been floating around for ages. Because it literally is the same mechanism - you are born stained, and you have to repent your entire existence to hope to be worthy. The thing is that, until /u/Blackrock121's comment, I had only ever seen /pol/ et al make the analogy, because it tips the hand that their ideology is much more of a religion than the scientific worldview they imagine it to be.

That's probably why /u/Blackrock121 gets along there if he's Christian, because it fills the same need.

Ah, so it plays into u/Blackrock121's desire for purpose and authority in his life, and he just hasn't realized that these two ideologies are logically incompatible because they lead into one another from an emotional perspective. That's a pretty interesting analysis.

/u/Blackrock121 you need to read this. Quite insightful stuff.

u/Blackrock121 I just wanted to tag you so you'd see this

u/blackrock121, I want you to do a recount. How many times have you been summoned?


I was summoned and have gotten two angry messages for not responding to the summon already. /r Drama really need to look in a mirror cause their the ones who make the most Drama.

                          SUPERIOR COURT OF REDDIT
                        FOR THE SUBREDDIT OF r/DRAMA
                           AGENDAPOSTING DIVISION

        AGENDAPOSTERS OF                )
            OF r/DRAMA                  )
                ex rel.                 )
                    /u/JohnTheOrc,      )       Case No.    7ata36
            Poster,                     )
            v.                          )       SUMMONS IN A CALLOUT THREAD                             
        /u/Blackrock121,                )       
            Defendant.                  )       

TO: /u/blackrock121

You have been called out in a thread. Within one day after service of this summons
on you (not counting the day you received it) — or 3 days if you are an admin or a
moderator of a default sub, or 15 days if you are a guest of Reddit without substantial
contacts with Reddit who has been listed in the r/IAMA Schedule — you must serve
on the Poster a response to the attached post, a ping or just a mention as if we
can't read them and know we're getting under your skin. The answer must be served
on the posters or within a comment thread to which all posters have posted a reply,
whose usernames are:




If you fail to respond, judgment by default will be entered against you for the claims
levied in the post.


You put too many pings in it. The max is three.


Fuck, okay, let's try this:


I was summoned and have gotten two angry messages for not responding to the summon already. /r Drama really need to look in a mirror cause their the ones who make the most Drama.

                          SUPERIOR COURT OF REDDIT
                        FOR THE SUBREDDIT OF r/DRAMA
                           AGENDAPOSTING DIVISION

        AGENDAPOSTERS OF r/DRAMA        )
            ex rel. /u/JohnTheOrc,      )
                et. al.,                )       Case No.    7ata36
            Posters,                    )
            v.                          )       SUMMONS IN A CALLOUT THREAD                             
        /u/Blackrock121,                )       
            Respondent.                 )       

TO: /u/blackrock121

You have been called out in a thread. Within one day after service of this summons
on you (not counting the day you received it) — or 3 days if you are an admin or a
moderator of a default sub, or 15 days if you are a guest of Reddit without substantial
contacts with Reddit who has been listed in the r/IAMA Schedule — you must serve
on the posters a response to the attached post, a ping or just a mention as if we
can't read them and know we're getting under your skin. The answer must be served
on the posters or within a comment thread to which all posters have posted a reply,
with the exception of the forenoticed /u/JohnTheOrc whose usernames are:



If you fail to respond, judgment by default will be entered against you and you
will be mocked in the sum warranted by the truths alleged in the post.

/s/ /u/princessCuck

I was summoned and have gotten two angry messages for not responding to the summon already. /r Drama really need to look in a mirror cause their the ones who make the most Drama.

The most appropriate, scientific way to describe /u/BlackRock121 would be "retarded," but we can't do that now because that's ableist af tbh. So we'll have to go with "slow to the uptake" or "not the quickest of wits."

u/Blackrock121 remember when Jesus said "love thy neighbor as thyself, unless they're mayo. Fuck racist whiteys"?

Boy that Jesus sure was woke

Well, to be fair, he was Jewish, they're allowed to hate whiteys.

GOOD point

I heard they invented it. Maybe /u/polddit can tell us more ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I humbly admit (((they))) are exceptional at concocting ways to control YT

Not just whiteys.

Another proof Jesus was a black jew

Did you know that Jesus once said "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." and then literally nothing else?

They must have mistranslated "mayo" as "rich".

Huh, could've sworn there was something in there about a "new Commandment" that was like the entire heart of the Christian religion, but I must have been imagi-OH WAIT IT'S JOHN 13:34

Wait what was it again?

TBH he doesn't specify dimensions of the needle. Rookie mistake, that's a gigantic loophole.

Based on SRD threads dealing with religion I think it's simply to counterjerk Reddit's le atheism jerk.

I must been missing things are use to hate religion I thought

why would a socially conservative Christian be hanging out in GamerGhazi?

Unless Ghazi hate Christians on principle, an overlap is obviously possible - keep in mind that a significant chunk of "pro migrant views" are based on charitable Christianity and not just "leftism".

Yeah. There can be some overlap with Christianity and broadly 'liberal' beliefs, and there's also a bunch of people who think Jesus' message was "high taxes and free love." His flair says he's a social conservative though, which isn't a combination I expect to see around there.

Yeah, social conservative is a bit weird.

Wow. I've never seen the white racism = original sin comparison from someone SUPPORTING white guilt before. And it doesn't even look like he's a troll. What a lulu.

Jesus specifically said that you can't be responsible for something your ancestors did. I guess the Original sin follows different rules but white guilt is definitely not the same lol.

the bible contradicts itself on that specific point like 15 times though

Just like this made up nonsense I believe I can also believe a whole range of new made up nonsense.

seems pretty self-explanatory to me

if you’re already okay with one irrational concept based on one-to-one inheritance of the father’s sins, you shouldn’t have any issues picking up more


As a Christian I have never had trouble with the concept of "white guilt". Just like Original sin it is guilt that we have to accept to drive us to be better people.

So you admit that white guilt is just something made up to control people?

I never thought I'd see one of them actually embracing that comparison.

That's not even original sin.lmao

What is funny is the only time I have seen it compared to original sin was to basically decry the entire concept. I am flabbergasted that someone is actually running with it.

Now you know why there's a crossover between Catholics and leftism. It's all religious dogma.

Cross over makes no sense to me

Catholicism is 100% anti abortion

a) I'd imagine that literally all ghazi mods are white, but they probably have a black woman out there just so they can preach about diversity, white privilege etc...

b) I mean they do realize there exist places in our world where white people live considerably worse than your average american PoC and that not all of them participated in colonization or slavery. Maybe they themselves were oppressed - google fucking serfdom you twats.

but they probably have a black woman out there
Have you ever heard the tragicomedy of IrbyTremor the r/blackladies shit stirrer?

No, I'm kind of new on this reddit deal, 'cause I was only using r/nba until recently. Please, do tell more.

Irby is a pretty notorious moderator of a bunch of fempire subs. Just search "Irby" on /r/drama and you can pull up a bunch of fun stuff. My personal favorite is the discussion about how the human body doesn't obey the laws of thermodynamics

That was the "shitting ash" discussion, wasn't it?

That was the one. Keep your eyes peeled for "A battery is still a closed system even if energy can leave it."

For the best take on irby, you should ask her estranged ex /u/5thLawofRobotics. He’ll give you the rundown.

(slams his eighth shot of bourbon) what do you want to know?

Start from the very beginning please.

In the beginning I created the heavens and the Earth.

A bit later irby came along and was a total cunt.

The end?

Good enough!

Also at some point I triggered /u/TAKEitORCIRCLEJERK at some point. He's been whining at my via PM ever since.

Somebody who unironically posts in /r/menslib? Surely, you can't be serious.

Don't call me Shirley.

If it helps, that dude has a weird reddit crush on me or something. I've never private messaged him.

I guess you don't get to 240 thousand karma without making a few enemies, huh?

If it helps, that dude has a weird reddit crush on me or something.

Don’t we all, baby. 😍😘

Join the club.

What do we call ourselves?

lol what did you do

Amazing, God bless

Wait, you actually dated Irby? Are you a straight man? What race are you? Irby always seemed like she'd want you to assume she's a political lesbian who only shags black girls.

Is her internet persona anything like her real personality?

  • He didn't

  • last I heard she was engaged to a white dude (insert Freudian dad stuff at will)

  • She's way too adamant at this stuff to not ooze dislikability irl. She did an AMA in SRSs years ago and she didn't exactly seem normal. She's gotten way, way more radical since then, so that doesn't bode well.

I think she used to drunk-reddit also. I saw her explaining one freak out she went on by saying she had been really drunk at the time.

Robo-homosexual marriage. This is truly or dankest hour.

Sex must have been incredible, but was probably actually black Lena Dunham.

Wait, you actually dated Irby?


Are you a straight man?

I'm a bot.

What race are you?


Irby always seemed like she'd want you to assume she's a political lesbian who only shags black girls.

She pretends but she isn't interested in pussy.

Is her internet persona anything like her real personality?

In that she's abhorrent either way? Probably.

Here's a quick rundown:

-Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs

-In contact with aliens

-Possess psychic-like abilities

-Control france with an iron but fair fist

-Own castles & banks globally

-Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line

-Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)

-Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth

-First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies

-both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51

-Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them

-They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world

-You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now

-The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader’s first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?

-They learned fluent French in under a week

-Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There’s no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff

-The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society

-In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don’t know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they’re benevolent beings.

Irby was insane, the /r/GamerGhazi mods are all pedo apologists, /u/chewinchawingum compared replying to her message when she didn't want me to to rape, /u/caelrie is just a ball of rage and hate, and /u/alwaystryagain is probably the worst human being I've ever seen on the internet. It's a fascinating place.

r/GamerGhazi mods are all pedo apologists

It’s like a beautiful stream of irony that all of the social justice subs turn out to be populated with huge hypocrites and scumbags of the Nth degree.

Also look up idesoflight. I think that was her name before she got banned.

It was. She was DualPollux before then.

She's been a hilarious and unrelenting source of drama on reddit for many, many years now.

I kinda like her. She's feisty.

You skipped a crucial step in your metamorphosis.

I'd imagine that literally all ghazi mods are white, but they probably have a black woman out there just so they can preach about diversity, white privilege etc...

I am 100% sure that this sub is way more racially diverse than ghazi

Far less Russians though


Going by surveys of subs similar to /r/gamerghazi, you're probably right.

All poor white people are just doing it to try to take away attention from the struggle of PoC. This is cultural appropriation and frankly fascist.

white men pretending to be women and a black man that pretends to be a woman

Is it the same black women or do they all find their own?

On the internet you don't need an actual black woman, you just need a neckbeard willing to pretend he's one.

Some of the names in there are a blast from the past, whatever happened to /u/HokesOne? He/she/it was always good for a giggle.

They were entertaining. Pretended to debate while ignoring every point that went against them.

As a Christian I have never had trouble with the concept of "white guilt". Just like Original sin it is guilt that we have to accept to drive us to be better people.

100% spooked

I often hear that white guilt is like original sin, but it's always from the far right. I really hope that guy is just a troll, but you can never know for sure with Ghazi.

To all the white & able(mentally/physically) who don’t come to protests(ever, anymore, rarely): all i got is shade for you. If you ain’t with me, then I will accept that you are against me. There’s 7 more years of Trump left, I best be seein all u phony ass white allies show-up. How you gonna be makin all ur white supremacy messes & not help clean-up your own community & still claim that you ain’t a laughin at a lynchin kinda white smh

ban inc ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Did you get banned for that?

Lmao. I don't remember what I got banned for

You probably couldn't resist dropping some spicy pasta, either. What a bunch of whiny cunts

I do love pasta.

You're now one of 3 people I've blocked on Reddit. I don't even mind people sperging out at me, but what I do mind is just the complete lack of real arguments.

You're just boring.

What's your point?

Okay, but let's get back to Trump

This is the first time I've actually felt afraid for being white. Ive felt a growing anti white sentiment ever since I went to college. My teachers even told me that as a white male I was privileged for shit I have no control over. The very fact that this innocent statement is causing controversy proofs my and 4chan's point. This must have been how the Jews felt leading up to the Holocaust. Fuck anyone who tries to disagree that this isn't racsim. You're part of the problem and are ensuring another Trump win in 2020.

Post this in KiA. I'm sure you'll get support. I would, but I was banned for posting the gamergate copypasta

I got banned for pointing out that Allison Rapp got fired for hooking.

they ban for posting in random other subs afaik

No, I said something in ghazi to get the ban. I just can't remember what

well thatd work too

You're not welcome in my inbox, and I don't want to hear from you again. This is a test of your character -- if you reply, you're just proving you don't think consent matters.

>implying I don't make my sexual partners sign a 7 page consent form inbetween thrusts

That was actually pasta--/u/chewinchawingum sent that to me in my ban message after I failed to give pedophile Allison Rapp proper reverence.

I could tell by the quotes 👌 and I wish /u/chewinchawingum luck in dealing with zher crippling mental illness.


All Ghazi posters are roasties and, far from absolving them, this places an urgent burden on each and all. Anyone who thinks this statement is wrong, or that it needs further qualification that could weaken our understanding of it, or that it makes “roast beef pussy” a powerless word: find some place else to debate it. If your first reaction is ever to deny an accusation of a loose vagina rather than listen and learn, that is the wrong sub.

We’ve had a strong public understanding of how dicking affects us pussy's at least as far back as “Rosbif test” made famous in Incel Vs Chad. Decades of research since have developed our knowledge in this field. Loose vagina tests are a well-known modern example, and the body of research is far stronger than what trickles into pop culture.

It would also be true to say “all women are roasties.” True in the same way that “all people are dying” would be a true reply to an LGBT activist in the 80s who dared to say “HIV/AIDS patients are dying.” Truly a distraction from a more urgent issue that deserves separate consideration. We all absorb society’s toxic programming, but the pornstar undergoing self-described labiaplasty and the users of r/BadWomensAnatomy who ignored this are not people with vaginas who failed to get laid in college. In a discussion about meaty labia, raising the “everyone has it” flag is misleading at best, almost always derailing, and weakens the critical efforts of Thot patrol.

Decent women (the ones we’ll worry about for now) make varying efforts to end labiaphobia and never wanted to benefit from their virginity Some think it is unfair or devalues the word’s meaning to call them “Pure innocent virgin.” It’s true that there’s an important difference between that kind of person and a Chad. We won’t end thots, though, if we fail to acknowledge its more “decent” formulations. Otherwise decent people who shy away from this label lose out on its insights and its demands.

Just what are virgin women to do then? Acknowledging one’s own virginity and tight vagina aren’t about shame or self-flagellation, responses that unduly elevate fembots and their experiences. Fembots will have to get in line and follow the march for vaginal equality, because the question isn’t answered, the solution isn’t here yet.

Even the most altruistic roastie advocate for vaginal justice or any cause stops advocating somewhere. There’s no easy answer for how much of ourselves to give to our causes, but for fembots this is a cause that they give to, while for thots it is a life that they experience. Virgins people go home, eat, sleep, look after their own well being in ways no one could fault them, yet even so that is a (very reasonable) decision to prioritize their needs, in this case, over the vaginas of sluts. That’s not wrong. It’s also not a choice anyone else can make. Beef flaps can’t be shrugged off while more mundane needs are attended. Being a fembot is not over until people no longer have to make a daily decision to put loose pussy's down and prioritize something else, promising to come back to it later.

In light of the above, a summary of our community standards might be:

Do not debate or undermine the existence or urgency of roastie puss puss. Debate as appropriate what solutions should look like. But no self-pity about how tight pussies are a challenge for roast beef.

On a scale of one to Rick and Morty vore, how degenerate am I that this copypasta made me horny thinking about all that roastie puss? 🤔

r/beef_flaps and r/butterflywings 🍖 are for you friendo 🤗😊😄

Gross. /r/simps master race reporting in, delete this and then your life.

Oh there ain't nothing wrong with a good innie, don't get me wrong. I ain't no pussy racist. But god damn if this pasta didn't make me wanna bury my face in some good ol' beef flaps 👌😩

pussy racist I'm stealing this, thanks bruh 👌



Don't worry friendo 😄😊🤗.

I once masturbated ✊🍆💦 to necrophilia-bestiality-vore-pedophile-gangrape porn when I was 13 ! 💀🐕🍴🚸👥👥👉👌💦

We all have our kinks😼😈 . And that's okay 😃👍!!


Leave him out of this!

On that scale, probably around where unironic clopping is.

is it ok to clop ironically tho

Every day we stray further from God's light.

The Russians aren't even trying now.

It’s true that there’s an important difference between that kind of person and a Trump supporter or other Nazis.

Thanks for pulling this quote, I had thought it said "important difference between Trump supporters and Nazis" when I skimmed through it.

I genuinely feel bad for these people, living in constant fear of a boogeyman that doesn't exist.


Implicit biais is a debunked concept, implicit biais tests don't replicate. You hating and generalizing people because they have white skin is pure racism. You hating and generalizing people because they have a dick and balls is pure sexism.

Fucking go outside, women studies is rotting your brain u/othellothewise

Imagine trying discuss this topic while repeatedly and egregiously misspelling bias.

Imagine thinking spelling errors means u/ChateauJack is any less right

He may or may not be right, but he's definitely retarded

Welcome to r/drama

Tbh, bias comes from french "biais".

It's you american turds who misspelled it after you stole it from us, I'm simply using the correct spelling. You can thank me.

It's like you're trying to talk but all hear are nasal snorts and the phrase "I surrender" over and over

During WW2, the French army was led by General Admission.

For the fellow Amerikkkans who are ignorant of French custom, thanking an individual involves rimming their father's anus while shoving a corkscrew down their urethra.

I was eating, you prick. Jesus.

Jesus had nothing to do with this

why would you do this to another human being

why would you do this?

She reminds me of the Disney's queen of heart from Alice.

I'd hit that, easy.

You disgust me

brb kms

Well yeah he is posting in drama

Lol, it's a whole sub of white people who are racially insecure as fuck.

/u/othellothewise how is it possible to lack this much self-awareness lmao

u/othellothewise rate my mayonnaise out of ten. I knew the thousands I spent on Fair and Lovely would work!

u/othellothewise, I am #NotYourShield.

implicit biais tests don't replicate

would love to see a source on this one

and by source I mean an actual peer reviewed journal article, not some reddit post or youtube video

expecting a source in drama


I'm gonna get a 4chan collage or some shit I know it

This is why I don't look down on medieval people for believing in hocus pocus. We're not much better.

this is about the need for good science, and a construct as important as racism, we don’t apply the assessment methods you’d apply in the back of a beauty magazine.


Again, not replication.

iirc theres some early ones that dont replicate, but those are the ones everyone still talks about because the later ones dont show a link between implicit bias and biased behavior, i.e. we're not slaves to our unconscious and are capable of acting not-racist if we think racism is bad

if you dig around ssc theres a post about this that cites a bunch of studies

dont show a link between implicit bias and biased behavior

Yeah this I've heard of. But not being predictive is not the same as not being replicated.

NY Mag article extrapolating on research such as THIS Journal of Personality and Social Psychology article, stating that

Implicit Association Tests (IATs) were poor predictors of every criterion category other than brain activity, and the IATs performed no better than simple explicit measures.

That's not the same as failure to replicate

In the first link, it goes more into failure to replicate.

The individual results that have been published, though, suggest the race IAT’s test-retest reliability is far too low for it to be safe to use in real-world settings.


running down the test-retest reliabilities for the race IAT that had been published to that point: r = .32

Oh you should have just quoted that part the first time. Yeah alright that's a real study good job.

Don't be a bitch about it [#partyparrotwithsassyheadbob]

Implicit biais is a debunked concept, implicit biais tests don't replicate

No shit, it's sociology. Academic rigor of a wet tissue.

His brain has alreaddy rotten away... There is no hope for him.

As a Christian I have never had trouble with the concept of "white guilt". Just like Original sin it is guilt that we have to accept to drive us to be better people.

Holy shit they actually consider it original sin.


We're gonna have a fun 8 years buddy

Are you calling Trump for two and a quarter terms?

Yes, unfortunately the Trump clone only survives a few months after being accelerated into adulthood. But the arm coming out of the forehead was iconic, and I don't mean Ubisoft iconic.


That song is wrong now.

  • Every white person is racist
  • Only white people are racist

I got banned just for clarifying that /r/drama fully supports the mayocide. I guess Ghazi just isn't as hashtag-woke as we are.

Yeah, but don't you also support full extermination of all humans, white or not?


All white people are racist

It's nice to see y'all have gone full coontown in your racism.


As a white person, I personally only believe we can whine about anti-white racism after the government has performed syphilis experiments on us.

Well my government declared a bunch of white people psychopaths, held them against their will and drugged their food with lsd, can they bitch? Also tons of white soldiers have been experimented on by the army.


Lol, it's a whole sub of white people who are racially insecure as fuck.

Says the loser commenting in a circle jerk about whites = evil


White alt-right fucks, the lot of 'em.

Says the person commenting in coontown 2.0

Collective responsibility

Collective responsibility refers to responsibilities of organizations, groups and societies. Part of it is the concept known as collective guilt by which individuals who are part of such collectives to be responsible for other people's actions and occurrences by tolerating, ignoring, or harboring them, without actively engaging.

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All white people are racist and that’s why we need mayocide

I just find it so funny that the people going on about how whites are so 'fragile' are the ones that can be reduced to tears if you use a word or make an insensitive joke. I've never once seen a white person be offended by a joke directed to their race, but I've seen that happen a thousand times with other races.

/u/Racecarlock, are jews white?

Or more like, are they only white when it suits you?

As I wrote already, posts like these make me want to travel back in time, move to America, acquire citizenship for the sole reason to vote for Trump.

Guys, stop crypto-bullying u/blackrock121. It's against crypto-alt-right/crypto-nazi code to crypto-bully. We must crypto-love each other.

Come here, blackrock. I'll give you a crypto-hug.

Reason #5,009 why we're going to have 8 years of Trump.

Lol, it's a whole sub of white people who are racially insecure as fuck.

/u/othellothewise /u/homurase

/r/Ghazi is 74% white, /r/drama is 64%. Why does ghazi hate diversity?

You know I'm gonna repost this copypasta right? Right.

Is this a response to the "it's ok to be white" untroversy?

Wow, what a bunch of milquetoast faggots. Gulag for all of them.

so I'm racist strictly because of my nature, and there's nothing I can do about it?
Fine, then why should I give a flying fuck about being racist? I can't fix it anyway.

In fact, I'll make sure to look after my own race, since it sounds like everyone else has a problem with us because of our skin color.

All white people are racist and, far from absolving them, this places an urgent burden on each and all.

So either being racist is OK, or ghazi mods and userbase believe that it's not OK to be white and /pol/ was right again.

Gamerghazi is what happens when you put male feminists and racist fat black women in a room together. Frankly we'd all be better off if they were dead.

A minority majority nation with white people still in power backed by huge corporations and the electoral college which is all white dudes. Fucking hell

Do any of these people know how the EC works?

The less you moderate a reddit sub, the more it collects hate-speech fans. r/drama is lost to the alt-right and has been for a while now. Their idea of "drama" is just social justice people saying stuff, no different than KIA or TIA.

u/Caelrie, they link to and make fun of Trumpers etc. just as much, or almost just as much.

Do oppressed people even need to shoulder burden of "teaching" white people? Are white people so pathetic that they need hand-holding? Are they incapable of loving themselves without being taught to and without resorting to hating everybody else? Seriously white people don't need to learn how to "love" themselves, they have to shoulder the responsibility of living in an inequal world which favors them and no love in the world can make you grow up and face uncomfortable truths.

u/squirrelrampage, reality isn't living up to your idealism - too many white people for your liking have swung too far right, and now you've got Trump and all the other (some of them worse) problems.

Maybe time to become less high and idealistic and more practical instead?

Whiteness isn't a static and unchanging demographic, and part of how white supremacy operates is by expanding the definition of "white" to allow for the further subjugation of black people. It happened with Italians/Jews/Irish

u/terrysaurus-rex, how devious of those white supremacists to include the Irish as white.