The niggers over at /r/Blackpeopletwitter are celebrating the first white on black crime since 2003: "She's the type of bitch to call black people animals right after she got done smearing her bodily fluids everywhere and sticking toothbrushes up her ass."

0  2017-11-04 by autisticperson123


This is why we need mayocide.


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Yes, u/UglyPainter, UP HER ASSHOLE!


There is not one black person in that subreddit.

Sorry, meant to write "wiggers writing in ebonics"

They're not even wiggers. They're suburban white children that pretend to be black on one subreddit. E-Wiggers

To be fair I think they have the snoop dogg account as a moderator there.

Snoop isn't a fucking nerd that actually mods a sub for suburban mayos

I'm 1/64th black so that counts, right?

80% of interracial homicides are black on white, violent crime in general. Despite them being like 10% of the pop.



I'm pretty sure 😐 that r/BlackPeopleTwitter 🐵🐦 is 60 % mayos 🏌 with white guilt 😓😖🙇.

60% is lowballing it.

98% ?

A lot of them aren't even the white guilt types they're the types who would think a thread title like this is funny

I wholly agree with your assertion but goddamnit is this calling people of European ancestry "mayos" fucking annoying. Mayonnaise is one of the worst fucking condiments ever. It's just animal fat.

Fuck, should I start calling brown skinned people muds, or dirts, or shits? Well, if you're going to keep using mayos to refer to people with skin without much melanin, then at least be consistent with your attempt to annoy people/be edgy and call people with more melanin dirts or something.

Is this a pasta or are you really this retarded?

Is this a pasta are you actually this much of a cunt?

Mayonnaise isn't animal fat you fucking mong. So much for having high IQs...

Oh no, I got one fact about some shitty condiment that I fucking hate wrong. But nah, you've "won". Good job.

How many times were you dropped or beat over the head as a child?

It seems about a quarter of the amount of times that you were.

Actually, watching Rick and Morty has more than made up for me being dropped on my head.

Unlike you, I have a taste for the finer things in life.

Okay, have a good day m8.

I don't m8.

I'm asexual you sexist pig. Raping me with your words. I have reported you to the mods.

Yeah but I bet you like my word cock deep inside of you, don't you slut. I'm going to shoot my cum skin word cum all inside of you and coat your mind walls. And then you'll get pregnant with my thought baby.

Have a good day m8.

Seems your hate has been based on incorrect information all along.

Oh no, my whole world is shattered. What will I do?

Oh wait, I hate mayonnaise because of its taste.

I wholly agree with your assertion but goddamnit is this calling people of European ancestry "mayos" fucking annoying. Mayonnaise is one of the worst fucking condiments ever. It's just animal fat.

Fuck, should I start calling brown skinned people muds, or dirts, or shits? Well, if you're going to keep using mayos to refer to people with skin without much melanin, then at least be consistent with your attempt to annoy people/be edgy and call people with more melanin dirts or something.

I didn't say that's why I hated it. It was one of the reasons though, so yeah I geuss you're partially right. Christ, what are we doing? arguing about some dumb fucking minutae.

Let's end this here before it gets any more pathetic for both of us.

Bye, have a nice day m8.

I'm an Army vet, graduated summa cum laude from undergrad, graduated law school, passed the bar, am a partner in a large firm. Happily married to a wife that's also successful. Own two homes. Solid group of friends etc.

You're a guy that trolls white pride memes on the internet. I guess you can claim my accomplishments though, because we're both white. Kind of sad that it's always the biggest pieces of shit that have nothing else to cling to than their skin color, or how spicy their troll game is.

Have fun in your super edgy community.

Congrats on the accomplishments and finding a wife that loves you and treats you well, I hope to have a life like yours one day.

I don't go around posting white pride shit, even ironically, unless I see other people posting equally racist stuff, and then when I do so I only do it to mock those people.

You know, i actually think riot really dropped the ball on the design and thematic of Zoe here entirely. While its good to have light hearted and fun characters this is just completely out of tune with everything League's designed around visually, we dont know shit about the kit so im not commenting on that since there';s not enough info.

The design is just... really out of place, she looks too modern and her design doesnt fit the fantasy/hex-tech vibe of runeterra or league. "Twilight" is not the theme that comes to mind for her, if anything i would've called her dreamer or something to do with dreaming. Hell call her the warden of dreams that sounds way better than aspect of twilight. When i think aspect of twilight i think Midna, not Zoe.

Speaking of, what sort of fucking name is Zoe?! That just feel so uninspired and not connected to the thematic compared to a plethora of other names like Ekko, Graves, Ryze, hell even Twisted Fate all have some connection to a theme with their names.

I really want to like her i do, but there is nothing about this design or set that fits the theme she embodies. Twilight has never had any association with a dream thematic, i get this is breaking the mold but it feels really poorly executed here.


I mean I guess that makes since, but couldn't they just ban off topic discussion like in other threads? I'm pretty new to being a vegan, like the past couple of years, and am continually shocked at the amount of people who hate vegans just because. Crazy stuff. A lot of the reason some vegans are so vocal is because they feel it's a violation of a right that animal has to be at least be treated well (something I agree with) but what they don't get is that when you yell and scream that something is wrong it doesn't always lead to people seeing things your way. At the same time though imagine if some other basic right was violated, like if it was suddenly ok to dump chemicals into drinking water. Its hard not to be angry and shout when you feel something is that wrong. Sorry for rant, good example of a comment r/food could start removing instead of banning a word in the title. Like what if I'm looking for new recipes and just want to search vegan. Jeez

oh no, this will never end until you've run out of pastas, will it? And I imagine you've collected quite a few. Oh well, it's always nice to get a message from someone.


shitty condiment

Nice, mayophobia.

Fuck of mayo, I know you dirty cumskins want to colonize this subreddit

The people of the light are coming shit skin, open up your legs and prepare your sub reddits vagina for a crusade

deus vult :3

Are you confusing mayonnaise with hollandaise???

WTF is wrong with you???

I geuss. I just really hate mayonnaise so I never really had the inclination to learn more about it. It tastes disgusting, why would I try to learn more about it? And it's not really one of those things that you learn through osmosis, people don't really talk about what mayonnaise is made of.

Mayo was invented in Spain and popularized in France. You mayos brought this up on yourselves.

Hey, we also bought slaves and didn't castrate them like the Arabs did. Nobody's perfect. Something can simultaneously be the best and not perfect.

Don't downvote him. We might be able to squeeze man-made from his man boobs.

Hello there.

You're welcome. It's just me being my usual creepy self.

As retarded as you are, you deserve depression

😂😂😂😂😂😂 👻👻👻👻💀💀💀💀💀🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅👌

u/MrBurnSuckas how Google black on white crimd

That title is unnecessarily rude.

Can you not be mean to /u/autisticperson123 please.

I'd expect someone with your mental capacity to at least not be ableist.

fite me irl

This isn't a White supremacists sub, fuck off faggot

heil hitler

Hitler and the Nazis never won anything and neither have you.

i won the most improved award in special ed class once

Did you enjoy being home schooled?

i wasn't homeschooled dumbass. in fact i was put in one on one focus sessions for being so good at special ed.

No it was homeschool.


Shh we're crypto hate.

The one on the left is still more attractive.

god damn you're a fucking moron.

The first white on black crime since 2003? I wish I was surprised by your stupidity.

Go fucking your family asshole