Donna Brazile confirmed /r/drama poster 👌

22  2017-11-05 by Prysorra


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At one point, she writes, she weighed replacing Clinton and her running mate Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) with then-Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.).

wtf brazile almost singlehandedly won the dems the election

IKR? Replacing a robot with an admittedly handsy human.

At least Biden doesn't scare small animals.

Plus he kills it with the retired Florida lady demographic. Dude's got the "grandma's new friend" look down pat.

I'd fuck him.

Biden scares young girls though

I like Biden hes a friendlier version of W.

if by friendlier you mean gropier, yeah

He is Catholic, it's in our blood smh

Im catholic and im really weird about people touching me. probably suppressing priest rape t b q h.

Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.).

aka the black male Hillary Clinton

Donna Brazile must really be desperate for some attention with the bullshit she's spewing recently.

Found the racist.

This isn't tumblr bud. I suggest you go back to your diversity workshop and gender studies degree and quit screeching on the internet.

Okay botch

Donna Brazille was confirming everything people have already known for a while, but people pop up to say she's a dirty liar to protect their corrupt white woman president-to-be, far after she's been proven wrong.

She didn't confirm anything, she outright lied.

She even lied about that "agreement."

Braziile is a desperate attention whore trying to profit off of credulous morons.

I'd do the same thing she's doing.

Yeah you aren't getting any brownie points for supporting Hillary at this point. All you're doing is demanding a black person to shut her mouth because she offends your false perception of reality.

A) This isn't tumblr.

B) She outright lied, provably.

She's a con artist and nothing more, and you're her mark.


I don't have a gender studies degree but calling a black woman a liar just for pointing out things already known does fall under racism. Would you say the same if Hillary Clinton said it?

In a letter to DNC members, Chairman Tom Perez noted that the party reached joint fundraising agreements with both Clinton and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. "The joint fundraising agreements were the same for each campaign except for the treasurer, and our understanding was that the DNC offered all of the presidential campaigns the opportunity to set up a [joint fundraising agreement] and work with the DNC to coordinate on how those funds were used to best prepare for the general election."

That may be true — but two Democratic officials tell NPR that Brazile and Perez are referring to two different things. In addition to that joint fundraising agreement the DNC reached with both campaigns, the party and the Clinton campaign struck that separate memorandum of understanding giving the campaign staffing and policy oversight.

That document was signed on Aug. 26, 2015 — before, among other things, Vice President Joe Biden ruled out a run for president.

The DNC has not denied this characterization or timeline.

A Democratic official who has reviewed the document pointed out that in addition to the Clinton signoffs Brazile characterized, it included language stating that "nothing in this agreement shall be construed to violate the DNC's obligation of impartiality and neutrality through the Nominating process" and that "all activities performed under this agreement will be focused exclusively on preparations for the General Election and not the Democratic Primary."

The agreement also noted that the DNC "may enter into similar agreements with other candidates." (Read the full memo below.)

Funny how that part didn't make it into her book, don't you think?

I don't have a gender studies degree but calling a black woman a liar just for pointing out things already known does fall under racism.

This is not tumblr, your race baiting isn't relevant to me.

Would you say the same if Hillary Clinton said it?

Yes. more questions you SJW piece of trash?

Holy shit asshole, make your point in three sentences or less. Jumping through hoops to defend an old white woman who bombed muslim kids in syria and demanded black people go to jail for weed doesn't get you anything anymore.

How racist can you get?

No counter arguments? That's exactly what I thought. Take a seat, SJW trash.

A. you provide zero proof, and then B. Vomit text at me and expect me to listen.

Take a seat, SJW trash.

Look we already know you're racist as hell but you seem content digging more graves. Try taking a breath for once and maybe listen to something other than stormfront for news.

A. you provide zero proof, and then B. Vomit text at me and expect me to listen.

Except, you know, the fact the deal was linked to you.

Look we already know you're racist as hell but you seem content digging more graves. Try taking a breath for once and maybe listen to something other than stormfront for news.

Sjw trash gonna SJW.

Sjw trash gonna SJW.

You're the trusting Hillary Clinton in this, bullshit queen.

Here, I'll expose you guys real quick.

Considering you take Donna Brazile so seriously, now you have to agree with me.

Here, I'll expose you guys real quick.

No thanks, sexual predator.

What's wrong dude? Are you a racist? Right there, a black women says you're wrong!

Next time you try your dissentious bullshit make sure your source isn't a pathological liar and moron like Donna Brazile, one that flips the very next day and embarrasses you.

Calling me racist and disingenuous after you slammed a black woman for no reason about talked about exposing yourself jesus fucking christ.

Pizzashill on suicide watch.

