Restaurant uses Caitlyn/Bruce Jenner as bathroom signs. Predictable snowflakery ensues.

10  2017-11-05 by UnexpectedLizard


There's a ramen place in Philadelphia's Chinatown that is obviously run by weebs. They use pics of Ranma for their bathroom signs.

Ranma, for those who don't know, changes gender when (s)he gets wet.

...I dunno, I have weebish tendencies and love the bussy, so I think its fun.

Complaining about their complaining is itself snowflakery.

Congrats, faggot.

What fucking sub do you think you're in?

Suicide yourself you giant fucking retard.

Sounds like you’ve got a case of the faggots.

Sounds like you've got a case of the 4chan.

Sounds like you’ve got a case of the faggots.

calm down nerd

Go suck ed butteredtoast's dick you fucking loser.

ed butteredtoast is a no life nerd like you, step off before ur head goes to the toilet

This place is in Allen, TX the whitest place on earth. Its so white they bused the Mexicans to Plano.

Sounds like a nice place to live.

No, he just got done saying it’s full of mayos, you illiterate fuck.