U/YetAnotherTrumpShill, u/cryhardershitlord, and u/YouSeemUpset are all the same person and he is MAD

20  2017-11-05 by Nobody1795

Check the histories if you guys want a good solid laugh.

The third one is u/YouSeeemUpset

Thats the account he seems to have made specifically for me.

u/YetAnotherTrumpShill and u/cryhardershitlord for easier access to his history.


Edit. u/KigurumiSpergout appears to be his new account. This guy is unhinged!


I'd actually love Trump forever if he announced he was rounding up every little punk who has every low effort troll and throw them into gas chambers with the mooks who bought "u mad bro?" shirts.

Good bot

Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.9866% sure that better_bot is not a bot.

I am a Neural Network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot <username> | Optout | Feedback: /r/SpamBotDetection | GitHub

Aahahahahahahahahahahahaha another account! Aahahahahahahhhahahaha!

Just laughing at you, like everyone else here :)


ahahaha you even had to delete all your embarrassing shitposts from this thread, how sad are you?


is this the same fake laughed you cried out when you discovered your wife cucked you for a big black man because you were inadequate?


Damn these Russians!

Hey u/Youseeemupset, has Trump made any false claims recently?

President Trump has made 1,318 false or misleading claims over 263 days

President Trump has made more than 1,318 false or misleading statements

As of Oct. 10, the Fact Checker has catalogued 1,318 false or misleading claims by President Trump since he took office in January. (Meg Kelly/The Washington Post)

Five months before unveiling his tax plan, President Trump claimed that it “is the biggest tax cut in history. This is bigger than Reagan. … This is actually bigger than Reagan tax cuts.” We warned readers at the time that there was no public proposal yet and that this was a dubious claim properly measured as a percentage of the nation’s gross domestic product.

Trump would repeat this misleading claim 16 more times before he actually revealed his plan to the public Sept. 27. In fact, the 16th time he said it was during remarks before traveling to Indiana for the speech: “We’re going right now to Indiana. We’re going to introduce a tax plan that’s the largest tax cut, essentially, in the history of our country.”

Yet nothing in the plan revealed that day offered clarity as to how it was “the largest tax cut in our country’s history.” Instead, he outlined four still-somewhat-vague proposals while repeating some golden-oldie false or misleading facts about taxes, which we fact-checked in a roundup.

This tendency of Trump is all too familiar to The Fact Checker. He is quick to make claims full of superlatives — the greatest this and the most beautiful that — with little to no empirical evidence to support them. Trump proposed deep tax cuts, but so far, he has released only a nine-page framework that would start negotiations with lawmakers. Yet since five months ago, he flatly proclaimed his plan “is actually bigger than Reagan tax cuts.”

The Fact Checker has completed two-thirds of our year-long project analyzing, categorizing and tracking every false or misleading claim by Trump, as well as his flip-flops. As of our latest update Oct. 10, 2017, or his 264th day in office, the president has made 1,318 claims over 263 days. He has averaged five claims a day, even picking up pace since the six-month mark. (Our full interactive graphic can be found here.)

When you track Trump’s claims so closely, it can often feel like deja vu. Trump has a tendency to repeat himself, and that includes his false or misleading claims. (For an overview of his most frequently repeated claims, see our update from August when Trump surpassed the 1,000-claim mark.)

With almost exactly 100 days left to go in our year-long project, Trump is inching ever closer to breaking 2,000 claims.

Many of Trump’s most frequent claims in the past month were about taxes. He repeatedly claimed that the United States pays the highest corporate taxes or that it is the highest-taxed nation. The latter is false; the former is misleading, as the effective U.S. corporate tax rate (what companies end up paying after deductions and benefits) end up being lower than the statutory tax rate.

Trump now claims that between $3 trillion and $5 trillion, perhaps even more, of profits are held overseas by U.S. companies. There is no official statistic, as Trump notes, but his high-end figure appears to be an exaggeration. The Internal Revenue Service in 2012 said the figure was $2.3 trillion, and the Joint Committee on Taxation estimated that it had risen to $2.6 trillion in 2015. There are other estimates as well, but none top $2.8 trillion.

Since our last update, we saw a surge of brand-new claims about hurricanes and the National Football League. In the past month, two destructive hurricanes hit Florida and Puerto Rico, and Trump pushed for NFL players to be penalized for protesting police brutality and racial inequality during the national anthem.

Trump repeatedly got basic facts wrong about Hurricane Irma in Florida and Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. He claimed they made landfall as Category 5 storms — the most destructive kind — but they touched down as Category 4 and eventually reached Category 5 strength. How strong a hurricane is when it makes landfall, and then how much strength it gains or loses, is an important distinction for weather disasters.

Trump exaggerated the progress of the federal government’s relief efforts in Puerto Rico, the number of lives saved by the Coast Guard in after Hurricane Harvey in Texas, and the maximum wind speed of Hurricane Maria.

Trump often made false or exaggerated claims in his attacks against the NFL. He claimed multiple times that NFL ratings are “down massively” and “going way down” because of the players’ protests during the national anthem before the game begins.

But this lacks context. The TV audience size for NFL games is down this year, but it’s unclear exactly why. “Average attendance at regular season NFL games last year was the highest since 2007, when the NFL set an record in attendance. The NFL says ticket sales are ‘on par’ with last year,” according to the Associated Press. And professional football games remain among the most-watched televised events, the AP reported.

Trump also repeatedly said the NFL protest “has nothing to do with race.” But players and coaches who defended the protests said it was over racial injustice. Trump blamed the NFL for not enforcing a rule “that’s been in existence for a long time” requiring players to stand for the anthem. But it turns out, it wasn’t a rule; the NFL said players are “encouraged but not required to stand for the national anthem” and that teams can use discretion.

Finally, in the past month, we saw the return of a curious talking point. As Trump publicly criticized Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s approach to confronting the growing North Korean nuclear threat, Trump bemoaned the lack of progress made in denuclearizing North Korea over the past 25 years.

In April, Trump claimed that since President Bill Clinton, every president “has been outplayed by this gentleman,” referring to North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un. Then, recently, Trump again made it seem like “Rocket Man” — his nickname for Kim — was in charge since Clinton.

Of course, that’s not the case. It was misleading, as three different leaders (Kim, his father Kim Jong-il and grandfather Kim Il-sung) have led North Korea since Clinton’s presidency. Kim is one of the most common Korean surnames.

Turns out, this was an instance where Trump glossed over key details to the point of inaccuracy — another Trump tendency with which The Fact Checker is quite familiar. During an Oct. 7, 2017, interview with former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee (R), Trump acknowledged that there are three different Kims, but they have the “same attitude.” Trump added, about Kim Jong-Un: “I think this one’s the worst of the group.”

So, mystery solved on the Kim front. Still, we are eager to get to the bottom of another head-scratcher: Whether Trump’s tax plan is the “biggest tax cut in U.S. history.” When the details are finally revealed, Trump’s track record so far suggests his claim will once again fall short.

lol look at your post history, you keep having to delete large amounts of your embarrassing shit posts

and you're so mad you're making drama threads about me, lmao holy shit you lost so badly, lool


lol holy shit you're still at it, lmao I love knowing that I make you spergout whenever I want


lol you still reply within seconds to every comment, I love knowing that this is all you've got in your shitty life, and I can force you to spergout whenever I want

lmaooooo, no wonder everyone laughs you out of all these comments :)


What's it like to be an actual cuck? How did you feel when you realized that you've spent most of your life screaming about how everyone else is the cuck when in actuality, you're the cuck?

Aahahahahahahahahahahaha what is this day 4? 5? And youre still SO MAD!

lmao more of that irony stuff you're too stupid to get

I guess being an angry manchild cuck will do that to you, lmao, how many more days straight are you going to rage?

We'll be here, laughing all the way :)


A real life cuck, how's that feel?


President Trump has made 1,318 false or misleading claims over 263 days

President Trump has made more than 1,318 false or misleading statements

As of Oct. 10, the Fact Checker has catalogued 1,318 false or misleading claims by President Trump since he took office in January. (Meg Kelly/The Washington Post)

Five months before unveiling his tax plan, President Trump claimed that it “is the biggest tax cut in history. This is bigger than Reagan. … This is actually bigger than Reagan tax cuts.” We warned readers at the time that there was no public proposal yet and that this was a dubious claim properly measured as a percentage of the nation’s gross domestic product.

Trump would repeat this misleading claim 16 more times before he actually revealed his plan to the public Sept. 27. In fact, the 16th time he said it was during remarks before traveling to Indiana for the speech: “We’re going right now to Indiana. We’re going to introduce a tax plan that’s the largest tax cut, essentially, in the history of our country.”

Yet nothing in the plan revealed that day offered clarity as to how it was “the largest tax cut in our country’s history.” Instead, he outlined four still-somewhat-vague proposals while repeating some golden-oldie false or misleading facts about taxes, which we fact-checked in a roundup.

This tendency of Trump is all too familiar to The Fact Checker. He is quick to make claims full of superlatives — the greatest this and the most beautiful that — with little to no empirical evidence to support them. Trump proposed deep tax cuts, but so far, he has released only a nine-page framework that would start negotiations with lawmakers. Yet since five months ago, he flatly proclaimed his plan “is actually bigger than Reagan tax cuts.”

The Fact Checker has completed two-thirds of our year-long project analyzing, categorizing and tracking every false or misleading claim by Trump, as well as his flip-flops. As of our latest update Oct. 10, 2017, or his 264th day in office, the president has made 1,318 claims over 263 days. He has averaged five claims a day, even picking up pace since the six-month mark. (Our full interactive graphic can be found here.)

When you track Trump’s claims so closely, it can often feel like deja vu. Trump has a tendency to repeat himself, and that includes his false or misleading claims. (For an overview of his most frequently repeated claims, see our update from August when Trump surpassed the 1,000-claim mark.)

With almost exactly 100 days left to go in our year-long project, Trump is inching ever closer to breaking 2,000 claims.

Many of Trump’s most frequent claims in the past month were about taxes. He repeatedly claimed that the United States pays the highest corporate taxes or that it is the highest-taxed nation. The latter is false; the former is misleading, as the effective U.S. corporate tax rate (what companies end up paying after deductions and benefits) end up being lower than the statutory tax rate.

Trump now claims that between $3 trillion and $5 trillion, perhaps even more, of profits are held overseas by U.S. companies. There is no official statistic, as Trump notes, but his high-end figure appears to be an exaggeration. The Internal Revenue Service in 2012 said the figure was $2.3 trillion, and the Joint Committee on Taxation estimated that it had risen to $2.6 trillion in 2015. There are other estimates as well, but none top $2.8 trillion.

Since our last update, we saw a surge of brand-new claims about hurricanes and the National Football League. In the past month, two destructive hurricanes hit Florida and Puerto Rico, and Trump pushed for NFL players to be penalized for protesting police brutality and racial inequality during the national anthem.

Trump repeatedly got basic facts wrong about Hurricane Irma in Florida and Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. He claimed they made landfall as Category 5 storms — the most destructive kind — but they touched down as Category 4 and eventually reached Category 5 strength. How strong a hurricane is when it makes landfall, and then how much strength it gains or loses, is an important distinction for weather disasters.

Trump exaggerated the progress of the federal government’s relief efforts in Puerto Rico, the number of lives saved by the Coast Guard in after Hurricane Harvey in Texas, and the maximum wind speed of Hurricane Maria.

Trump often made false or exaggerated claims in his attacks against the NFL. He claimed multiple times that NFL ratings are “down massively” and “going way down” because of the players’ protests during the national anthem before the game begins.

But this lacks context. The TV audience size for NFL games is down this year, but it’s unclear exactly why. “Average attendance at regular season NFL games last year was the highest since 2007, when the NFL set an record in attendance. The NFL says ticket sales are ‘on par’ with last year,” according to the Associated Press. And professional football games remain among the most-watched televised events, the AP reported.

Trump also repeatedly said the NFL protest “has nothing to do with race.” But players and coaches who defended the protests said it was over racial injustice. Trump blamed the NFL for not enforcing a rule “that’s been in existence for a long time” requiring players to stand for the anthem. But it turns out, it wasn’t a rule; the NFL said players are “encouraged but not required to stand for the national anthem” and that teams can use discretion.

Finally, in the past month, we saw the return of a curious talking point. As Trump publicly criticized Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s approach to confronting the growing North Korean nuclear threat, Trump bemoaned the lack of progress made in denuclearizing North Korea over the past 25 years.

In April, Trump claimed that since President Bill Clinton, every president “has been outplayed by this gentleman,” referring to North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un. Then, recently, Trump again made it seem like “Rocket Man” — his nickname for Kim — was in charge since Clinton.

Of course, that’s not the case. It was misleading, as three different leaders (Kim, his father Kim Jong-il and grandfather Kim Il-sung) have led North Korea since Clinton’s presidency. Kim is one of the most common Korean surnames.

Turns out, this was an instance where Trump glossed over key details to the point of inaccuracy — another Trump tendency with which The Fact Checker is quite familiar. During an Oct. 7, 2017, interview with former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee (R), Trump acknowledged that there are three different Kims, but they have the “same attitude.” Trump added, about Kim Jong-Un: “I think this one’s the worst of the group.”

So, mystery solved on the Kim front. Still, we are eager to get to the bottom of another head-scratcher: Whether Trump’s tax plan is the “biggest tax cut in U.S. history.” When the details are finally revealed, Trump’s track record so far suggests his claim will once again fall short.


A real life cuck, how's that feel?


lmao the truth hurts, go sperg out some more kiddo we aren't done laughing at you for it :)


lol you still reply within seconds to every comment, I love knowing that this is all you've got in your shitty life, and I can force you to spergout whenever I want

lmaooooo, no wonder everyone laughs you out of all these comments :)

Mmm mmm I missed you too bby. 💜

Glad to see you're still mad. Shall we?


Is that what you told your wife before she cucked you for a big black guy?


A real life cuck, how's that feel?


President Trump has made 1,318 false or misleading claims over 263 days

President Trump has made more than 1,318 false or misleading statements

As of Oct. 10, the Fact Checker has catalogued 1,318 false or misleading claims by President Trump since he took office in January. (Meg Kelly/The Washington Post)

Five months before unveiling his tax plan, President Trump claimed that it “is the biggest tax cut in history. This is bigger than Reagan. … This is actually bigger than Reagan tax cuts.” We warned readers at the time that there was no public proposal yet and that this was a dubious claim properly measured as a percentage of the nation’s gross domestic product.

Trump would repeat this misleading claim 16 more times before he actually revealed his plan to the public Sept. 27. In fact, the 16th time he said it was during remarks before traveling to Indiana for the speech: “We’re going right now to Indiana. We’re going to introduce a tax plan that’s the largest tax cut, essentially, in the history of our country.”

Yet nothing in the plan revealed that day offered clarity as to how it was “the largest tax cut in our country’s history.” Instead, he outlined four still-somewhat-vague proposals while repeating some golden-oldie false or misleading facts about taxes, which we fact-checked in a roundup.

This tendency of Trump is all too familiar to The Fact Checker. He is quick to make claims full of superlatives — the greatest this and the most beautiful that — with little to no empirical evidence to support them. Trump proposed deep tax cuts, but so far, he has released only a nine-page framework that would start negotiations with lawmakers. Yet since five months ago, he flatly proclaimed his plan “is actually bigger than Reagan tax cuts.”

The Fact Checker has completed two-thirds of our year-long project analyzing, categorizing and tracking every false or misleading claim by Trump, as well as his flip-flops. As of our latest update Oct. 10, 2017, or his 264th day in office, the president has made 1,318 claims over 263 days. He has averaged five claims a day, even picking up pace since the six-month mark. (Our full interactive graphic can be found here.)

When you track Trump’s claims so closely, it can often feel like deja vu. Trump has a tendency to repeat himself, and that includes his false or misleading claims. (For an overview of his most frequently repeated claims, see our update from August when Trump surpassed the 1,000-claim mark.)

With almost exactly 100 days left to go in our year-long project, Trump is inching ever closer to breaking 2,000 claims.

Many of Trump’s most frequent claims in the past month were about taxes. He repeatedly claimed that the United States pays the highest corporate taxes or that it is the highest-taxed nation. The latter is false; the former is misleading, as the effective U.S. corporate tax rate (what companies end up paying after deductions and benefits) end up being lower than the statutory tax rate.

Trump now claims that between $3 trillion and $5 trillion, perhaps even more, of profits are held overseas by U.S. companies. There is no official statistic, as Trump notes, but his high-end figure appears to be an exaggeration. The Internal Revenue Service in 2012 said the figure was $2.3 trillion, and the Joint Committee on Taxation estimated that it had risen to $2.6 trillion in 2015. There are other estimates as well, but none top $2.8 trillion.

Since our last update, we saw a surge of brand-new claims about hurricanes and the National Football League. In the past month, two destructive hurricanes hit Florida and Puerto Rico, and Trump pushed for NFL players to be penalized for protesting police brutality and racial inequality during the national anthem.

Trump repeatedly got basic facts wrong about Hurricane Irma in Florida and Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. He claimed they made landfall as Category 5 storms — the most destructive kind — but they touched down as Category 4 and eventually reached Category 5 strength. How strong a hurricane is when it makes landfall, and then how much strength it gains or loses, is an important distinction for weather disasters.

Trump exaggerated the progress of the federal government’s relief efforts in Puerto Rico, the number of lives saved by the Coast Guard in after Hurricane Harvey in Texas, and the maximum wind speed of Hurricane Maria.

Trump often made false or exaggerated claims in his attacks against the NFL. He claimed multiple times that NFL ratings are “down massively” and “going way down” because of the players’ protests during the national anthem before the game begins.

But this lacks context. The TV audience size for NFL games is down this year, but it’s unclear exactly why. “Average attendance at regular season NFL games last year was the highest since 2007, when the NFL set an record in attendance. The NFL says ticket sales are ‘on par’ with last year,” according to the Associated Press. And professional football games remain among the most-watched televised events, the AP reported.

Trump also repeatedly said the NFL protest “has nothing to do with race.” But players and coaches who defended the protests said it was over racial injustice. Trump blamed the NFL for not enforcing a rule “that’s been in existence for a long time” requiring players to stand for the anthem. But it turns out, it wasn’t a rule; the NFL said players are “encouraged but not required to stand for the national anthem” and that teams can use discretion.

Finally, in the past month, we saw the return of a curious talking point. As Trump publicly criticized Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s approach to confronting the growing North Korean nuclear threat, Trump bemoaned the lack of progress made in denuclearizing North Korea over the past 25 years.

In April, Trump claimed that since President Bill Clinton, every president “has been outplayed by this gentleman,” referring to North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un. Then, recently, Trump again made it seem like “Rocket Man” — his nickname for Kim — was in charge since Clinton.

Of course, that’s not the case. It was misleading, as three different leaders (Kim, his father Kim Jong-il and grandfather Kim Il-sung) have led North Korea since Clinton’s presidency. Kim is one of the most common Korean surnames.

Turns out, this was an instance where Trump glossed over key details to the point of inaccuracy — another Trump tendency with which The Fact Checker is quite familiar. During an Oct. 7, 2017, interview with former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee (R), Trump acknowledged that there are three different Kims, but they have the “same attitude.” Trump added, about Kim Jong-Un: “I think this one’s the worst of the group.”

So, mystery solved on the Kim front. Still, we are eager to get to the bottom of another head-scratcher: Whether Trump’s tax plan is the “biggest tax cut in U.S. history.” When the details are finally revealed, Trump’s track record so far suggests his claim will once again fall short.


A real life cuck, how's that feel?


President Trump has made 1,318 false or misleading claims over 263 days

President Trump has made more than 1,318 false or misleading statements

As of Oct. 10, the Fact Checker has catalogued 1,318 false or misleading claims by President Trump since he took office in January. (Meg Kelly/The Washington Post)

Five months before unveiling his tax plan, President Trump claimed that it “is the biggest tax cut in history. This is bigger than Reagan. … This is actually bigger than Reagan tax cuts.” We warned readers at the time that there was no public proposal yet and that this was a dubious claim properly measured as a percentage of the nation’s gross domestic product.

Trump would repeat this misleading claim 16 more times before he actually revealed his plan to the public Sept. 27. In fact, the 16th time he said it was during remarks before traveling to Indiana for the speech: “We’re going right now to Indiana. We’re going to introduce a tax plan that’s the largest tax cut, essentially, in the history of our country.”

Yet nothing in the plan revealed that day offered clarity as to how it was “the largest tax cut in our country’s history.” Instead, he outlined four still-somewhat-vague proposals while repeating some golden-oldie false or misleading facts about taxes, which we fact-checked in a roundup.

This tendency of Trump is all too familiar to The Fact Checker. He is quick to make claims full of superlatives — the greatest this and the most beautiful that — with little to no empirical evidence to support them. Trump proposed deep tax cuts, but so far, he has released only a nine-page framework that would start negotiations with lawmakers. Yet since five months ago, he flatly proclaimed his plan “is actually bigger than Reagan tax cuts.”

The Fact Checker has completed two-thirds of our year-long project analyzing, categorizing and tracking every false or misleading claim by Trump, as well as his flip-flops. As of our latest update Oct. 10, 2017, or his 264th day in office, the president has made 1,318 claims over 263 days. He has averaged five claims a day, even picking up pace since the six-month mark. (Our full interactive graphic can be found here.)

When you track Trump’s claims so closely, it can often feel like deja vu. Trump has a tendency to repeat himself, and that includes his false or misleading claims. (For an overview of his most frequently repeated claims, see our update from August when Trump surpassed the 1,000-claim mark.)

With almost exactly 100 days left to go in our year-long project, Trump is inching ever closer to breaking 2,000 claims.

Many of Trump’s most frequent claims in the past month were about taxes. He repeatedly claimed that the United States pays the highest corporate taxes or that it is the highest-taxed nation. The latter is false; the former is misleading, as the effective U.S. corporate tax rate (what companies end up paying after deductions and benefits) end up being lower than the statutory tax rate.

Trump now claims that between $3 trillion and $5 trillion, perhaps even more, of profits are held overseas by U.S. companies. There is no official statistic, as Trump notes, but his high-end figure appears to be an exaggeration. The Internal Revenue Service in 2012 said the figure was $2.3 trillion, and the Joint Committee on Taxation estimated that it had risen to $2.6 trillion in 2015. There are other estimates as well, but none top $2.8 trillion.

Since our last update, we saw a surge of brand-new claims about hurricanes and the National Football League. In the past month, two destructive hurricanes hit Florida and Puerto Rico, and Trump pushed for NFL players to be penalized for protesting police brutality and racial inequality during the national anthem.

Trump repeatedly got basic facts wrong about Hurricane Irma in Florida and Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. He claimed they made landfall as Category 5 storms — the most destructive kind — but they touched down as Category 4 and eventually reached Category 5 strength. How strong a hurricane is when it makes landfall, and then how much strength it gains or loses, is an important distinction for weather disasters.

Trump exaggerated the progress of the federal government’s relief efforts in Puerto Rico, the number of lives saved by the Coast Guard in after Hurricane Harvey in Texas, and the maximum wind speed of Hurricane Maria.

Trump often made false or exaggerated claims in his attacks against the NFL. He claimed multiple times that NFL ratings are “down massively” and “going way down” because of the players’ protests during the national anthem before the game begins.

But this lacks context. The TV audience size for NFL games is down this year, but it’s unclear exactly why. “Average attendance at regular season NFL games last year was the highest since 2007, when the NFL set an record in attendance. The NFL says ticket sales are ‘on par’ with last year,” according to the Associated Press. And professional football games remain among the most-watched televised events, the AP reported.

Trump also repeatedly said the NFL protest “has nothing to do with race.” But players and coaches who defended the protests said it was over racial injustice. Trump blamed the NFL for not enforcing a rule “that’s been in existence for a long time” requiring players to stand for the anthem. But it turns out, it wasn’t a rule; the NFL said players are “encouraged but not required to stand for the national anthem” and that teams can use discretion.

Finally, in the past month, we saw the return of a curious talking point. As Trump publicly criticized Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s approach to confronting the growing North Korean nuclear threat, Trump bemoaned the lack of progress made in denuclearizing North Korea over the past 25 years.

In April, Trump claimed that since President Bill Clinton, every president “has been outplayed by this gentleman,” referring to North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un. Then, recently, Trump again made it seem like “Rocket Man” — his nickname for Kim — was in charge since Clinton.

Of course, that’s not the case. It was misleading, as three different leaders (Kim, his father Kim Jong-il and grandfather Kim Il-sung) have led North Korea since Clinton’s presidency. Kim is one of the most common Korean surnames.

Turns out, this was an instance where Trump glossed over key details to the point of inaccuracy — another Trump tendency with which The Fact Checker is quite familiar. During an Oct. 7, 2017, interview with former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee (R), Trump acknowledged that there are three different Kims, but they have the “same attitude.” Trump added, about Kim Jong-Un: “I think this one’s the worst of the group.”

So, mystery solved on the Kim front. Still, we are eager to get to the bottom of another head-scratcher: Whether Trump’s tax plan is the “biggest tax cut in U.S. history.” When the details are finally revealed, Trump’s track record so far suggests his claim will once again fall short.


A real life cuck, how's that feel?


Bro you realize anyone who reads this knows youre the one losing his shit right? I mean sure im petty for not just ignoring you, but man. The longer you drag this out the more embarassing it is.

But please! Do continue! I promise I will continue to cherish the bizzareness of this interaction.

lol holy shit you're still at it, lmao I love knowing that I make you spergout whenever I want

Aahahahahahahahahahahaha you made another account! Aahahahahahahaha

lol you still reply within seconds to every comment, I love knowing that this is all you've got in your shitty life, and I can force you to spergout whenever I want

lmaooooo, no wonder everyone laughs you out of all these comments :)


What's it like to be an actual cuck? How did you feel when you realized that you've spent most of your life screaming about how everyone else is the cuck when in actuality, you're the cuck?


A real life cuck, how's that feel?


President Trump has made 1,318 false or misleading claims over 263 days

President Trump has made more than 1,318 false or misleading statements

As of Oct. 10, the Fact Checker has catalogued 1,318 false or misleading claims by President Trump since he took office in January. (Meg Kelly/The Washington Post)

Five months before unveiling his tax plan, President Trump claimed that it “is the biggest tax cut in history. This is bigger than Reagan. … This is actually bigger than Reagan tax cuts.” We warned readers at the time that there was no public proposal yet and that this was a dubious claim properly measured as a percentage of the nation’s gross domestic product.

Trump would repeat this misleading claim 16 more times before he actually revealed his plan to the public Sept. 27. In fact, the 16th time he said it was during remarks before traveling to Indiana for the speech: “We’re going right now to Indiana. We’re going to introduce a tax plan that’s the largest tax cut, essentially, in the history of our country.”

Yet nothing in the plan revealed that day offered clarity as to how it was “the largest tax cut in our country’s history.” Instead, he outlined four still-somewhat-vague proposals while repeating some golden-oldie false or misleading facts about taxes, which we fact-checked in a roundup.

This tendency of Trump is all too familiar to The Fact Checker. He is quick to make claims full of superlatives — the greatest this and the most beautiful that — with little to no empirical evidence to support them. Trump proposed deep tax cuts, but so far, he has released only a nine-page framework that would start negotiations with lawmakers. Yet since five months ago, he flatly proclaimed his plan “is actually bigger than Reagan tax cuts.”

The Fact Checker has completed two-thirds of our year-long project analyzing, categorizing and tracking every false or misleading claim by Trump, as well as his flip-flops. As of our latest update Oct. 10, 2017, or his 264th day in office, the president has made 1,318 claims over 263 days. He has averaged five claims a day, even picking up pace since the six-month mark. (Our full interactive graphic can be found here.)

When you track Trump’s claims so closely, it can often feel like deja vu. Trump has a tendency to repeat himself, and that includes his false or misleading claims. (For an overview of his most frequently repeated claims, see our update from August when Trump surpassed the 1,000-claim mark.)

With almost exactly 100 days left to go in our year-long project, Trump is inching ever closer to breaking 2,000 claims.

Many of Trump’s most frequent claims in the past month were about taxes. He repeatedly claimed that the United States pays the highest corporate taxes or that it is the highest-taxed nation. The latter is false; the former is misleading, as the effective U.S. corporate tax rate (what companies end up paying after deductions and benefits) end up being lower than the statutory tax rate.

Trump now claims that between $3 trillion and $5 trillion, perhaps even more, of profits are held overseas by U.S. companies. There is no official statistic, as Trump notes, but his high-end figure appears to be an exaggeration. The Internal Revenue Service in 2012 said the figure was $2.3 trillion, and the Joint Committee on Taxation estimated that it had risen to $2.6 trillion in 2015. There are other estimates as well, but none top $2.8 trillion.

Since our last update, we saw a surge of brand-new claims about hurricanes and the National Football League. In the past month, two destructive hurricanes hit Florida and Puerto Rico, and Trump pushed for NFL players to be penalized for protesting police brutality and racial inequality during the national anthem.

Trump repeatedly got basic facts wrong about Hurricane Irma in Florida and Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. He claimed they made landfall as Category 5 storms — the most destructive kind — but they touched down as Category 4 and eventually reached Category 5 strength. How strong a hurricane is when it makes landfall, and then how much strength it gains or loses, is an important distinction for weather disasters.

Trump exaggerated the progress of the federal government’s relief efforts in Puerto Rico, the number of lives saved by the Coast Guard in after Hurricane Harvey in Texas, and the maximum wind speed of Hurricane Maria.

Trump often made false or exaggerated claims in his attacks against the NFL. He claimed multiple times that NFL ratings are “down massively” and “going way down” because of the players’ protests during the national anthem before the game begins.

But this lacks context. The TV audience size for NFL games is down this year, but it’s unclear exactly why. “Average attendance at regular season NFL games last year was the highest since 2007, when the NFL set an record in attendance. The NFL says ticket sales are ‘on par’ with last year,” according to the Associated Press. And professional football games remain among the most-watched televised events, the AP reported.

Trump also repeatedly said the NFL protest “has nothing to do with race.” But players and coaches who defended the protests said it was over racial injustice. Trump blamed the NFL for not enforcing a rule “that’s been in existence for a long time” requiring players to stand for the anthem. But it turns out, it wasn’t a rule; the NFL said players are “encouraged but not required to stand for the national anthem” and that teams can use discretion.

Finally, in the past month, we saw the return of a curious talking point. As Trump publicly criticized Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s approach to confronting the growing North Korean nuclear threat, Trump bemoaned the lack of progress made in denuclearizing North Korea over the past 25 years.

In April, Trump claimed that since President Bill Clinton, every president “has been outplayed by this gentleman,” referring to North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un. Then, recently, Trump again made it seem like “Rocket Man” — his nickname for Kim — was in charge since Clinton.

Of course, that’s not the case. It was misleading, as three different leaders (Kim, his father Kim Jong-il and grandfather Kim Il-sung) have led North Korea since Clinton’s presidency. Kim is one of the most common Korean surnames.

Turns out, this was an instance where Trump glossed over key details to the point of inaccuracy — another Trump tendency with which The Fact Checker is quite familiar. During an Oct. 7, 2017, interview with former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee (R), Trump acknowledged that there are three different Kims, but they have the “same attitude.” Trump added, about Kim Jong-Un: “I think this one’s the worst of the group.”

So, mystery solved on the Kim front. Still, we are eager to get to the bottom of another head-scratcher: Whether Trump’s tax plan is the “biggest tax cut in U.S. history.” When the details are finally revealed, Trump’s track record so far suggests his claim will once again fall short.


A real life cuck, how's that feel?


President Trump has made 1,318 false or misleading claims over 263 days

President Trump has made more than 1,318 false or misleading statements

As of Oct. 10, the Fact Checker has catalogued 1,318 false or misleading claims by President Trump since he took office in January. (Meg Kelly/The Washington Post)

Five months before unveiling his tax plan, President Trump claimed that it “is the biggest tax cut in history. This is bigger than Reagan. … This is actually bigger than Reagan tax cuts.” We warned readers at the time that there was no public proposal yet and that this was a dubious claim properly measured as a percentage of the nation’s gross domestic product.

Trump would repeat this misleading claim 16 more times before he actually revealed his plan to the public Sept. 27. In fact, the 16th time he said it was during remarks before traveling to Indiana for the speech: “We’re going right now to Indiana. We’re going to introduce a tax plan that’s the largest tax cut, essentially, in the history of our country.”

Yet nothing in the plan revealed that day offered clarity as to how it was “the largest tax cut in our country’s history.” Instead, he outlined four still-somewhat-vague proposals while repeating some golden-oldie false or misleading facts about taxes, which we fact-checked in a roundup.

This tendency of Trump is all too familiar to The Fact Checker. He is quick to make claims full of superlatives — the greatest this and the most beautiful that — with little to no empirical evidence to support them. Trump proposed deep tax cuts, but so far, he has released only a nine-page framework that would start negotiations with lawmakers. Yet since five months ago, he flatly proclaimed his plan “is actually bigger than Reagan tax cuts.”

The Fact Checker has completed two-thirds of our year-long project analyzing, categorizing and tracking every false or misleading claim by Trump, as well as his flip-flops. As of our latest update Oct. 10, 2017, or his 264th day in office, the president has made 1,318 claims over 263 days. He has averaged five claims a day, even picking up pace since the six-month mark. (Our full interactive graphic can be found here.)

When you track Trump’s claims so closely, it can often feel like deja vu. Trump has a tendency to repeat himself, and that includes his false or misleading claims. (For an overview of his most frequently repeated claims, see our update from August when Trump surpassed the 1,000-claim mark.)

With almost exactly 100 days left to go in our year-long project, Trump is inching ever closer to breaking 2,000 claims.

Many of Trump’s most frequent claims in the past month were about taxes. He repeatedly claimed that the United States pays the highest corporate taxes or that it is the highest-taxed nation. The latter is false; the former is misleading, as the effective U.S. corporate tax rate (what companies end up paying after deductions and benefits) end up being lower than the statutory tax rate.

Trump now claims that between $3 trillion and $5 trillion, perhaps even more, of profits are held overseas by U.S. companies. There is no official statistic, as Trump notes, but his high-end figure appears to be an exaggeration. The Internal Revenue Service in 2012 said the figure was $2.3 trillion, and the Joint Committee on Taxation estimated that it had risen to $2.6 trillion in 2015. There are other estimates as well, but none top $2.8 trillion.

Since our last update, we saw a surge of brand-new claims about hurricanes and the National Football League. In the past month, two destructive hurricanes hit Florida and Puerto Rico, and Trump pushed for NFL players to be penalized for protesting police brutality and racial inequality during the national anthem.

Trump repeatedly got basic facts wrong about Hurricane Irma in Florida and Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. He claimed they made landfall as Category 5 storms — the most destructive kind — but they touched down as Category 4 and eventually reached Category 5 strength. How strong a hurricane is when it makes landfall, and then how much strength it gains or loses, is an important distinction for weather disasters.

Trump exaggerated the progress of the federal government’s relief efforts in Puerto Rico, the number of lives saved by the Coast Guard in after Hurricane Harvey in Texas, and the maximum wind speed of Hurricane Maria.

Trump often made false or exaggerated claims in his attacks against the NFL. He claimed multiple times that NFL ratings are “down massively” and “going way down” because of the players’ protests during the national anthem before the game begins.

But this lacks context. The TV audience size for NFL games is down this year, but it’s unclear exactly why. “Average attendance at regular season NFL games last year was the highest since 2007, when the NFL set an record in attendance. The NFL says ticket sales are ‘on par’ with last year,” according to the Associated Press. And professional football games remain among the most-watched televised events, the AP reported.

Trump also repeatedly said the NFL protest “has nothing to do with race.” But players and coaches who defended the protests said it was over racial injustice. Trump blamed the NFL for not enforcing a rule “that’s been in existence for a long time” requiring players to stand for the anthem. But it turns out, it wasn’t a rule; the NFL said players are “encouraged but not required to stand for the national anthem” and that teams can use discretion.

Finally, in the past month, we saw the return of a curious talking point. As Trump publicly criticized Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s approach to confronting the growing North Korean nuclear threat, Trump bemoaned the lack of progress made in denuclearizing North Korea over the past 25 years.

In April, Trump claimed that since President Bill Clinton, every president “has been outplayed by this gentleman,” referring to North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un. Then, recently, Trump again made it seem like “Rocket Man” — his nickname for Kim — was in charge since Clinton.

Of course, that’s not the case. It was misleading, as three different leaders (Kim, his father Kim Jong-il and grandfather Kim Il-sung) have led North Korea since Clinton’s presidency. Kim is one of the most common Korean surnames.

Turns out, this was an instance where Trump glossed over key details to the point of inaccuracy — another Trump tendency with which The Fact Checker is quite familiar. During an Oct. 7, 2017, interview with former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee (R), Trump acknowledged that there are three different Kims, but they have the “same attitude.” Trump added, about Kim Jong-Un: “I think this one’s the worst of the group.”

So, mystery solved on the Kim front. Still, we are eager to get to the bottom of another head-scratcher: Whether Trump’s tax plan is the “biggest tax cut in U.S. history.” When the details are finally revealed, Trump’s track record so far suggests his claim will once again fall short.


A real life cuck, how's that feel?


President Trump has made 1,318 false or misleading claims over 263 days

President Trump has made more than 1,318 false or misleading statements

As of Oct. 10, the Fact Checker has catalogued 1,318 false or misleading claims by President Trump since he took office in January. (Meg Kelly/The Washington Post)

Five months before unveiling his tax plan, President Trump claimed that it “is the biggest tax cut in history. This is bigger than Reagan. … This is actually bigger than Reagan tax cuts.” We warned readers at the time that there was no public proposal yet and that this was a dubious claim properly measured as a percentage of the nation’s gross domestic product.

Trump would repeat this misleading claim 16 more times before he actually revealed his plan to the public Sept. 27. In fact, the 16th time he said it was during remarks before traveling to Indiana for the speech: “We’re going right now to Indiana. We’re going to introduce a tax plan that’s the largest tax cut, essentially, in the history of our country.”

Yet nothing in the plan revealed that day offered clarity as to how it was “the largest tax cut in our country’s history.” Instead, he outlined four still-somewhat-vague proposals while repeating some golden-oldie false or misleading facts about taxes, which we fact-checked in a roundup.

This tendency of Trump is all too familiar to The Fact Checker. He is quick to make claims full of superlatives — the greatest this and the most beautiful that — with little to no empirical evidence to support them. Trump proposed deep tax cuts, but so far, he has released only a nine-page framework that would start negotiations with lawmakers. Yet since five months ago, he flatly proclaimed his plan “is actually bigger than Reagan tax cuts.”

The Fact Checker has completed two-thirds of our year-long project analyzing, categorizing and tracking every false or misleading claim by Trump, as well as his flip-flops. As of our latest update Oct. 10, 2017, or his 264th day in office, the president has made 1,318 claims over 263 days. He has averaged five claims a day, even picking up pace since the six-month mark. (Our full interactive graphic can be found here.)

When you track Trump’s claims so closely, it can often feel like deja vu. Trump has a tendency to repeat himself, and that includes his false or misleading claims. (For an overview of his most frequently repeated claims, see our update from August when Trump surpassed the 1,000-claim mark.)

With almost exactly 100 days left to go in our year-long project, Trump is inching ever closer to breaking 2,000 claims.

Many of Trump’s most frequent claims in the past month were about taxes. He repeatedly claimed that the United States pays the highest corporate taxes or that it is the highest-taxed nation. The latter is false; the former is misleading, as the effective U.S. corporate tax rate (what companies end up paying after deductions and benefits) end up being lower than the statutory tax rate.

Trump now claims that between $3 trillion and $5 trillion, perhaps even more, of profits are held overseas by U.S. companies. There is no official statistic, as Trump notes, but his high-end figure appears to be an exaggeration. The Internal Revenue Service in 2012 said the figure was $2.3 trillion, and the Joint Committee on Taxation estimated that it had risen to $2.6 trillion in 2015. There are other estimates as well, but none top $2.8 trillion.

Since our last update, we saw a surge of brand-new claims about hurricanes and the National Football League. In the past month, two destructive hurricanes hit Florida and Puerto Rico, and Trump pushed for NFL players to be penalized for protesting police brutality and racial inequality during the national anthem.

Trump repeatedly got basic facts wrong about Hurricane Irma in Florida and Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. He claimed they made landfall as Category 5 storms — the most destructive kind — but they touched down as Category 4 and eventually reached Category 5 strength. How strong a hurricane is when it makes landfall, and then how much strength it gains or loses, is an important distinction for weather disasters.

Trump exaggerated the progress of the federal government’s relief efforts in Puerto Rico, the number of lives saved by the Coast Guard in after Hurricane Harvey in Texas, and the maximum wind speed of Hurricane Maria.

Trump often made false or exaggerated claims in his attacks against the NFL. He claimed multiple times that NFL ratings are “down massively” and “going way down” because of the players’ protests during the national anthem before the game begins.

But this lacks context. The TV audience size for NFL games is down this year, but it’s unclear exactly why. “Average attendance at regular season NFL games last year was the highest since 2007, when the NFL set an record in attendance. The NFL says ticket sales are ‘on par’ with last year,” according to the Associated Press. And professional football games remain among the most-watched televised events, the AP reported.

Trump also repeatedly said the NFL protest “has nothing to do with race.” But players and coaches who defended the protests said it was over racial injustice. Trump blamed the NFL for not enforcing a rule “that’s been in existence for a long time” requiring players to stand for the anthem. But it turns out, it wasn’t a rule; the NFL said players are “encouraged but not required to stand for the national anthem” and that teams can use discretion.

Finally, in the past month, we saw the return of a curious talking point. As Trump publicly criticized Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s approach to confronting the growing North Korean nuclear threat, Trump bemoaned the lack of progress made in denuclearizing North Korea over the past 25 years.

In April, Trump claimed that since President Bill Clinton, every president “has been outplayed by this gentleman,” referring to North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un. Then, recently, Trump again made it seem like “Rocket Man” — his nickname for Kim — was in charge since Clinton.

Of course, that’s not the case. It was misleading, as three different leaders (Kim, his father Kim Jong-il and grandfather Kim Il-sung) have led North Korea since Clinton’s presidency. Kim is one of the most common Korean surnames.

Turns out, this was an instance where Trump glossed over key details to the point of inaccuracy — another Trump tendency with which The Fact Checker is quite familiar. During an Oct. 7, 2017, interview with former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee (R), Trump acknowledged that there are three different Kims, but they have the “same attitude.” Trump added, about Kim Jong-Un: “I think this one’s the worst of the group.”

So, mystery solved on the Kim front. Still, we are eager to get to the bottom of another head-scratcher: Whether Trump’s tax plan is the “biggest tax cut in U.S. history.” When the details are finally revealed, Trump’s track record so far suggests his claim will once again fall short.


A real life cuck, how's that feel?


Aaaaahahahahahahahahahahahhahhahaa uoure so mad! Aahahahaha

lol holy shit you're still at it, lmao I love knowing that I make you spergout whenever I want


lol you still reply within seconds to every comment, I love knowing that this is all you've got in your shitty life, and I can force you to spergout whenever I want

lmaooooo, no wonder everyone laughs you out of all these comments :)


What's it like to be an actual cuck? How did you feel when you realized that you've spent most of your life screaming about how everyone else is the cuck when in actuality, you're the cuck?

Oh good youre back! I thought you were all raged out. I guess not!


Not all of us are shut in autistic losers with nothing else in our lives, only you live up to that, LOL

Which probably explains how you ended up as a literal cuck.

Spend less time crying on reddit and maybe your wife wouldn't have left you for a black dick.


President Trump has made 1,318 false or misleading claims over 263 days

President Trump has made more than 1,318 false or misleading statements

As of Oct. 10, the Fact Checker has catalogued 1,318 false or misleading claims by President Trump since he took office in January. (Meg Kelly/The Washington Post)

Five months before unveiling his tax plan, President Trump claimed that it “is the biggest tax cut in history. This is bigger than Reagan. … This is actually bigger than Reagan tax cuts.” We warned readers at the time that there was no public proposal yet and that this was a dubious claim properly measured as a percentage of the nation’s gross domestic product.

Trump would repeat this misleading claim 16 more times before he actually revealed his plan to the public Sept. 27. In fact, the 16th time he said it was during remarks before traveling to Indiana for the speech: “We’re going right now to Indiana. We’re going to introduce a tax plan that’s the largest tax cut, essentially, in the history of our country.”

Yet nothing in the plan revealed that day offered clarity as to how it was “the largest tax cut in our country’s history.” Instead, he outlined four still-somewhat-vague proposals while repeating some golden-oldie false or misleading facts about taxes, which we fact-checked in a roundup.

This tendency of Trump is all too familiar to The Fact Checker. He is quick to make claims full of superlatives — the greatest this and the most beautiful that — with little to no empirical evidence to support them. Trump proposed deep tax cuts, but so far, he has released only a nine-page framework that would start negotiations with lawmakers. Yet since five months ago, he flatly proclaimed his plan “is actually bigger than Reagan tax cuts.”

The Fact Checker has completed two-thirds of our year-long project analyzing, categorizing and tracking every false or misleading claim by Trump, as well as his flip-flops. As of our latest update Oct. 10, 2017, or his 264th day in office, the president has made 1,318 claims over 263 days. He has averaged five claims a day, even picking up pace since the six-month mark. (Our full interactive graphic can be found here.)

When you track Trump’s claims so closely, it can often feel like deja vu. Trump has a tendency to repeat himself, and that includes his false or misleading claims. (For an overview of his most frequently repeated claims, see our update from August when Trump surpassed the 1,000-claim mark.)

With almost exactly 100 days left to go in our year-long project, Trump is inching ever closer to breaking 2,000 claims.

Many of Trump’s most frequent claims in the past month were about taxes. He repeatedly claimed that the United States pays the highest corporate taxes or that it is the highest-taxed nation. The latter is false; the former is misleading, as the effective U.S. corporate tax rate (what companies end up paying after deductions and benefits) end up being lower than the statutory tax rate.

Trump now claims that between $3 trillion and $5 trillion, perhaps even more, of profits are held overseas by U.S. companies. There is no official statistic, as Trump notes, but his high-end figure appears to be an exaggeration. The Internal Revenue Service in 2012 said the figure was $2.3 trillion, and the Joint Committee on Taxation estimated that it had risen to $2.6 trillion in 2015. There are other estimates as well, but none top $2.8 trillion.

Since our last update, we saw a surge of brand-new claims about hurricanes and the National Football League. In the past month, two destructive hurricanes hit Florida and Puerto Rico, and Trump pushed for NFL players to be penalized for protesting police brutality and racial inequality during the national anthem.

Trump repeatedly got basic facts wrong about Hurricane Irma in Florida and Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. He claimed they made landfall as Category 5 storms — the most destructive kind — but they touched down as Category 4 and eventually reached Category 5 strength. How strong a hurricane is when it makes landfall, and then how much strength it gains or loses, is an important distinction for weather disasters.

Trump exaggerated the progress of the federal government’s relief efforts in Puerto Rico, the number of lives saved by the Coast Guard in after Hurricane Harvey in Texas, and the maximum wind speed of Hurricane Maria.

Trump often made false or exaggerated claims in his attacks against the NFL. He claimed multiple times that NFL ratings are “down massively” and “going way down” because of the players’ protests during the national anthem before the game begins.

But this lacks context. The TV audience size for NFL games is down this year, but it’s unclear exactly why. “Average attendance at regular season NFL games last year was the highest since 2007, when the NFL set an record in attendance. The NFL says ticket sales are ‘on par’ with last year,” according to the Associated Press. And professional football games remain among the most-watched televised events, the AP reported.

Trump also repeatedly said the NFL protest “has nothing to do with race.” But players and coaches who defended the protests said it was over racial injustice. Trump blamed the NFL for not enforcing a rule “that’s been in existence for a long time” requiring players to stand for the anthem. But it turns out, it wasn’t a rule; the NFL said players are “encouraged but not required to stand for the national anthem” and that teams can use discretion.

Finally, in the past month, we saw the return of a curious talking point. As Trump publicly criticized Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s approach to confronting the growing North Korean nuclear threat, Trump bemoaned the lack of progress made in denuclearizing North Korea over the past 25 years.

In April, Trump claimed that since President Bill Clinton, every president “has been outplayed by this gentleman,” referring to North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un. Then, recently, Trump again made it seem like “Rocket Man” — his nickname for Kim — was in charge since Clinton.

Of course, that’s not the case. It was misleading, as three different leaders (Kim, his father Kim Jong-il and grandfather Kim Il-sung) have led North Korea since Clinton’s presidency. Kim is one of the most common Korean surnames.

Turns out, this was an instance where Trump glossed over key details to the point of inaccuracy — another Trump tendency with which The Fact Checker is quite familiar. During an Oct. 7, 2017, interview with former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee (R), Trump acknowledged that there are three different Kims, but they have the “same attitude.” Trump added, about Kim Jong-Un: “I think this one’s the worst of the group.”

So, mystery solved on the Kim front. Still, we are eager to get to the bottom of another head-scratcher: Whether Trump’s tax plan is the “biggest tax cut in U.S. history.” When the details are finally revealed, Trump’s track record so far suggests his claim will once again fall short.


A real life cuck, how's that feel?


President Trump has made 1,318 false or misleading claims over 263 days

President Trump has made more than 1,318 false or misleading statements

As of Oct. 10, the Fact Checker has catalogued 1,318 false or misleading claims by President Trump since he took office in January. (Meg Kelly/The Washington Post)

Five months before unveiling his tax plan, President Trump claimed that it “is the biggest tax cut in history. This is bigger than Reagan. … This is actually bigger than Reagan tax cuts.” We warned readers at the time that there was no public proposal yet and that this was a dubious claim properly measured as a percentage of the nation’s gross domestic product.

Trump would repeat this misleading claim 16 more times before he actually revealed his plan to the public Sept. 27. In fact, the 16th time he said it was during remarks before traveling to Indiana for the speech: “We’re going right now to Indiana. We’re going to introduce a tax plan that’s the largest tax cut, essentially, in the history of our country.”

Yet nothing in the plan revealed that day offered clarity as to how it was “the largest tax cut in our country’s history.” Instead, he outlined four still-somewhat-vague proposals while repeating some golden-oldie false or misleading facts about taxes, which we fact-checked in a roundup.

This tendency of Trump is all too familiar to The Fact Checker. He is quick to make claims full of superlatives — the greatest this and the most beautiful that — with little to no empirical evidence to support them. Trump proposed deep tax cuts, but so far, he has released only a nine-page framework that would start negotiations with lawmakers. Yet since five months ago, he flatly proclaimed his plan “is actually bigger than Reagan tax cuts.”

The Fact Checker has completed two-thirds of our year-long project analyzing, categorizing and tracking every false or misleading claim by Trump, as well as his flip-flops. As of our latest update Oct. 10, 2017, or his 264th day in office, the president has made 1,318 claims over 263 days. He has averaged five claims a day, even picking up pace since the six-month mark. (Our full interactive graphic can be found here.)

When you track Trump’s claims so closely, it can often feel like deja vu. Trump has a tendency to repeat himself, and that includes his false or misleading claims. (For an overview of his most frequently repeated claims, see our update from August when Trump surpassed the 1,000-claim mark.)

With almost exactly 100 days left to go in our year-long project, Trump is inching ever closer to breaking 2,000 claims.

Many of Trump’s most frequent claims in the past month were about taxes. He repeatedly claimed that the United States pays the highest corporate taxes or that it is the highest-taxed nation. The latter is false; the former is misleading, as the effective U.S. corporate tax rate (what companies end up paying after deductions and benefits) end up being lower than the statutory tax rate.

Trump now claims that between $3 trillion and $5 trillion, perhaps even more, of profits are held overseas by U.S. companies. There is no official statistic, as Trump notes, but his high-end figure appears to be an exaggeration. The Internal Revenue Service in 2012 said the figure was $2.3 trillion, and the Joint Committee on Taxation estimated that it had risen to $2.6 trillion in 2015. There are other estimates as well, but none top $2.8 trillion.

Since our last update, we saw a surge of brand-new claims about hurricanes and the National Football League. In the past month, two destructive hurricanes hit Florida and Puerto Rico, and Trump pushed for NFL players to be penalized for protesting police brutality and racial inequality during the national anthem.

Trump repeatedly got basic facts wrong about Hurricane Irma in Florida and Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. He claimed they made landfall as Category 5 storms — the most destructive kind — but they touched down as Category 4 and eventually reached Category 5 strength. How strong a hurricane is when it makes landfall, and then how much strength it gains or loses, is an important distinction for weather disasters.

Trump exaggerated the progress of the federal government’s relief efforts in Puerto Rico, the number of lives saved by the Coast Guard in after Hurricane Harvey in Texas, and the maximum wind speed of Hurricane Maria.

Trump often made false or exaggerated claims in his attacks against the NFL. He claimed multiple times that NFL ratings are “down massively” and “going way down” because of the players’ protests during the national anthem before the game begins.

But this lacks context. The TV audience size for NFL games is down this year, but it’s unclear exactly why. “Average attendance at regular season NFL games last year was the highest since 2007, when the NFL set an record in attendance. The NFL says ticket sales are ‘on par’ with last year,” according to the Associated Press. And professional football games remain among the most-watched televised events, the AP reported.

Trump also repeatedly said the NFL protest “has nothing to do with race.” But players and coaches who defended the protests said it was over racial injustice. Trump blamed the NFL for not enforcing a rule “that’s been in existence for a long time” requiring players to stand for the anthem. But it turns out, it wasn’t a rule; the NFL said players are “encouraged but not required to stand for the national anthem” and that teams can use discretion.

Finally, in the past month, we saw the return of a curious talking point. As Trump publicly criticized Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s approach to confronting the growing North Korean nuclear threat, Trump bemoaned the lack of progress made in denuclearizing North Korea over the past 25 years.

In April, Trump claimed that since President Bill Clinton, every president “has been outplayed by this gentleman,” referring to North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un. Then, recently, Trump again made it seem like “Rocket Man” — his nickname for Kim — was in charge since Clinton.

Of course, that’s not the case. It was misleading, as three different leaders (Kim, his father Kim Jong-il and grandfather Kim Il-sung) have led North Korea since Clinton’s presidency. Kim is one of the most common Korean surnames.

Turns out, this was an instance where Trump glossed over key details to the point of inaccuracy — another Trump tendency with which The Fact Checker is quite familiar. During an Oct. 7, 2017, interview with former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee (R), Trump acknowledged that there are three different Kims, but they have the “same attitude.” Trump added, about Kim Jong-Un: “I think this one’s the worst of the group.”

So, mystery solved on the Kim front. Still, we are eager to get to the bottom of another head-scratcher: Whether Trump’s tax plan is the “biggest tax cut in U.S. history.” When the details are finally revealed, Trump’s track record so far suggests his claim will once again fall short.


A real life cuck, how's that feel?


President Trump has made 1,318 false or misleading claims over 263 days

President Trump has made more than 1,318 false or misleading statements

As of Oct. 10, the Fact Checker has catalogued 1,318 false or misleading claims by President Trump since he took office in January. (Meg Kelly/The Washington Post)

Five months before unveiling his tax plan, President Trump claimed that it “is the biggest tax cut in history. This is bigger than Reagan. … This is actually bigger than Reagan tax cuts.” We warned readers at the time that there was no public proposal yet and that this was a dubious claim properly measured as a percentage of the nation’s gross domestic product.

Trump would repeat this misleading claim 16 more times before he actually revealed his plan to the public Sept. 27. In fact, the 16th time he said it was during remarks before traveling to Indiana for the speech: “We’re going right now to Indiana. We’re going to introduce a tax plan that’s the largest tax cut, essentially, in the history of our country.”

Yet nothing in the plan revealed that day offered clarity as to how it was “the largest tax cut in our country’s history.” Instead, he outlined four still-somewhat-vague proposals while repeating some golden-oldie false or misleading facts about taxes, which we fact-checked in a roundup.

This tendency of Trump is all too familiar to The Fact Checker. He is quick to make claims full of superlatives — the greatest this and the most beautiful that — with little to no empirical evidence to support them. Trump proposed deep tax cuts, but so far, he has released only a nine-page framework that would start negotiations with lawmakers. Yet since five months ago, he flatly proclaimed his plan “is actually bigger than Reagan tax cuts.”

The Fact Checker has completed two-thirds of our year-long project analyzing, categorizing and tracking every false or misleading claim by Trump, as well as his flip-flops. As of our latest update Oct. 10, 2017, or his 264th day in office, the president has made 1,318 claims over 263 days. He has averaged five claims a day, even picking up pace since the six-month mark. (Our full interactive graphic can be found here.)

When you track Trump’s claims so closely, it can often feel like deja vu. Trump has a tendency to repeat himself, and that includes his false or misleading claims. (For an overview of his most frequently repeated claims, see our update from August when Trump surpassed the 1,000-claim mark.)

With almost exactly 100 days left to go in our year-long project, Trump is inching ever closer to breaking 2,000 claims.

Many of Trump’s most frequent claims in the past month were about taxes. He repeatedly claimed that the United States pays the highest corporate taxes or that it is the highest-taxed nation. The latter is false; the former is misleading, as the effective U.S. corporate tax rate (what companies end up paying after deductions and benefits) end up being lower than the statutory tax rate.

Trump now claims that between $3 trillion and $5 trillion, perhaps even more, of profits are held overseas by U.S. companies. There is no official statistic, as Trump notes, but his high-end figure appears to be an exaggeration. The Internal Revenue Service in 2012 said the figure was $2.3 trillion, and the Joint Committee on Taxation estimated that it had risen to $2.6 trillion in 2015. There are other estimates as well, but none top $2.8 trillion.

Since our last update, we saw a surge of brand-new claims about hurricanes and the National Football League. In the past month, two destructive hurricanes hit Florida and Puerto Rico, and Trump pushed for NFL players to be penalized for protesting police brutality and racial inequality during the national anthem.

Trump repeatedly got basic facts wrong about Hurricane Irma in Florida and Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. He claimed they made landfall as Category 5 storms — the most destructive kind — but they touched down as Category 4 and eventually reached Category 5 strength. How strong a hurricane is when it makes landfall, and then how much strength it gains or loses, is an important distinction for weather disasters.

Trump exaggerated the progress of the federal government’s relief efforts in Puerto Rico, the number of lives saved by the Coast Guard in after Hurricane Harvey in Texas, and the maximum wind speed of Hurricane Maria.

Trump often made false or exaggerated claims in his attacks against the NFL. He claimed multiple times that NFL ratings are “down massively” and “going way down” because of the players’ protests during the national anthem before the game begins.

But this lacks context. The TV audience size for NFL games is down this year, but it’s unclear exactly why. “Average attendance at regular season NFL games last year was the highest since 2007, when the NFL set an record in attendance. The NFL says ticket sales are ‘on par’ with last year,” according to the Associated Press. And professional football games remain among the most-watched televised events, the AP reported.

Trump also repeatedly said the NFL protest “has nothing to do with race.” But players and coaches who defended the protests said it was over racial injustice. Trump blamed the NFL for not enforcing a rule “that’s been in existence for a long time” requiring players to stand for the anthem. But it turns out, it wasn’t a rule; the NFL said players are “encouraged but not required to stand for the national anthem” and that teams can use discretion.

Finally, in the past month, we saw the return of a curious talking point. As Trump publicly criticized Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s approach to confronting the growing North Korean nuclear threat, Trump bemoaned the lack of progress made in denuclearizing North Korea over the past 25 years.

In April, Trump claimed that since President Bill Clinton, every president “has been outplayed by this gentleman,” referring to North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un. Then, recently, Trump again made it seem like “Rocket Man” — his nickname for Kim — was in charge since Clinton.

Of course, that’s not the case. It was misleading, as three different leaders (Kim, his father Kim Jong-il and grandfather Kim Il-sung) have led North Korea since Clinton’s presidency. Kim is one of the most common Korean surnames.

Turns out, this was an instance where Trump glossed over key details to the point of inaccuracy — another Trump tendency with which The Fact Checker is quite familiar. During an Oct. 7, 2017, interview with former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee (R), Trump acknowledged that there are three different Kims, but they have the “same attitude.” Trump added, about Kim Jong-Un: “I think this one’s the worst of the group.”

So, mystery solved on the Kim front. Still, we are eager to get to the bottom of another head-scratcher: Whether Trump’s tax plan is the “biggest tax cut in U.S. history.” When the details are finally revealed, Trump’s track record so far suggests his claim will once again fall short.

Lets see how little effort I can put in to keep you salty.

lmao you're the salty one kiddo, and we all know it

now tell us more about the time you found out you were the cuck


Wow you sure are upset about losing an internet argument about your precious, dear leader.

Ahahahaha, watching losers spergout because they can't refute the facts that show how trump is an incompetent failure will NEVER stop being hilarious.

Oh my god you made another one! Aaaahahahahahahahahahah

Just laughing at you, like everyone else here :)


ahahaha you even had to delete all your embarrassing shitposts from this thread, how sad are you?


is this the same fake laughed you cried out when you discovered your wife cucked you for a big black man because you were inadequate?


President Trump has made 1,318 false or misleading claims over 263 days

President Trump has made more than 1,318 false or misleading statements

As of Oct. 10, the Fact Checker has catalogued 1,318 false or misleading claims by President Trump since he took office in January. (Meg Kelly/The Washington Post)

Five months before unveiling his tax plan, President Trump claimed that it “is the biggest tax cut in history. This is bigger than Reagan. … This is actually bigger than Reagan tax cuts.” We warned readers at the time that there was no public proposal yet and that this was a dubious claim properly measured as a percentage of the nation’s gross domestic product.

Trump would repeat this misleading claim 16 more times before he actually revealed his plan to the public Sept. 27. In fact, the 16th time he said it was during remarks before traveling to Indiana for the speech: “We’re going right now to Indiana. We’re going to introduce a tax plan that’s the largest tax cut, essentially, in the history of our country.”

Yet nothing in the plan revealed that day offered clarity as to how it was “the largest tax cut in our country’s history.” Instead, he outlined four still-somewhat-vague proposals while repeating some golden-oldie false or misleading facts about taxes, which we fact-checked in a roundup.

This tendency of Trump is all too familiar to The Fact Checker. He is quick to make claims full of superlatives — the greatest this and the most beautiful that — with little to no empirical evidence to support them. Trump proposed deep tax cuts, but so far, he has released only a nine-page framework that would start negotiations with lawmakers. Yet since five months ago, he flatly proclaimed his plan “is actually bigger than Reagan tax cuts.”

The Fact Checker has completed two-thirds of our year-long project analyzing, categorizing and tracking every false or misleading claim by Trump, as well as his flip-flops. As of our latest update Oct. 10, 2017, or his 264th day in office, the president has made 1,318 claims over 263 days. He has averaged five claims a day, even picking up pace since the six-month mark. (Our full interactive graphic can be found here.)

When you track Trump’s claims so closely, it can often feel like deja vu. Trump has a tendency to repeat himself, and that includes his false or misleading claims. (For an overview of his most frequently repeated claims, see our update from August when Trump surpassed the 1,000-claim mark.)

With almost exactly 100 days left to go in our year-long project, Trump is inching ever closer to breaking 2,000 claims.

Many of Trump’s most frequent claims in the past month were about taxes. He repeatedly claimed that the United States pays the highest corporate taxes or that it is the highest-taxed nation. The latter is false; the former is misleading, as the effective U.S. corporate tax rate (what companies end up paying after deductions and benefits) end up being lower than the statutory tax rate.

Trump now claims that between $3 trillion and $5 trillion, perhaps even more, of profits are held overseas by U.S. companies. There is no official statistic, as Trump notes, but his high-end figure appears to be an exaggeration. The Internal Revenue Service in 2012 said the figure was $2.3 trillion, and the Joint Committee on Taxation estimated that it had risen to $2.6 trillion in 2015. There are other estimates as well, but none top $2.8 trillion.

Since our last update, we saw a surge of brand-new claims about hurricanes and the National Football League. In the past month, two destructive hurricanes hit Florida and Puerto Rico, and Trump pushed for NFL players to be penalized for protesting police brutality and racial inequality during the national anthem.

Trump repeatedly got basic facts wrong about Hurricane Irma in Florida and Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. He claimed they made landfall as Category 5 storms — the most destructive kind — but they touched down as Category 4 and eventually reached Category 5 strength. How strong a hurricane is when it makes landfall, and then how much strength it gains or loses, is an important distinction for weather disasters.

Trump exaggerated the progress of the federal government’s relief efforts in Puerto Rico, the number of lives saved by the Coast Guard in after Hurricane Harvey in Texas, and the maximum wind speed of Hurricane Maria.

Trump often made false or exaggerated claims in his attacks against the NFL. He claimed multiple times that NFL ratings are “down massively” and “going way down” because of the players’ protests during the national anthem before the game begins.

But this lacks context. The TV audience size for NFL games is down this year, but it’s unclear exactly why. “Average attendance at regular season NFL games last year was the highest since 2007, when the NFL set an record in attendance. The NFL says ticket sales are ‘on par’ with last year,” according to the Associated Press. And professional football games remain among the most-watched televised events, the AP reported.

Trump also repeatedly said the NFL protest “has nothing to do with race.” But players and coaches who defended the protests said it was over racial injustice. Trump blamed the NFL for not enforcing a rule “that’s been in existence for a long time” requiring players to stand for the anthem. But it turns out, it wasn’t a rule; the NFL said players are “encouraged but not required to stand for the national anthem” and that teams can use discretion.

Finally, in the past month, we saw the return of a curious talking point. As Trump publicly criticized Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s approach to confronting the growing North Korean nuclear threat, Trump bemoaned the lack of progress made in denuclearizing North Korea over the past 25 years.

In April, Trump claimed that since President Bill Clinton, every president “has been outplayed by this gentleman,” referring to North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un. Then, recently, Trump again made it seem like “Rocket Man” — his nickname for Kim — was in charge since Clinton.

Of course, that’s not the case. It was misleading, as three different leaders (Kim, his father Kim Jong-il and grandfather Kim Il-sung) have led North Korea since Clinton’s presidency. Kim is one of the most common Korean surnames.

Turns out, this was an instance where Trump glossed over key details to the point of inaccuracy — another Trump tendency with which The Fact Checker is quite familiar. During an Oct. 7, 2017, interview with former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee (R), Trump acknowledged that there are three different Kims, but they have the “same attitude.” Trump added, about Kim Jong-Un: “I think this one’s the worst of the group.”

So, mystery solved on the Kim front. Still, we are eager to get to the bottom of another head-scratcher: Whether Trump’s tax plan is the “biggest tax cut in U.S. history.” When the details are finally revealed, Trump’s track record so far suggests his claim will once again fall short.


A real life cuck, how's that feel?


Looks like youre starting to peter out there bud. Way less spam than usual. You feeling okay?

You're still raging though, look like the objectively truth of me pointing out how you're a literal cuck really upset you

Sorry I made you melt down, but we're all loving watching it happen :)


is this the same fake laughed you cried out when you discovered your wife cucked you for a big black man because you were inadequate?


President Trump has made 1,318 false or misleading claims over 263 days

President Trump has made more than 1,318 false or misleading statements

As of Oct. 10, the Fact Checker has catalogued 1,318 false or misleading claims by President Trump since he took office in January. (Meg Kelly/The Washington Post)

Five months before unveiling his tax plan, President Trump claimed that it “is the biggest tax cut in history. This is bigger than Reagan. … This is actually bigger than Reagan tax cuts.” We warned readers at the time that there was no public proposal yet and that this was a dubious claim properly measured as a percentage of the nation’s gross domestic product.

Trump would repeat this misleading claim 16 more times before he actually revealed his plan to the public Sept. 27. In fact, the 16th time he said it was during remarks before traveling to Indiana for the speech: “We’re going right now to Indiana. We’re going to introduce a tax plan that’s the largest tax cut, essentially, in the history of our country.”

Yet nothing in the plan revealed that day offered clarity as to how it was “the largest tax cut in our country’s history.” Instead, he outlined four still-somewhat-vague proposals while repeating some golden-oldie false or misleading facts about taxes, which we fact-checked in a roundup.

This tendency of Trump is all too familiar to The Fact Checker. He is quick to make claims full of superlatives — the greatest this and the most beautiful that — with little to no empirical evidence to support them. Trump proposed deep tax cuts, but so far, he has released only a nine-page framework that would start negotiations with lawmakers. Yet since five months ago, he flatly proclaimed his plan “is actually bigger than Reagan tax cuts.”

The Fact Checker has completed two-thirds of our year-long project analyzing, categorizing and tracking every false or misleading claim by Trump, as well as his flip-flops. As of our latest update Oct. 10, 2017, or his 264th day in office, the president has made 1,318 claims over 263 days. He has averaged five claims a day, even picking up pace since the six-month mark. (Our full interactive graphic can be found here.)

When you track Trump’s claims so closely, it can often feel like deja vu. Trump has a tendency to repeat himself, and that includes his false or misleading claims. (For an overview of his most frequently repeated claims, see our update from August when Trump surpassed the 1,000-claim mark.)

With almost exactly 100 days left to go in our year-long project, Trump is inching ever closer to breaking 2,000 claims.

Many of Trump’s most frequent claims in the past month were about taxes. He repeatedly claimed that the United States pays the highest corporate taxes or that it is the highest-taxed nation. The latter is false; the former is misleading, as the effective U.S. corporate tax rate (what companies end up paying after deductions and benefits) end up being lower than the statutory tax rate.

Trump now claims that between $3 trillion and $5 trillion, perhaps even more, of profits are held overseas by U.S. companies. There is no official statistic, as Trump notes, but his high-end figure appears to be an exaggeration. The Internal Revenue Service in 2012 said the figure was $2.3 trillion, and the Joint Committee on Taxation estimated that it had risen to $2.6 trillion in 2015. There are other estimates as well, but none top $2.8 trillion.

Since our last update, we saw a surge of brand-new claims about hurricanes and the National Football League. In the past month, two destructive hurricanes hit Florida and Puerto Rico, and Trump pushed for NFL players to be penalized for protesting police brutality and racial inequality during the national anthem.

Trump repeatedly got basic facts wrong about Hurricane Irma in Florida and Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. He claimed they made landfall as Category 5 storms — the most destructive kind — but they touched down as Category 4 and eventually reached Category 5 strength. How strong a hurricane is when it makes landfall, and then how much strength it gains or loses, is an important distinction for weather disasters.

Trump exaggerated the progress of the federal government’s relief efforts in Puerto Rico, the number of lives saved by the Coast Guard in after Hurricane Harvey in Texas, and the maximum wind speed of Hurricane Maria.

Trump often made false or exaggerated claims in his attacks against the NFL. He claimed multiple times that NFL ratings are “down massively” and “going way down” because of the players’ protests during the national anthem before the game begins.

But this lacks context. The TV audience size for NFL games is down this year, but it’s unclear exactly why. “Average attendance at regular season NFL games last year was the highest since 2007, when the NFL set an record in attendance. The NFL says ticket sales are ‘on par’ with last year,” according to the Associated Press. And professional football games remain among the most-watched televised events, the AP reported.

Trump also repeatedly said the NFL protest “has nothing to do with race.” But players and coaches who defended the protests said it was over racial injustice. Trump blamed the NFL for not enforcing a rule “that’s been in existence for a long time” requiring players to stand for the anthem. But it turns out, it wasn’t a rule; the NFL said players are “encouraged but not required to stand for the national anthem” and that teams can use discretion.

Finally, in the past month, we saw the return of a curious talking point. As Trump publicly criticized Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s approach to confronting the growing North Korean nuclear threat, Trump bemoaned the lack of progress made in denuclearizing North Korea over the past 25 years.

In April, Trump claimed that since President Bill Clinton, every president “has been outplayed by this gentleman,” referring to North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un. Then, recently, Trump again made it seem like “Rocket Man” — his nickname for Kim — was in charge since Clinton.

Of course, that’s not the case. It was misleading, as three different leaders (Kim, his father Kim Jong-il and grandfather Kim Il-sung) have led North Korea since Clinton’s presidency. Kim is one of the most common Korean surnames.

Turns out, this was an instance where Trump glossed over key details to the point of inaccuracy — another Trump tendency with which The Fact Checker is quite familiar. During an Oct. 7, 2017, interview with former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee (R), Trump acknowledged that there are three different Kims, but they have the “same attitude.” Trump added, about Kim Jong-Un: “I think this one’s the worst of the group.”

So, mystery solved on the Kim front. Still, we are eager to get to the bottom of another head-scratcher: Whether Trump’s tax plan is the “biggest tax cut in U.S. history.” When the details are finally revealed, Trump’s track record so far suggests his claim will once again fall short.


A real life cuck, how's that feel?


President Trump has made 1,318 false or misleading claims over 263 days

President Trump has made more than 1,318 false or misleading statements

As of Oct. 10, the Fact Checker has catalogued 1,318 false or misleading claims by President Trump since he took office in January. (Meg Kelly/The Washington Post)

Five months before unveiling his tax plan, President Trump claimed that it “is the biggest tax cut in history. This is bigger than Reagan. … This is actually bigger than Reagan tax cuts.” We warned readers at the time that there was no public proposal yet and that this was a dubious claim properly measured as a percentage of the nation’s gross domestic product.

Trump would repeat this misleading claim 16 more times before he actually revealed his plan to the public Sept. 27. In fact, the 16th time he said it was during remarks before traveling to Indiana for the speech: “We’re going right now to Indiana. We’re going to introduce a tax plan that’s the largest tax cut, essentially, in the history of our country.”

Yet nothing in the plan revealed that day offered clarity as to how it was “the largest tax cut in our country’s history.” Instead, he outlined four still-somewhat-vague proposals while repeating some golden-oldie false or misleading facts about taxes, which we fact-checked in a roundup.

This tendency of Trump is all too familiar to The Fact Checker. He is quick to make claims full of superlatives — the greatest this and the most beautiful that — with little to no empirical evidence to support them. Trump proposed deep tax cuts, but so far, he has released only a nine-page framework that would start negotiations with lawmakers. Yet since five months ago, he flatly proclaimed his plan “is actually bigger than Reagan tax cuts.”

The Fact Checker has completed two-thirds of our year-long project analyzing, categorizing and tracking every false or misleading claim by Trump, as well as his flip-flops. As of our latest update Oct. 10, 2017, or his 264th day in office, the president has made 1,318 claims over 263 days. He has averaged five claims a day, even picking up pace since the six-month mark. (Our full interactive graphic can be found here.)

When you track Trump’s claims so closely, it can often feel like deja vu. Trump has a tendency to repeat himself, and that includes his false or misleading claims. (For an overview of his most frequently repeated claims, see our update from August when Trump surpassed the 1,000-claim mark.)

With almost exactly 100 days left to go in our year-long project, Trump is inching ever closer to breaking 2,000 claims.

Many of Trump’s most frequent claims in the past month were about taxes. He repeatedly claimed that the United States pays the highest corporate taxes or that it is the highest-taxed nation. The latter is false; the former is misleading, as the effective U.S. corporate tax rate (what companies end up paying after deductions and benefits) end up being lower than the statutory tax rate.

Trump now claims that between $3 trillion and $5 trillion, perhaps even more, of profits are held overseas by U.S. companies. There is no official statistic, as Trump notes, but his high-end figure appears to be an exaggeration. The Internal Revenue Service in 2012 said the figure was $2.3 trillion, and the Joint Committee on Taxation estimated that it had risen to $2.6 trillion in 2015. There are other estimates as well, but none top $2.8 trillion.

Since our last update, we saw a surge of brand-new claims about hurricanes and the National Football League. In the past month, two destructive hurricanes hit Florida and Puerto Rico, and Trump pushed for NFL players to be penalized for protesting police brutality and racial inequality during the national anthem.

Trump repeatedly got basic facts wrong about Hurricane Irma in Florida and Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. He claimed they made landfall as Category 5 storms — the most destructive kind — but they touched down as Category 4 and eventually reached Category 5 strength. How strong a hurricane is when it makes landfall, and then how much strength it gains or loses, is an important distinction for weather disasters.

Trump exaggerated the progress of the federal government’s relief efforts in Puerto Rico, the number of lives saved by the Coast Guard in after Hurricane Harvey in Texas, and the maximum wind speed of Hurricane Maria.

Trump often made false or exaggerated claims in his attacks against the NFL. He claimed multiple times that NFL ratings are “down massively” and “going way down” because of the players’ protests during the national anthem before the game begins.

But this lacks context. The TV audience size for NFL games is down this year, but it’s unclear exactly why. “Average attendance at regular season NFL games last year was the highest since 2007, when the NFL set an record in attendance. The NFL says ticket sales are ‘on par’ with last year,” according to the Associated Press. And professional football games remain among the most-watched televised events, the AP reported.

Trump also repeatedly said the NFL protest “has nothing to do with race.” But players and coaches who defended the protests said it was over racial injustice. Trump blamed the NFL for not enforcing a rule “that’s been in existence for a long time” requiring players to stand for the anthem. But it turns out, it wasn’t a rule; the NFL said players are “encouraged but not required to stand for the national anthem” and that teams can use discretion.

Finally, in the past month, we saw the return of a curious talking point. As Trump publicly criticized Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s approach to confronting the growing North Korean nuclear threat, Trump bemoaned the lack of progress made in denuclearizing North Korea over the past 25 years.

In April, Trump claimed that since President Bill Clinton, every president “has been outplayed by this gentleman,” referring to North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un. Then, recently, Trump again made it seem like “Rocket Man” — his nickname for Kim — was in charge since Clinton.

Of course, that’s not the case. It was misleading, as three different leaders (Kim, his father Kim Jong-il and grandfather Kim Il-sung) have led North Korea since Clinton’s presidency. Kim is one of the most common Korean surnames.

Turns out, this was an instance where Trump glossed over key details to the point of inaccuracy — another Trump tendency with which The Fact Checker is quite familiar. During an Oct. 7, 2017, interview with former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee (R), Trump acknowledged that there are three different Kims, but they have the “same attitude.” Trump added, about Kim Jong-Un: “I think this one’s the worst of the group.”

So, mystery solved on the Kim front. Still, we are eager to get to the bottom of another head-scratcher: Whether Trump’s tax plan is the “biggest tax cut in U.S. history.” When the details are finally revealed, Trump’s track record so far suggests his claim will once again fall short.


A real life cuck, how's that feel?