Autistic occultist argues for underage gussy. Starterpacks is less than interested

27  2017-11-05 by [deleted]


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The starterpack is the ultimate balckpill, isn't it. If your ugly and awkward, your only option to have a relationship is to have money.

I feel kind of sad that someone isn't entitled for being loved if they aren't handsome and socially active. Their only choices are hookers, waifus or mail order brides.

In an ideal world, everyone deserves love and respect, irrespective of whether they're ugly and socially awkward or not.

get out of here with this gay shit

Did I get lost on my way to r/incels ?


Go there and stay there fuckface

You have options. Ugly girls are a thing. Harelips might ruin oral sex, but they instantly render a bunny suit hilarious.

It's sad that in America people can't afford surgery tbqh.

I have zero problems importing an Eastern European bride. If anything it makes me a hero as I am bringing a underprivileged women over to the land of opportunity.

People who need the love of others to survive are weak degenerates.

Does that mean I should kms?

Yes. If you have to ask that question then the answer is yes.

I knew it :)

Have fun :)

Kill yourself homeslice

/u/Philitian , you oughta meet my 16-year-old wife. She thinks it's hilarious.

Taking advantage of underage girls isn't something you're supposed to fucking joke about

I mean, if you think raping children is funny, then i guess so

/u/Philitian and /u/namename77, you oughta meet my 16-year-old wife. She thinks it's hilarious.


If taking advantage of underage girls isn't something you're supposed to joke about, what do you think of the countless 9/11 jokes and Holocaust jokes made on the internet?

wtf u nerds are you all alt-right too or what? No I hate all these bullshit jokes about the Holocaust, 9/11, racism, pedophilia, etc, and they need to die. Shit's passable at a middle-school lunch table but once it passes onto open spaces like Reddit it outta be shut down. It's not funny and legit breeds hatred.

I'm sorry, but literally what is wrong with marrying and having sex with so-called 'jailbait'?

How long of a response do you want?

For one, girls younger than 18 are really immature. They might have interest in older men, but it's the common cultural understanding in the West that they shouldn't pursue these interests, because it leads to unhealthy relationships.

Say a 17-year-old girl fell in love with a 23-year-old man. The girl might be a virgin, and at the very least probably has much more limited sexual experience than the man. Immediately this becomes a hierarchical relationship, whereby the older man takes a parental role towards the girl simply because he knows much more about sex, relationships, and what maturity entails.

You can say that these girls need a 'parental' type figure in their life and that this is perfectly fine, but what does that say about the position of girls at that age, then? Are we creating a culture where young women feel compelled to seek out older men to structure and order their life? Because if so, then that is an extremely backward conception of gender roles. It also makes it more difficult for men who want to date women their age.

Say that 17-year-old eventually gets married to the older man. Basically, from what you generally hear of situations like this, it never turns out well. My mother was in a relationship like that before she met my father, and it was extremely abusive. In other scenarios I've heard, the woman essentially gets 'trapped' with a man who wants to have kids with her, and she'll pass up career and education opportunities because she thinks she's in love with the man and couldn't find anyone better.

I mean, there's nothing wrong with it if your conception of gender is similar to Saudi Arabia. But for the sake of having a culture where actual egalitarian romantic relationships are possible, it is generally never useful.

there's nothing wrong with it if your conception of gender is similar to Saudi Arabia

But we're both women (male). You're sounding awfully cisheterocentric right now. 🤔

If you wanted a response that was about non-binary or LGBT relationships you could have phrased your question as so...?

But it's not worth. You're clearly just some moron that thinks prodding people about gender-related issues is funny for some dumb reason.

What made you assume that I was a male married to a female, besides your own cisheterocentrism?

Nope it is funny

Get me a study proving that jokes about murdering babies actually kill babies, or are u just talking out of ur ass?

This shit is stupid. U gotta be retarded to think dark humor altogether is morally wrong.

There are lots of things on the internet that would probably be better off not existing.

Psychological horror like Stephen King stuff is pretty cool, but jump-scare shit is stupid. Why?

What makes you think that?

Oh I'm just scared of running into those communities on reddit. And since I got linked here I was wondering the risk of you guys making fun of me for some stupid reason. You know.