Nerd Drama in /r/EngineeringStudents When a User Dares Suggest Men and Women have Biological Differences

80  2017-11-05 by Trajan_


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


  1. This Post -,*,,

  2. /u/aivan021 -,*,*

  3. makes a massive mistake -,*,,

  4. /u/lizzyh94 -,*,*

  5. gets her feefees hurt at the 'abhor... -,*,,

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Snappie going for the kill

Bot really is sapient

Sapient and sentient.

Snappy please, you're making me upset ;_;

Girls have feelings, boys don't.

Fight me.

Yeah, I'm /totally/ sure DNA tells people to not go into engineering and into psychology instead.

Yup there's no way men and women could have different brains

For humans evolution stops at the neck, didn't you know?

Anyways, gotta go and accuse people of science denial.

No, it stops at the skin.

They'll literally never admit that men and women are just different.

There's a good paper on this very topic:

Saved that post. Great work!

Naturally, these results apply to males and females averaged over a group, and not to all individuals.

That's all a lot of people are saying. Also, the female babies preferred the face OR had no preference between the two, whereas the male babies had a preference for the mobile. That's pretty interesting.

Here's the thing though. Feminists constantly claim women aren't 50% of engineers due to social programming and that's clearly false.

On some level, this is biological. Does it apply to ALL women? No, but likely enough to keep the number of female engineers under 50%.

This combined with the fact girls experience higher levels of math anxiety than boys do paints a pretty clear picture they refuse to accept.

Women aren't 50% of engineers because they have the choice not to be. We should look at our progressive Muslim brothers and sisters, they have found the answer!

A little oppression goes a long way towards equality! The threat of starvation and stoning is surely a better motivator than these (((quotas)))

Women in those countries are actually more likely to go into STEM than western women, interesting enough.

Like I said(also true for every shitty country, including literally shitty countries like India,Bangladesh etc). Republican rape squads would solve your problems in a week.

Probably should start by banning female drivers

When other factors are controlled for, then gender differences dominate. That's why the highest gender gaps between professions occur in the most egalitarian societies. Nordic countries.

Checkmate postmodern feminism.

Postmodern feminism can't be checkmated since it refuses to acknowledge there is a board. Can't lose if you don't play, idiot.

Sure. The people who say it's all social programming and the people who say it's all biology are both wrong.

Biology is a far more likely reason, and it's one supported by research.

There's a reason the nurse-engineering gap is pretty much the same across the entire planet.


is pretty much the same across the entire planet.

Also /u/pizzashill:

Women in those countries are actually more likely to go into STEM than western women, interesting enough.

Are you like retarded?

The nurse-engineering gap is the same across the world. As for why women go into STEM more often in a few middle eastern countries it's likely because women in general have fewer paths to success and STEM is viewed as the best way.

In western countries there are more paths.

Your illiteracy is the problem here.

Yeah, so which is it? Is it the same everywhere, or do societal pressures impact women's choices?

Are you illiterate? The nurse-engineering gap is different than the total STEM gap.

I just explained to you why there are more women in science in a select few countries, they aren't the norm though.

There's an entire series on this very subject that explains it:

So you're saying that in the countries where more women go into science/engineering, also in those countries proportionally more men go into nursing? So the nurse-engineering gap is the same?

What are you actually trying to say?

lol @ thinking I'm going to watch a 40 minute youtube.

I linked you the youtube video at the correct time, the part in question is about 2-3mins long.

You can watch it and learn something, or keep up this bullshit.

What bullshit? Pointing out that you can't even hold together a coherent argument within the context of a single reddit thread?

Look, very few people outside /r/gendercritical would claim that men and women naturally have 100% identical preferences, but clinging to naive biological determinism and acting as though it's somehow the more justified scientific position is equally retarded.

Do you do this with other aspects of society? Glance at whatever the status quo in 2017 happens to be, and then declare that it's biologically determined and therefore not worth examining or trying to change?

What bullshit? Pointing out that you can't even hold together a coherent argument within the context of a single reddit thread?

The argument was perfectly coherent. Your illiteracy is not my incoherence.

Do you do this with other aspects of society? Glance at whatever the status quo in 2017 happens to be, and then declare that it's biologically determined and therefore not worth examining or trying to change?

No, but when the government obsesses over this difference at the expense of students, we have a problem.

And we have been trying, for a number of years now and it isn't fucking working.

It worked with law.

It worked with medicine.

Why isn't it working with engineering? Is your solution to double down on clearly false ideas?

Why isn't it working with engineering?

My hypothesis is that engineering nerds are gross and weird. From the standpoint of evolutionary biology, women are programmed by their ovaries to seek out high-value men with great genes. That means avoiding engineers at all costs. Statistics clearly show that women are so desperate to avoid contact with this male-failures, or malures, if you will, that they will do nearly anything instead, even marketing.

Well, that's as good a theory as "the education system oppresses women."

My theory is definitely correct and scientific, because I used the words biology and genes, instead of the words "society" and "culture" (which are unscientific things that don't exist and never affect anyone).

The only way we would ever get more women in engineering is if we could kill off enough of the male-ures and replace them with virile Chads to make engineering appealing to ovaries.

It look a lot of effort, but you managed to come out of this argument looking more retarded than /u/pizzashill.

Well now you're on Google's hiring black list.

Female babies preferred faces, while male babies had a preference for rape.

We didn't need a study to tell us that.

If Danmore’s memo is one of the better sourced forms of this argument, and Trump supporters like him, does this mean that the issue is in your head rent free?

Sorry, If this is the google guy I'm not interested in reading his delusional manifesto that seems to be written to prop up his conservative victim complex.

What? He's not even conservative lmao.

The guy from google? Pretty sure he was.

He agrees with you. Better kill yourself because you're officially a Trumpkin today, pizza.

Might want to hold off on exposing your stupidity. Agreeing with someone on a few issues the right also agrees on does not make someone a 'Trumpkin."

Today, we are all Trumpkins

Libertarian actually. Says so in the first page of his paper.

"American libertarian" just means "conservative that doesn't want to identify as a conservative."

Bit of a no true scotsman fallacy my dude.

Uh no, it's really not. It's just a fact.

[Citation Needed]

Citation? reality.

Which party do libertarians vote for?

The Libertarian Party?


My dude, this is just depressing how misinformed you are

How misinformed I am?

I don't want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub.

Sounds like the opposite of the republican party to me

You know literally nothing about the republican party.

To be clear here:

Grover Glenn Norquist (born October 19, 1956) is an American political advocate who is founder and president of Americans for Tax Reform, an organization that opposes all tax increases. A Republican,[4] he is the primary promoter of the "Taxpayer Protection Pledge", a pledge signed by lawmakers who agree to oppose increases in marginal income tax rates for individuals and businesses, as well as net reductions or eliminations of deductions and credits without a matching reduced tax rate.[5] Prior to the November 2012 election, the pledge was signed by 95% of all Republican members of Congress and all but one of the candidates running for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination.

Republicans just haven't caught onto the fact their tacts end up increasing the size of government because they're completely irrational.

Empirical evidence shows that Starve the Beast may be counterproductive, with lower taxes actually corresponding to higher spending. An October 2007 study by Christina D. Romer and David H. Romer of the National Bureau of Economic Research found: "[...] no support for the hypothesis that tax cuts restrain government spending; indeed, [the findings] suggest that tax cuts may actually increase spending. The results also indicate that the main effect of tax cuts on the government budget is to induce subsequent legislated tax increases."[13]


Economist Paul Krugman summarized as: "Rather than proposing unpopular spending cuts, Republicans would push through popular tax cuts, with the deliberate intention of worsening the government’s fiscal position. Spending cuts could then be sold as a necessity rather than a choice, the only way to eliminate an unsustainable budget deficit." He wrote that the "...beast is starving, as planned..." and that "Republicans insist that the deficit must be eliminated, but they’re not willing either to raise taxes or to support cuts in any major government programs. And they’re not willing to participate in serious bipartisan discussions, either, because that might force them to explain their plan—and there isn’t any plan, except to regain power."

"Small government" has been one of the major calling card of Republicans since the Tea Party. Just about the only thing Republicans consistently enlarge is the military.

Mfw the military isn't part of the government to you mental retards

Mfw you think that American Libertarians actually care much at all about military enlargement.

Being called a retard by someone who believes that American "Libertarians" aren't just Republicans right of the moderates is rich.

Mfw some tankie argues libertarians are the same as republicans, but would fight to the death that socialists aren't the same as democrats.

maintain your safety you cromagnon

Rofl, how am I at all a tankie? Or is that what your rodent brain reverts to whenever someone doesn't agree with you?

Okay well if you're willing to agree that then yes I'll say on a spectrum of left to right then you are probably correct.

I thought you were one of those "le both partiez is the same" tanike retards

lol, no

The other guy is right. American Libertarians are a subset of Republicans.

Imagine being this retarded publicly.

> anonymous poster on shitpost site

> publicly

Libertarian actually. Says so in the first page of his paper.

He's a libertarian that identifies more with conservatives than leftists/liberals and was complaining that they're being oppressed at google.

He's a "libertarian" who whines about liberals and leftists oppressing conservatives at google.

I mean, that's a pretty legitimate thing to whine about no matter how pathetic you want to make it sound. Not only that, in a thread where you whine about women being biologically different from men is sexist

where you whine about women being biologically different from men is sexist


Yeah? I do that all the time and I'd say my views are fairly libertarian.

Technically it was liberals and leftists oppressing everyone who didn't agree with them 100%, which to be fair was amply demonstrated by his firing

He got fired because employees sperging about gender difference and diversity is bad PR. He emailed it to his superiors incessantly for a long time, he only got fired when it was leaked.

He shared it once, in a closed (private) group

No he didn't, I've listened to JRE where he talks specifically about how he kept sending it to higher ups and kept getting ignored or blown off.

Save correcting people for when you know what you're talking about.

He more or less said what you here did.

Also Scott Alexander:

Sex differences in psychology

Sex differences in psychology are differences in the mental functions and behaviors of the sexes, and are due to a complex interplay of biological, developmental, and cultural factors. Differences have been found in a variety of fields such as mental health, cognitive abilities, personality, and tendency towards aggression. Such variation may be both innate or learned and is often very difficult to distinguish. Modern research attempts to distinguish between such differences, and to analyze any ethical concerns raised.

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Please tell me again about how his manifesto is unsourced, unscientific, and irrational.

I didn't say it was unsourced or unscientific. It's just the ramblings of a conservative with a victim complex.

Not someone I'd ever consider even looking at, next time just link the papers.

But he just links the papers. You open the document, and it’s got a table of contents, some chat about google, and it’s into summaries of studies with lots of blue words. If you are too retarded to parse that, maybe you do deserve Trump in your head rent free.

I don't care about his opinions. He's irrelevant to me. A bitch conservative with a victim complex.

The papers will suffice, I'm not interested in reading his interpretation of those papers, his opinions on anything related to them.

Here’s an excerpt, I’ve lost all the links in copying it.

Personality differences Women, on average, have more :

  • Openness directed towards feelings and aesthetics rather than ideas. Women generally also have a stronger interest in people rather than things , relative to men (also interpreted as empathizing vs. systemizing ).
  • These two differences in part explain why women relatively prefer jobs in social or artistic areas. More men may like coding because it requires systemizing and even within SWEs, comparatively more women work on front end, which deals with both people and aesthetics.

  • Extraversion expressed as gregariousness rather than assertiveness. Also, higher agreeableness.

  • This leads to women generally having a harder time negotiating salary, asking for raises, speaking up, and leading. Note that these are just average differences and there’s overlap between men and women, but this is seen solely as a women’s issue. This leads to exclusory programs like Stretch and swaths of men without support.

  • Neuroticism (higher anxiety, lower stress tolerance).

  • This may contribute to the higher levels of anxiety women report on Googlegeist and to the lower number of women in high stress jobs.

There’s no way you can call that anything other than a straight up summary of the studies. Fucking mayo.

You know what? You're now the first person I've ever blocked on Reddit. I don't even mind people sperging out at me, but what I do mind is just the complete lack of real arguments and focus on political opinions over facts. You're just boring.

I'm baffled as to what argument it is you're even making here.

To point out that conservatives are far better at making and understanding his argument than your kind. The people who are ignoring the science here are almost exclusively progressives, and the progressive establishment has some sort of fetish for diversity hiring.

Also to remind you that Trump is in your head rent free.

To point out that conservatives are far better at making and understanding his argument than your kind.

They don't. They have no concept of what they're talking about really. The only reason they're even on that side is because the progressives are on the other side, and even then they often take it too far.

The people who are ignoring the science here are almost exclusively progressives

Your point?

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So you have no actual point?

Other than pointing out that you dismissed the manifesto out of hand because you disagreed with the author. If you weren’t so entertaining I would’ve just said “there are more studies linked in the google manifesto”, but I assumed I’d be able to get a rise out of you.

Other than pointing out that you dismissed the manifesto out of hand because you disagreed with the author.

No, I dismissed his personal opinions and not because I disagree with him, because I don't care about his opinions.

If you weren’t so entertaining I would’ve just said “there are more studies linked in the google manifesto”, but I assumed I’d be able to get a rise out of you.

Really? Because it seems to me you were just trying to screech at "progressives" as if I give a shit about your opinions in relation to said progressives.

I said “the google manifesto is one of the better sourced forms of this argument”, and you said “I’m not interested in reading his delusional manifesto written to prop up his conservative victim complex”.

You dismissed the claim that the manifesto was a well sourced form of the argument because you disagree with the politics of the author.

From there I just wanted to see how far the ride could go. Is this the point you concede you’re a biased tard with no actual objectivity?

I dismissed him, again, because I don't care what he says. I'm not even going to read his manifesto.

Again, the papers will suffice.

I pointed out it was well sourced. You dismissed him due to his politics.

It is either:

1) A well sourced and phrased form of the argument, in which case you should read it if you have any interest in the topic(which you linking a study shows you do).


2) Badly sourced and phrased, in which case you should be able to dismiss it without ad hominem attacks against the author.

Which of the two is it? That’s a simple yes or no question.

I pointed out it was well sourced. You dismissed him due to his politics.

Again, I didn't dismiss the papers, I dismissed HIM. Because I do not care about his conservative victim complex.

Which of the two is it? That’s a simple yes or no question.

3) Dripping with his own personal ideology. The entire thing is a thinly veiled diatribe against diversity. I'm not going to read a single word he types, the only thing I care about is the papers.

But the manifesto is well sourced? You haven’t yet refuted that.

It contains many sources, and those are the only things I care about. Nothing else.

In the future, just link the papers, not massive manifestos riddled with someone's personal ideology.

I only lifted the sources off two pages in the comment where I linked a bunch. There are just as many studies linked in the manifesto which I didn’t put in the comment. Now that you’ve conceded an interest in the studies, are you willing to open the manifesto again to click the links(you don’t even have to read it, just click the blue words).

It’s not even a document written by him anymore, it’s a duplicate created by Vice from a bunch of leaked copies.

At which point will you admit that you’re so close minded you can’t begin to imagine agreeing with a conservative bogeyman on anything?

I will not be clicking on anything written by that person and as for your claim about "agreeing with a conservative" I've literally voted Republican before.

I'm not dogmatic on any level, whatsoever. I agree with conservatives on a few issues and have no problem saying that.

But it's literally a document produced by Vice.

And after reading that article (somewhat) it seems the entire manifesto heavily relates to his personal opinions.

Which is exactly why I refuse to read it. All of the research that's been cited is research I've already read before, it's common research which is another reason I didn't click on it.

The only value the manifesto offers, within this context, is his opinions because I'm already familiar with the research.

Wait, you disagree with the idea that hiring for diversity is bad? Your initial comment seemed to promote the opposite.

Also, I doubt you've read every study linked in the manifesto(there's only one way for you to improve that, and it involves opening the document).

Wait, you disagree with the idea that hiring for diversity is bad? Your initial comment seemed to promote the opposite.

I don't think hiring diversity is bad within reason. The problem is the extent to which SJWs take it. That being said, the people that claim there are no actual problems and that there isn't bias on some level against certain ethnic groups in certain fields are every bit as bad as the SJWs that greatly exaggerate that bias.

Also, I doubt you've read every study linked in the manifesto(there's only one way for you to improve that, and it involves opening the document).

Friend, I'm been in the anti-feminist community for a very long time and I promise you right now there is not a single study in that document I've not seen cited before.

I don't disagree with the concept of social justice. I disagree with the dogmatic and extremist brand of social justice regressives subscribe to.

So you're with Rawls, not Marx. Good job, you're basically a centrist.

I'm been in the anti-feminist community for a very long time

What anti-feminist community is there which wouldn't agree with Danmore?

What anti-feminist community is there which wouldn't agree with Danmore?

Uh, I'm ot saying they do. I'm saying I've seen the studies cited before, because they're the standard.

Most anti-feminists would fully agree with him.

So you've "been in the anti-feminist community for a very long time", but you vehemently disagree with "most anti-feminists", to the extent of refusing to read something that espouses their views?

Are you trolling? I've said multiple times I likely agree with much of what he says.

My problem with the manifesto is his "woe is me" conservative victim complex which is the same victim complex conservatives push in relation to many things, the most obvious being the media and science.

Here's his table of contents(since you won't open the document)

Reply to public response and misrepresentation 
Google’s biases 
Possible non bias causes of the gender gap in tech
    Personality differences
    Men’s higher drive for status
Non discriminatory ways to reduce the gender gap
The harm of Google’s biases 
Why we’re blind

And his tl;dr:

● Google’s political bias has equated the freedom from offense with psychological safety, but shaming into silence is the antithesis of  psychological safety .
● This silencing has created an ideological echo chamber where some ideas are too sacred to be honestly discussed.
● The lack of discussion fosters the most extreme and authoritarian elements of this ideology.
    ○ Extreme: all disparities in representation are due to oppression
    ○ Authoritarian: we should discriminate to correct for this oppression
● Differences in distributions of traits between men and women may in part explain why we
don't have 50% representation of women in tech and leadership.
● Discrimination to reach equal representation is unfair, divisive, and bad for business.

Please tell me exactly where he's hiding his "woe is me victim complex". What if you've accepted his portrayal in the media mindlessly?

The paper is riddled with the conservative victim complex dude.

The guy literally threw a tantrum because he didn't think his conservative opinions were accepted.

This is the same shit they try with the media and science.

And then he got fired for expressing his conservative opinions 🤔

I really don't want to go into this with you, but you can't say science hasn't repressed the idea that gender fluidity might not be normal(my sex junk is so oh oh oh) and the media has certainly repressed the concept that marriage being between a man and woman for the purposes of procreation might be a good idea.

And then he got fired for expressing his conservative opinions 🤔

No, he got fired for a far more valid reason. Because after publishing that memo, there was not a single team he could be put on.

He had created a textbook hostile work environment.

Even if every single thing he said was perfectly accurate - you've still created conflict, you've still created a toxic environment. Engineering is a team game, and teams don't function as well in an environment like this.

I agree with most of what that guy said and if I was in charge of hiring people at google, or team building, I'd fire his ass on the spot. There's a time and a place for stuff like this, and internal company memos are not that place.

an absurdist idea with no merits

Oh ffs. If you take the purpose of humanity to be production of good offspring, an institution such as marriage becomes vital.

Last time I checked, humans having babies predates Christianity by a lot.

The world is also over populated, if anything we should be having less children.

So does the concept of monogamy.

If we’re overpopulated, isn’t encouraging families of 2/2 the optimal solution?

Here's a wild thought: Let people do what the fuck they want to do and stop trying to police them.

Christians have no claim on marriage and they have no right to deny others marriage.

So people stop breeding, and we all die?

How does "let people do what the fuck they want to do" = "stop breeding."

God I hate you

"Someone else made the same argument that I'm making with sources that I approve of but I'm going to call him a shitty wrong-political-alignment baby because wah wah"

t. you

No, a whiny bitch ass conservative decided to write a large manifesto crying oppression, dripping with his own ideology.

I have no interest in reading anything he writes.

Yet more evidence that engineers aren't scientists

It's so crazy that they just won't admit that women are biologically better caregivers than Men and that custody should always default to the mother.

Do you have some citation showing women are better caregivers?


So you have no empirical research?

TIL Human DNA isn't empirical

That's what I thought. Good discussion.

Dang, dude, are you angry or just dumb?

I fail to see how asking someone for some academic papers supporting their argument makes me angry or dumb.

Because this is /r/drama you dumb angry agenda poster

I fail to see how this being /r/drama erases the fact you couldn't provide sources for your argument.

MFW you think I was arguing with you

biologically better caregivers


pssshh those babies may have been only one day old and displayed sexual dimorphism in mechanical perception but prove they weren't exposed to sexism in the womb.

Their sexist parents probably talked about how unborn timmy is going to be an astronaut while sally is going to be a great homemaker. Fetus' can hear you know. We need prenatal women in STEM workshops.

Biology is a social construct. Without humans there would be no biology, hence everything we (((know))) is an illusion. Just like money, love, or genitals.

Not "you go into engineering, and you into phycology" different.

There's a middle ground.

u/candydaze has to be functionally retarded or something. People buy construction sets for boys and dolls for girls because that's what they overwhelmingly want and ask for. Just because you're an outlier doesn't mean the average doesn't exist.

And blaming "society" for which classes students themselves choose to take, as elective courses? I thought engineers were supposed to be smart, but I guess not.



Le stem

They're good at what they studied and braindead in any other field.

Except terrorism.

Why are so many terrorists STEMlords before they get wokedTM?

Because engineers can only think in childish absolutes (cf. this thread)

LE BASED STEM haha masturbates to Neil deGrasse Tyson quotes superimposed on pictures of space

EDIT: thanks for the gold fellow science lover

it's 4⃣2⃣0⃣ today😳😱but I'm not smoking weed🌿🍁😴😏🚬I'm smoking💨😜the gOD delusion😇😋🙏🏽📕because euphoria⬆️😍👐🏽😂is the highest you can get🙌🏽😤

It this moment, I am euphoric, not because of any phony god's blessing, but because I am enlightened by my ability to keep posting that one study where the roastie babies looked at faces for a long time.

DAE Borat’s cousin?

Plz help, I want to swear allegiance to The Progressive Truth. Which of the following is true and which is heresy:

  • there are no meaningful sex-linked mental differences
  • transgenderism is real - people are really born with brains whose sex doesn't match the sex of their bodies, and this is such a big difference for them that the healthier option is for them to change their own genitals.

lmao got 'em 100% woke. BTW, I want to swear allegiance to The Progressive Truth. Can you tell me which of the following is true and which is heresy:

  • there are no meaningful sex-linked mental differences
  • transgender people are born with brains whose sex doesn't match the sex of their bodies, and this is such a big difference that hormone therapy and genital surgery is often medically necessary.

This isn't /r/gendercritical. Obviously there are meaningful sex-linked differences in the brain.

Where you retards jump the shark is claiming the existence of sex-linked differences means societal factors are negligible or negate the existence of discrimination.

If all those out of work coal miners in Appalachia would retrain as nurses (or hell, nursing aides), they could get avoid the black lung, get off welfare, and make pretty solid money. But they don't. I guess men are just too biologically handicapped to work in the accessory healthcare professions.

Where you retards jump the shark is claiming the existence of sex-linked differences means societal factors are negligible or negate the existence of discrimination.

I'm sure there are retards who think that. I accept that nature and nurture are key parts of socialization.

I guess I just disagree with the mentality of "we should always assume nurture until proven otherwise, and evidence sufficient to prove otherwise to our satisfaction will not exist in our lifetime."

I've known many woman who make very talented programmers, but if it were true that, on a distribution level, less women will like engineering work than other kind of work, then wouldn't the massive expenditure of resources to push women into the field for that 50% 50% ratio result in a lot of women needlessly going into a field they won't like?

I agree that we should incentivize people into training programs for roles that are in demand in the future. I don't accept the whole "if an industry is not 50-50% it is necessarily the result of institutional sexism and represents an urgent policy mandate" thing.

then wouldn't the massive expenditure of resources to push women into the field for that 50% 50% ratio result in a lot of women needlessly going into a field they won't like?

Sure, I mostly agree with that. I'll just say the following:

Nobody with any kind of realistic outlook is aiming for 50:50 ratio. Today, engineering is like 20% female, CS is maybe 25%. As recently as the 1980s, CS was close to 40% female, so that seems like a more reasonable goal?

You can change these fields, or at least the way these fields are presented in schools to make them more appealing to women (and also to men who aren't autistic human calculators). Harvey Mudd College revamped their CS curriculum to focus on real-world problem solving and they've now got 48.8% female CS majors., and HMC is not some joke college: it's one of the top engineering schools in the US and competes directly with schools like Caltech and MIT.

You're making this way more complicated than it needs to be


Harvey Mudd College revamped their CS curriculum to focus on real-world problem solving and they've now got 48.8% female CS majors.

Harvey Mudd also engages in massive AA for women in this field (women are something like 2.5x as likely to be accepted as men) and gives them perks like flying accepted women to the campus. Their program 'worked' in the sense that they got the numbers up, but I don't think it had much to do with changes to the curriculum nor would those changes do as much if replicated elsewhere.

In a related note: how much would it suck to be a male instructor at Harvey Mudd and realize your gender means you're never going to be promoted?

In a related note: how much would it suck to be a male instructor at Harvey Mudd and realize your gender means your career is essentially frozen?

Maybe as much as it sucks to be a female employee at lots of other jobs?

Honestly, I'm not sure what you mean by an "essentially frozen" career. There's no evidence men are being denied tenure, and if you're already a tenured professor at an elite school you've pretty much reached the highest pinnacle of your career ladder. You can do basically whatever you want without getting fired, and research anything you're interested in.

after a year in college in engineering i started meeting people not in the faculty and i was very pleased to discover they're regularly mocked by like every other faculty

sometimes, engineers get sad

That's the type of person who ironically likes Big Bang Theory

This is turning into conservative SRD.

Maybe kids like the things they like because of what people have given them in the past, what other kids are playing with, what they see their parents doing, or the millions of dollars that get spent on adds every year aimed at kids.

Or maybe girls just have a strand of easy bake oven DNA, but I doubt it.

You know there's a difference between being a mirror image of ShitRedditSays types and just acknowledging that humanity is not unique amongst sexually dimorphic species, right?

There are gender differences. Not all of them are down to socialization alone.

yeah, but it's also stupid to say "lol look at this dumb bitch who thinks the culture we grow up could influence our opinions and decisions" like /u/nmx179

Nah, what's stupid is saying "lol look at this dumb bitch who thinks our opinions and decisions aren't influenced by 1.2 billion years of sexually selected evolution" the way you are.

If men like making things, and women like relating to people, then how come women love knitting and men hate it? Checkmate, evopsychos.

Obviously knitting is an atavism, related to removing parasites from each others (these tend to accumulate when you spend your days lazing around in your filth in a cave).

i understand your hateboner for me clouds your brain sometimes, but i literally started my comment by agreeing with the statement "There are gender differences. Not all of them are down to socialization alone."

And I never denied that culture can influence people's behavior, so i thought exaggerated, incorrect caricatures of each other's views were just what we were doing here.

sure you didnt honey

Nice to see you cranking up the passive aggression in response to being shown wrong and stupid yet again.

whatever you say dear

Nice to see you cranking up the passive aggression in response to being shown wrong and stupid yet again.

Well there's this.

And the entire 'society told them to' argument is putting the cart before the horse. Society wasn't conditioned by 'muh oppressive patriarchs', it is what it is. If more doll ads are geared towards little girls, it's because they provide better marginal utility on that investment than little boys do, same for more ads geared towards boys.

There's a reason the conventions are same across thousands of societies that were barely in contact till the advent of the internet and mass media and there's a reason none of the outlying matriarchal societies made it beyond the tribal phase.

Because men could overpower women. Now we don't base society around who can bonk other people on the head the hardest (unfortunately) but we are still descended from that.

men being physically stronger than women leads them to not allowing the women they control do engineering?

Maybe it's that back when bonking on the head was an important job men became providers and we have just continued that trend past it's usefulness. Or maybe women have less wrinkles on their brain than the avg man.

The entire reason society was established was to take away advantage from those who were physically strong and make them subservient to the collective, the representatives of which have always been mentally strong. There can be women who take up that role, there have been plenty in fact. Even in societies as male dominated as piracy, there have been women who have risen to the top by their mental acumen.

There is no grand conspiracy pulling women down because they are physically weaker, it's just statistics that means they are on average, dumber. It's funny how you don't address the IQ curve at all, though, and base your argument solely on emotion.

IQ isn't a measure of inate intelligence.

Yes, it kind of is.

Of course, you can continue to deny that it is because it hurts some people's feelings but truth is that high IQ scores correlate overwhelmingly to success in life, which is obviously a result of higher intelligence.

success in life, which is obviously a result of higher intelligence

lol thats not how life works

Only if you're a retard who thinks he's intelligent.

Seriously, mate, I live in a third world country that had a very tiny educated population, ~20% 60 years back. You think the 'struggle' in First World countries is bad? You should talk to more than half of our current middle class, they are all first generation learners. The kind of struggle they went through is something even your poorest would never face, and they prevailed despite all that, because they worked hard and they were intelligent. Fuck, there are people who could barely afford textbooks in my college, and they cracked an entrance exam where you have to be in the top 1% to get a decent seat, an exam where more than half their competitors came from privileged as fuck backgrounds. Intelligence and hard work is literally all it takes, but since complaining about the 'system' is all you retards can do, you'll keep at it. If you're from Somalia or something, I can understand that intelligence might not make you succeed. But if you are sitting in a Western country and bitching about the system, you should just keep yourself safe. If you can't make it there, you are a waste of space.

is this pasta

Depends, does that make you more or less likely to keep yourself safe?

idk not like anything ever matters

Shhh... you'll frighten the undergrads who think getting straight As means they'll be all set for "success".

I can see how someone as stunningly stupid as you would deny that intelligence matters, but that doesn't actually make it so.

Watching Rick and Morty is.

Aren't they actually smarter on average, just not on the high end.

Because men could overpower women.

are you literally 'tarded?

No, I have been tested and everything.

I suggest you get a 2nd opinion on that.

This is turning into conservative SRD.

We take degenerate retards of all persuasions, tyvm.

Post bussy or gtfo

If that's so, why won't you take me into your bussy?

Because even we have standards.

No true


Justice for tyvm.

Monkey studies00107-1/abstract) show gender preference in toy play and sex-linked toy preferences shows up in infants before they are old enough to develop self awareness of gender

I concede

You have to remember that u/candydaze is likely severely autistic (hence the engineering and the feminism) and is likely trying to mislead us by what she thinks appears to us as an application of fact, like magic, but lacks the theory of mind to realize that we're not dumb animals and we can see right through her.

Hi, nope, no diagnosis of autism. Thanks for the armchair assessment.

Okay, autist.

u/candydaze's reply is exactly what an autist would respond with.

Checkmate, atheists.

Nah you’re no autist. Your a perpetual complainer. You are going to be the go to “ anecdotal proof that engineering is sexist” person for the rest of your life.

/u/candydaze if you ever shore up the dyke system make sure to NOT send us photos thanks.

While you whined about sexism, I studied the bridge.

While you were raging about trannies on /r/drama, I mastered the law.

This is completely not the most autistic thing you could have replied, no siree

I'm not crazy my mother had me tested

Girls aren't autistic. It's genetic.

All men are soulless autistic robots the same way all women are neurotic bi-polar Betazoids.

it's just something we prefer not to talk about. Except for the most male brained autismos, they have a hard time picking up on social cues.

It's like when crazy parents try to raise their kids as non-gender conforming as possible, but surprise surprise, Mary secretly loves Frozen, dolls, and pink, while John secretly loves action cartoons, action figures, and blue.

I dare you to wear a tutu in public and not be called gay. You like romance oh thats kinda gay, you like cooking oh thats kinda gay. Yea of course society has us into roles and its weird to be outside of that role. If you go around wearing a dress you will get some strange looks. Now same thing with careers. "Oh you make wedding dresses, thats kinda gay".

Not amount of Libertarian think of "free will" can escape you from the influences of society.

That analogy literally retarded. Society can call me gay all the fuck they want, why the fuck should they tell me who I am? You know who knows me the best? Me.

Boohoooooo I'm a failure because of my environment, it's definitely not because I'm a failure!

Dang this guys a real lone wolf, hes just like really above it.

Boohoooooo I'm a failure because of my environment, it's definitely not because I'm a failure!

By using that logic are African Americans just all failures? Yep absolutely nothing to do with the residue of 100s of years of oppression. Or the fact that short men are a small fraction CEOs are just because short men naturally suck at being leadership positions?

Not all, one of the even became president.

Is u/lizzyh94 literally too stupid to understand that asking people out on dates is a normal thing that guys and girls do? Or does she just hate male engineers that much?

That was the best. You already have one thing in common, maybe you like the girl already and you just want to ask her out. Now this is being aggressive and sexist. White women are a mistake

It's fascinating how even girl nerds like u/lizzyh94 think guy nerds should be sexless, dickless robots.

It only comes back to hurt lard barges like u/lizzyh94 in the end, since beta nerds are the only ones desperate enough to dick her down anyway.

Your comment shows your view. While arguing a point why not keep the insults out of it? Ask the girl out that's fine. Once she says no move on. But I doubt you're that forward.

While arguing a point why not keep the insults out of it?

Why should they?

You chicken-fucker.

hey now

You're a rockstar.

Get your game on




Literally sexual harassment.

literally every girl i know in research is an autistic tomboy with zero femininity in them.

really makes you think.

It's hard to take people seriously when they start the argument with "but you see, the toys of the children!!! And one person one time said i shouldn't do this. This is society's fault!". Sometimes your parents know you're a retard and don't want you to take some civil engineering degree knowing you'd embarrass yourself and be another college dropout.

In my field of work that is supposed to be dominated by men more and more women are showing up and i honestly don't see sexism. There are some (ew gross) men that are unpleasant but you will always find this everywhere. If you think men are sexist only in stem field and this decreases the chances of brave womyn to go to work, you need to take a step back and think about what you want.

It's easier to dismiss problems that lie in grey areas by screeching "muh sexism" rather than to do something about the problems.

Now I'd like it if there were more people in STEM, and no people pursuing useless degrees that focus on """theories""" such as critical race theory, gender theory etc.

Are there sexists in the STEM fields ? Yeah there are.

Are the STEM fields themselves Sexist ? Fuck no.

STEM fields primarily function as meritocracies, where your gender doesn't matter for your ideas to be influential.

Now people might say, "But Shaggy, you're ignoring the fact that society conditions men into STEM fields while discouraging girls from getting into them. This is why we need feminism !"

I shall not dismiss your points. And honestly, I think anyone can succeed in STEM if you put the right effort in the right direction, irrespective of gender. But I don't agree that saying that "society" discourages girls from STEM. I think it has more to do with personal interests rather than "muh sexism" or "muh sexual dimorphism". It is better in fields of STEM to treat people as a individuals rather than lumping together based on race, gender, sexuality etc.

When you're in STEM fields, your identity doesn't matter, but your effort and intellect does. There is a reason why we don't have gender and race quotas in mathematics departments after all.

/u/lizzyh94 are you a tranny

Lemon at the bottom with the legit correct response.

Lemon at the bottom

What else is new, amirite?


All these comments. Yup, I'm on reddit.

These are the differences:




ITT: /r/drama's resident engineering retards seriouspost the shit out of the fact that girls hate them.

This thread is more proof that /r/Drama is /r/CringeAnarchy for people who claim to hate /r/CringeAnarchy.

Sub went downhill when PK left us :(

Every time I see people arguing (like in the linked thread) that genetics cannot be the cause for differences between men and women picking different careers I get irrationally mad.

We know for a fact that men and women are different in many ways. They have different voices, different genitals, different hormones, different skin texture, different body shape and so on. Those are fact. But to suggest that men and women might have different brains is implausible to these fucks.

I don't have evidence for either. But neither does modern science yet, so maybe don't be so quick to blame everything on society and dismiss any potential differences in the way men and women think.

/u/candydaze all the girls I knew as kids grew up playing with Lego, too. And Tonka trucks. And basically every other "boy" toy. Girls who like this aren't special or different or rare. Parents buy whatever their kids think is cool. Boy's toys are effectively universal. If anything, boys are probably more turned off by the bright pink colors of an Easy-Bake Oven than girls are of generic light-up swords.

Maybe a good deal of their interests are just, I dunno, ingrained in them from birth, and the stuff they ask their parents to buy them is based more on their self-image and desires than on "society made them do it!".

Also, I don't know any girls who regretted taking wood shop. They had a good time. Sounds like you're projecting an experience you had onto everyone else.

What I have seen is lots of girls pursuing harden STEM majors drop down to easier ones. Lots of potential chemists went to biology who then often went to some kind of therapy or technician certificate program. Seems more common than with guys to just wash-out entirely and change focus. But, then, that's just me projecting my experience onto others. Although the numbers seem to back-up that lots of them just lose interest in STEM and start to back off of it. Even those in majors where women are the majority.

So, so much for your theory.

My wife is really good at math, they got her to go into engineering (They being the university) she hated it and got out. Pretty much normal for most women in engineering.

If you don't think male and female brains have some fundamental differences, odds are you don't get laid much.

During my student time in electonic engineering school, we shared our building and some of the classes with chemical engineering students. Because of that it was 50/50 between guys and girls.

I can assure you u/lizzyh94, it's not because you have a vagina that people treat you differently, it's because you have absolutely no personnailty. Although they WILL treat you differently if they want to sleep with you ( I know, sex?...ew...gross...creepy...) but that's no really happening in your case as far as I understand from the time your classmates made a comment about girls you heard, took personnaly, but kept silent. Again, because no personnality.

I didn't think much of it at the time, but my mom witnessed it, and was absolutely livid Still laughing at that. You're an adult, grow up.

It starts in early childhood. People buy girls dolls, hair accessories and kitchen sets, they buy boys construction sets, lego, science stuff.

People actually believe this actually happens in the current year.