Shoplifter angry that she was treated like a shoplifter the one time she wasn't shoplifting (tl;dr fucking white women, man)

230  2017-11-05 by [deleted]



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The drama gods are extra generous today. /u/littleitaly182 has asked for legal advice on this matter

Also, she got the store credit by returning stolen items she'd grabbed two days ago

My only question is, MAYOCIDE WHEN?!

/u/zanctmao doesn't like it when we link to /r/legaladvice because of all the death threats his fellow mods get.

But drama whores need legal adviser too.

There are plenty of crimes you can commit without leaving your basement.

How do you know she's white, OP ?

NVM she said Y'all

/u/littleitaly182 said she was a 20-something white woman and is now backtracking because she was basically saying that management shouldn't have suspected her because she's not a basketball-american, and therefore automatically innocent

Race or gender card? I also clearly stated that I was only providing that info because he behaved completely out of line with me, but I know he would have handled a situation like that completely different, for example if I were a woman 50+ years old exiting a restroom, I cannot picture this joker waiting outside the door for her & telling her to leave.

tl;dr /u/littleitaly182 is extremely, extremely racist, not even ironically

Stealing from a Dollar Store

Might as well x-post that to /r/trashy as well.

No one is impressed you steal toiletries from a dollar store like a mental patient, /u/littleitaly182.

/u/littleitaly182 Is your boyfriend proud of having a girl to steal socks for him?

I'm new to this site & from what I understood, these "subs" for shoplifting are supposed to be role playing scenarios. Members post their "hauls" then roleplay the wild ways they obtained the items - it's supposed to be fun & no different than hiding behind a keyboard & being able to recreate yourself on the web, that's what these things are for.

So you don't actual steal dumb shit you just pretend to steal dumb shit online?

IDK which is worse.

"I am just role-playing stealing boring shit"

"I do not create joinder with this bottle of shampoo! Am I being detained?!"

>being a petty theif

>LARPing as a petty thief

Either way, MAYOCIDE NOW

Yeah, what the fuck? Don't get me wrong, I lie, troll, pretend and exaggerate all the time because it's fun, but how could anyone find it worthwhile to pretend to steal a candy bar? If that's how lame your naughty imagination is that's way more embarrassing than just stealing the candy bar.

Telling SRD that you can't wait for your cousin to turn 18 and that there's nothing wrong with masturbating in her panties is one thing. That's creative and fun. (It's called ephebophila btw and it's perfectly natural)

Role playing about how you were too incompetent to steal a candy bar and got pissed over having to return it? /u/littleitaly182 if you admit you're just a shoplifter I'd have way more respect for you.

The purpose is to be creative & it's fun. Every lifting roleplay thread I've seen so far is private. It can be anything from petty stuff like a shelf, crafts/paint, a shirt, or bigger items like a stove, a cat, whatever the hell it may be, & users banter about how they would go about concealing these items, the store, the method of lift, getting caught & getting away stories, its interesting & definitely fun for those who participate

No you fucking retard. The "roleplay" thing is just a weak attempt to cover their asses legally. Those people are actually fucking shoplifting.

I honestly can't tell if you're lying through your teeth or you're actually this fucking stupid.

How can you not tell? Of course it's a thief, and fucking dumb too.

So if I'm understanding this correctly, you go out, buy a bunch of random shit then write this:

I do use everything I lift! I've never lifted for profit/resale. I have always participated in light lifting but the past year has been so hard financially. Of course the candy & crafty shit is not necessary, but things like razors, soap, toothpaste, I really am grateful for all of it

To roleplay a petty thief who steals worthless shit?

I get joking about how to steal cats and shit, but why RP stealing worthless shit.

LOL you think people believe you. Hey guess what, if you're prosecuted and they use your posts as evidence, judges and juries aren't actually retarded. They don't think "oh, must just be roleplay!" They know you're a fucking thief and convict you.

You're pretty retarded if you think you're convincing at all.

Again, nobody fucking believes that bc nobody is that retarded.

I don't see at all how you'd think that r/Shoplifting is a role-playing sub because there are absolutely no indications on any of the posts there. But let's humor you for a second, are these all intricate parts of your dedicated role-playing then?

You claiming to have written out the prices for the stuff you stole. (

You talking how you've fallen on hard times financially and how you're grateful for your ability to steal the necessities (but somehow wind up with mostly candy, make up and markers).

You making a comment about enjoying the challenges of acquiring a large amount of items and how they're not about the individual items (although that's not fully align with your last comment about wanting necessities since times have been hard) (

You talking about your tactics during a trip to Walgreens (maybe it's the same one you claimed you were harassed at??? That would explain some things...) (

And then my favorite, when you give extremely detailed and specific advice. (

One last thing, if it is all just roleplaying game then how do you get such boring and cluster-fucked items to look like your "haul"? Do you, 1. Actually buy these odd, (and in some pics duplicate) items and then arrange them on the floor and feel really good about bragging to a site you "just joined 4 days ago"?? 2. Steal pictures from other people's old Reddit or Tumblr posts? 3. Use items around your house (which has two different types of wood flooring by the way and if this ones true, why do you keep most of your stuff in the original packaging)???

Like I said before you're definitely a liar but you're either also a troll or also a shoplifter. You should give it up tho cuz you're obviously horrible at all three.

Nah it's just their way of thinking they are clever, as if this wouldn't be used as evidence just as easily.

I mean they're going to get caught in the action of shoplifting not by some online post anyway unless they are exceedingly dumb about it.

If, by some chance, this person was such a frequent shoplifter that they got arrested and cops decide to drop hammer, it might go something like this.

They get arrested. Cops search phone. Reddit account is logged in by default. Cops check social media on phone, see her posts, enter in as evidence confessions to tack on additional counts.

Unless its a damn diamond heist I don't see how "role playing" someone stealing a two pack of deodorant is any fun.

I'll open up a "minimum wage cashier" role-play

"And that'll be $44.98. Have a nice day!"

closes cash register

Your change is off

I'll like to speak to the manager

Go fuck yourself and hang yourself, in this order bitch.

Returns to inventorying cigarettes

Yeah, uh, can I get a soft pack of Marlboro Reds?

Absolutely. Can I see your ID?

looks at customer to size up if they are going to make a big deal out of being asked for ID

Presents ID showing that I'm 23

Also, can I see your ID? I need to know whether or not you're a minor before smash that ass

pages manager

I need an adult.

I'm an adult. I'm also your Huckleberry.

The day will come when you get caught shoplifting useless garbage, it will happen. When it does you'll be handcuffed in the back of a patrol car, crying, wondering how you ended up there. When that day comes I hope you remember this comment, you're an idiot and you deserve everything you are about to go through.

She fucking won't. Idiots never take responsibility for shit.

She fucking won't. Idiots never take responsibility for shit.

double post REEEEE

Don't mash the "save" button.

I reeeeeee pretty hard when someone tries to defame the good name of the Walgreens corporation TBH

It's "Walgreens (PBUT)" you heathean

When it does you'll be handcuffed in the back of a patrol car, crying,

Does that make you hot

Yes ddy


not only does that not make any sense, but what kind of fucking mongoloid cant spell "oops"

keep yourself safe

Is that just role playing *wink* * wink* ?

Yeah horseshit. By the way, your silly "it's all roleplaying" excuse won't save you when you get busted for this shit. Stop being a petty little scumbag and get a job you useless cretin.

I have a full time job, & no it's not trolling the internet

Then how about you grow up and stop being a thief?

You're either a thief or a troll and you claim to not be either, so you must be a liar on top of it.

Why not call it the triple play.

So you're just a fucktard who can't even come up with a lie to cover up your petty theft? You're so God damn dumb you should honestly lasso yourself up a semi on the interstate and ride the skids

I hope you have kids, or do in the future, & some random cunt says that to them one day, see how you feel about your trash mouth then. I lost my dad almost 2 months ago, this site seemed like it was so laid back & interesting, I loved reading through people's posts - it was a huge distraction that let me forget the nightmare of losing my dad, even for a short time. But now I know this site is full of insecure, angry, junked out assholes that find pleasure from online bullying. I feel so lame saying that, but it's pathetic. I can't believe people are really like this - what the fuck is wrong with all of you? Is your life so meaningless, are you so useless as a person that you have to act like this to feel like you've done something good today? I can't force myself to be that fucked off in the head to the point I could openly talk to someone like this. I really hope you all get what you deserve, karma is inevitable & always catches up to you eventually. My dad dying makes getting up every day agonizing enough, I don't need these suggestions of random ways to kill myself. Go find another way to thrill yourselves. You should be so proud.

Awww, poor baby is trying to victimize herself because she's butthurt. Tell me, you deranged teutonic twat, do you really think any of us care? This is the internet, no one gives a fuck about you much like the real world doesn't. Trolling dumb cunts like you takes no more than a minute or so and the results are hilarious. You're in a troll sub dedicated to shitting on everyone. I'm glad your dad doesn't have to see how much of a pathetic petty thief you are. You're a waste of sperm that should've been swallowed. As far as me having children goes? My kids won't be retarded bitches that brag about petty theft, try to pass it off as role playing, and then upon being rightfully shit on try to seek pity. My advice? Delete your account and straighten yourself out before you end up a lot lizard sucking dick for dope money.

Then grow up you fucking cumstain.

What did you roll for this haul? -5?

You're disgusting. When you get caught I hope the cops beat the shit out of you.

You hope police officers beat the shit out of me for suspicion of possible petty theft at a local Walgreens?

Yup. Shoplifters are scum.

"""""role play"""""

I just want you to know that I 100% believe you and the people who are downvoting you are a bunch of misogynists. You do you, girl!

Tracey, you are a fuckin idiot

I've got 2 words for you: Role playing chat room, dude

I'm new to this site & from what I understood, these "subs" for shoplifting are supposed to be role playing scenarios

You're wrong, those people are actually shoplifting. Are you saying that you actually didn't shoplift those stuff and were just role-playing? Because that's not what the sub is for.

these "subs" for shoplifting are supposed to be role playing scenarios.

This is the most retardedly absurd explanation I've ever heard. A fucking 5 year old can come up with a better excuse than that. Do you really think everyone is as dumb as you to buy into this?

Sweet Jesus, this is dumb. Everybody stop downvoting her.

I smell.....


Lies lies lies cunt bitch

What the fuck is your malfunction? Lmao.

Roleplay? Nothing except the name ShopliftingRP indicates it's for roleplaying shoplifting. Just a regular shitty shoplifting sub.

If it's just a roleplaying thing, why did you think people on that sub would have advice?...

You're a fucking retarded if you really believe that and doubly so if you think anyone is going to believe it

how the hell is this downvoted

Her bf was with her that day and he seems to be there in her shoplifting escapades because she also "roleplays" about how she wants to keep inventory of her shoplifted treasure but her bf is against keeping track.

I'm early 20s Caucasian female, I want to include that info because I know this asshole would NEVER do that with a man or an older woman.

LMA fucking O. We all know how young white women are SO discriminated in America. /u/littleitaly182 have you considered giving up theft and just selling your ass?

How the fuck do you spend an hour in walgreens? They're like convenience store sized.

I had no idea this was that out of the ordinary, but after the time it took at the register & returning my items, plus the time I took to actually shop afterwards, I guessed about an hour

Lost track of time reading those hilarious Ziggy greeting cards.

Not all of them. There's one by me that's quite large, like a grocery store.

An hour is still excessive, but frankly it's excessive for almost any non clothing store.

I've gotten lost there but I am also retarded.

I used to spend at least an hour in there reading shonen jump while waiting for my sister to finish her shift.

Go in with my wife sometimes. Seriously, it's an hour while she decides between various nail polishes and shit. Place is small but they have like 20,000 different items on the makeup isle.

If I spent more than 20 minutes in any store that isn't like a clothes store that I have try on different things I'd start questioning my sanity.

I've been married for 28 years. My sanity is long gone.

[r/shoplifting exists](gt)

u/littleitaly182, yes it is legal to kick you out, but here's what you can do now: post your bf's bussy and keep yourself safe.

Direct me to where I stole these items. I'm new to this site & from what I understood, these "subs" for shoplifting are supposed to be role playing scenarios. Members post their "hauls" then roleplay the wild ways they obtained the items - it's supposed to be fun & no different than hiding behind a keyboard & being able to recreate yourself on the web, that's what these things are for.

/u/littleitaly182 is now saying "I WAS JUST PLAYING MAKE BELIEVE U GUYZZZZZZZ"

That r/legaladvice thread is pretty entertaining lmai

roll playing shoplifting....right. Wow.

Wow. Everyday the whole "reddit users are kids who never grew up" meme seems more and more true.

A bussy? I have no idea what that is

I think you should keep stealing shit until you get arrested, because I really think you're too stupid to feed and clothe yourself. Like at least in the slammer you get two hots and a cot my nigga

Stop downvoting the lolcow you ass blasted ducks.

Lurk moar

Oh nvm. You're new to Reddit.

It's ok you'll probably learn a lot of new slang when you go to jail :)

Bussy, for the most part, refers to the butt or sexual orificies of someone who is biologically male (however, it can refer to the sexual orifices of a trans male in certain cases). At /r/Drama, most of the userbase prefers bussy over gussy (the cis-female equivalent).




Good bot.

Mayo women strike again. This is why I'm doing my part and knocking up as many ethnic women as possible.

So it's not black fathers that are absent, it's all you!

This is why I'm doing my part and knocking up as many ethnic women as possible.

Which is 0

Son, stop following me on Reddit.

Give me a call if you need to talk about it.


"Stop cyberbullying me 😭😭😭"

Unironically kill yourself

Not sure what scares me more tbh, a full-on mayo uprising or a bunch of minorities with /u/pizzashill as their father.

At least the mayos will eventually stop talking about Trump

is this fucking legal?

Do you know what isn't legal, /u/littleitaly182?


But she wasn't shoplifting that time

Does it matter? It just means that they are on to her.

So an admitted thief is saying they weren't busy thieving. So believable.

She totally was, though.

What is returning stolen goods for store credit, then? Fraud?

Except she was role playing the thievery. Why are they following her just because she returned a bunch of stuff she bought just for the karma?

Right, like everyone on /r/shoplifting she was "roleplaying"

It's not exactly a secret that they are actually not roleplaying

She wasn't shoplifting but she was committing retail fraud which is in fact, a felony. I think there's too much tolerance of shoplifters. In Aladdin the guards sliced off the hands of thieves. Those were the good ol' days. :(

/u/littleitaly182 - you're a fucking scumbag and that you had the audacity to run crying to r/legaladvice is just pitiful. Are you fucktarded or just that obnoxiously entitled? May the karma gods have you run over by a bus or something. 😇

I like that she kept clarifying the manager was a "male manager," almost to invoke sympathy because the patriarchy was harassing her.

i also like the part where she says she was in a walgreens shopping for an hour. Ive never in my life seen someone take that long at a small convenience store. Id be watching her like a hawk too.

I also specified the female employee, their gender was irrelevant. I was just trying to be specific & detailed As possible

I did not return items that were not paid for. There was no theft or fraud of any kind. I purchased this stuff weeks ago, paid with cash & like always I scanned my balance rewards card. If I had stolen these items, they wouldn't be in my balance rewards history along with all of my personal information (full name, phone number, address, purchase history). To wish death on someone for something so irrelevant and insignificant to your life is pathetic.

I did not return items that were not paid for. There was no theft or fraud of any kind. I purchased this stuff weeks ago, paid with cash & like always I scanned my balance rewards card. If I had stolen these items, they wouldn't be in my balance rewards history along with all of my personal information (full name, phone number, address, purchase history). To wish death on someone for something so irrelevant and insignificant to your life is pathetic.


You'd know.

How witty

So what did you "buy"?

It isn't about the individual items, it's more so about the challenge of the amount of items involved, I came across a thread by accident & created an account 4 days ago, I had no idea it would effect people on here so personally

I love that you still think you're a victim, you're a thief, and you're clearly dumber than a rock. If you stop being a scummy thief you'll stop getting kicked out of places, if you don't you'll get to roleplay as a prisoner! You should find the nearest body of water and go roleplay as a fish.

So you repeatedly steal from a store, finally get caught, not get punished and let off with a warning even though you should be jailed, and you're ANGRY about this?

What do you want, an apology from the store manager for defending his merchandise from you? Or do you want the cops to force him to let you back in the store so you can continue to steal his shit?

You're a vile, amoral, psychotic cunt. I honestly hope you get killed.

Wait, which part of this admission is the role playing? Is this comment role play?

Admit it, you get a thrill doing something stupid, illegal and mundane, or pretending to do something stupid, illegal and mundane.

Or she's honestly terrible at roleplaying.

-I go in. Take the stuff and walk out.

How is this a thrilling story?

Tracey stop your fucking lies.

So are you role-playing about feeling a challenge too? I can't keep up with your stories. I thought you were under the impression that everyone on the r/Shoplifting subreddit was simply bluffing. Do you not actually do your coined term of walk-ins and strut-outs? If so, I'm deeply disappointed as I was a huge fan of your pathetic attempts at both gain

the harassment started by a male manager & a younger female employee. My bf overheard the manager saying things like "I hate these 'grabby' people, maybe I'm just paranoid, but.." & the female employee never left my side.


I'm not sure what's worse:

  • Shoplifting
  • LARPing as a shoplifter
  • Pretending to LARP as a shoplifter

we gotta bring back crusifixtions and make an example of /u/littleitaly182

thats how we stop shotlifting

ave true to Caesar

u/littleitaly182, even if everything you have said is true (which I do not believe), posting almost exclusively in shoplifting sub does give everybody a bad impression and makes people less likely to believe your stories.

At the very least you are paying for your bad LARPing choices. I would even say the punishment is not enough.

/u/littleitaly182 is the dumbest bitch I've ever seen and I've seen some dumb white women I assure you. Anyone who thinks regurgitating the lie "I was just roleplaying" to cover up being a dumbass and a petty thief deserves to be gassed instantly.

For all you know I could be a 53 year old man from Guatemala, you sound like a nazi, "gassed" you can't be serious

Bitch I don't care if you're a middle aged man or not. You're a fucktard that requires euthanasia

I will never understand the idiots that think they have a right to shoplift.

Lol at the legal advice thread:

And it never happens that people pay for things, then steal the same things, and return them so they can have both the things and the credit?

Math wasn't that guys strong suit