How /r/drama users get laid

7  2017-11-05 by John_Kvetch


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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Well this is transphobic and disgusting. In other words it's totally in with how incels typically are.

/u/Sharknado_1 TBH trannies have it coming though

hahahaha man I honestly have no smart or fake smart thing to say about this I'm just so happy some Incel came up with this system lol

It’s pretty fucking funny ngl

I've got a way better way and it doesn't involve screwing an ugly tranny.

Step 1: Pretend to be gay.

Step 2: befriend a few lesbians, because you're gay, they won't consider you a threat.

Step 3:

This got me good

Pretty sure the way we have sex here is pretend to be unconscious and wait for a male femist to do rape to the bussy.