User defends KiA in r/Gamingcirclejerk, doesn't go well for him

13  2017-11-05 by AchtungMaybe


Tbf gamingcirclejerk has gone to utter shit recently and goddamn it mayocide is real I tell you.

For a circlejerk sub they sure do cry about gamergate and social justice shit a lot.

That's because it's gone from making fun of retards on Reddit parroting popular opinion to "REEE I'm not like the other gross gamers, ladies! I respect you. Please fuck me." and karma farming.

It used to be a really fun sub when it was smaller.

That's what happens when in every /r/gaming (fuck my life I never thought I'd be defending /r/gaming) thread you have people now commenting "/r/gamingcirclejerk" in response to something and get 400 upvotes.

Effectively inviting in the easily offended SJW faggots who otherwise wouldn't have known about it. And at the risk of sounding /r/gatekeeping, it used to be good 2-3 years ago when it was this niche sub to mock the idiots who wouldn't show up about Witcher 3 to now being another Circlebroke, SRD, Negareddit, Gamerghazi sub (seriously there is HUGE over lap between peoples comment historys in GCJ and the aforementioned subs)

GCJ shows you what happens when a "gamer" reads an abridged version of "La Peste" and suddenly thinks that he's the hot shit around these parts.

KiA is stupid but they still occasionally dig up some funny drama.

And here I thought r/KotakuInAction was a bunch of pseudo-intellectual verysmarts.

I don't think defending KiA goes well for anyone outside outside of a highschoool remedial autist wrangling classroom