Well-adjusted adults discuss the fights they've had with literal children

79  2017-11-05 by [deleted]



Response to niece: You know the great thing about you being my niece? When you annoy me like this I can give you back to your mommy and walk away. If you were mine, I'd have to stay with you. That's why I don't want to be a mommy.

jesus how many people touched you as a kid


How does it feel to mentally still be a child?

We should be glad she doesn't want a kid since she had the equivalent mental capacity.

Does u/MisanthropicScott get to answer the door?

Yo /u/MisanthropicScott don't be saying nasty shit like this to kids. Ain't their fault they're annoying as fuck. You gonna give a little kid psychological probs or some shit.

The sub really should be called /r/ChildHate because they spend a lot of time bitching about kids that aren't theirs.

seriously. Look I think kids are super annoying too but I love the shit out of my nieces and nephews. Hell sometimes the innocence and ignorance of children is beautiful. They also don't fuck around, they don't have a filter - they tell you how it it; you gotta respect that sometimes. and it's not their fault their annoying anyway, all fucking kids are annoying, but how annoying they are can greatly depends how well they are raised and if you're hanging around kids so annoying to the point you have to cry about it on a reddit forum you hang around some shitty parents

seriously. Look I think kids are super annoying too but I love the shit out of my nieces and nephews. Hell sometimes the innocence and ignorance of children is beautiful.

Kiddy diddler confirmed.

I honestly hate kids myself but there is some fucking personality disorder shit going on in that sub. What kind of absolute psycho would actually ramble to a child about how they're shitty and worthless and hated or whatever? Like just avoid kids maybe if you really cant stand em? Jesus.

Any community that's entire identity is based on not being something is gonna be crap


And the reply is just as good:

This comment is a keeper. I'm taking this :)

Ok, you fucking weirdo..

/u/MisanthropicScott, how does it feel to know your mother hates you as much as you hate kids, but due to societal pressure she was forced to keep you?

u/Ailurophile07, why do I get the feeling you’re not childfree because you care one way or another about children, but more because you can’t maintain any kind of sexual relationship?

Bingo? What? I don't get it and I refuse to get it.

More than likely it's some supremely autistic slang the """""""childfree community"""""""""" uses.

I don't know what it is with these types of people, but they always come up with their own little dictionary.

That's what I figure. They're so cool they use their own slang.

Post bussy, mayocide now, keep yourself safe, this but unironically.


It's not just them, it's used in other communities who usually face some sort of enmity from others (for example, I've seen it used on /r/raisedbynarcissists) and everyone gets told the same things from the people opposing them.

There are certain things said to certain groups of people over and over.

For the /r/childfree community, some of these things would be

  • You'll change your mind, and want to have kids when you get older.

  • Just wait until the biological clock starts ticking.

  • How will you have meaning in your life if you don't have kids?

  • We want to have sex because it's natural to reproduce.

  • I didn't want kids at first, but now I love them!

Now, imagine you have an imaginary bingo card, and each space had one of these statements. When someone is telling you all these things, you get an imaginary "bingo" on the card. It doesn't necessarily have to be multiple statements, but that's where the term comes from.

But when the reward for completing the card is autism why play?

Well, it's not really a "game", it's just a metaphor. Saying you're getting bingoed indicates that you're being annoyed by people saying the same stuff over and over.

"They said the thing!" instead of actually answering I hate those [ideological Other] bingo sheets

We know it's not a literal game

/u/Eternal_Mr_Bones was making a joke with the punchline that all of r/childfree is autistic

Based on your response, you should never leave the internet nor your basement

Based on your response, you should never leave the internet nor your basement

Sometimes I wonder if I'm actually autistic tbh. I'm poor enough not to have a basement, and unfortunately the world isn't commie enough to let me stay inside forever.


kids suck and are retarded most of the time, but i wouldn't trade my kid for being as bitter as the /r/childfree users.

I don't want kids. Decided that a long time ago. I also would never want to designate part of my persona and a bunch of time to that choice. Like... Just don't have kids. Why is this a part of who you are as a person? I don't get it anymore than I get the whole "I'M GAY" screaming, even as a bisexual. Like... okay cool you wanna fuck what you want to fuck, is it that hard to develop other sides of your personality?

Exactly, I don't understand the people that based their lives around a negative identity.

  • "I'm an atheist, hear me ROAR!!!"
  • etc

atheism and childfree are 2 totally different concepts.

1) Children exist. Gods don't.

2) Most of these "loud" atheists live in nations where religion has cultural hegemony. They are the minority.

3) Keep yourself safe and post bussy

What I'm saying is people who make their entire identity about being not X.

Why not define yourself by something you actually do like/believe in?

These idiots know you can punch kids, right? Like, they're physically stronger than then (maybe) and if they live in America some Walmart family congratulate them on discipling the child face first into the curb.

youre too retarded for even this sub

That's untrue, /r/drama welcomes all sorts of retards!

Wake me up when red letter media is dead

That sub is a good example of becoming the thing you hate.

if you're talking about r/childfree, true. If you're talking about r/drama, true.

If only we can make r/drama child-free, and make r/childfree drive off a cliff. SIGH

God help us if anyone at r/drama is reproducing


Hey, it's almost as if having at least one kid in some way is the norm almost everywhere in the world and has been for thousands upon thousands of years.

I just find it funny they have superiority complexes over children

r/drama is one of the strongest arguments for birth control I've ever seen.

You would only need to look into the mirror for such an argument. Hypocrite.

I agree. Whatever has happened to “kids are to be seen, not heard”?. Why do they have to babble on all the time? It’s not cute whatsoever when they pretend to act and talk like adults while they couldn’t wipe their own asses properly.

Because unlike your childhood /u/deltaspirit161 most kids have loving parents

Well my mom worked hard to put me and brother through college. She always encourages me to pursue whatever dreams i may have and whoever i may wanna be. She likes to have grandkids but is now completely supportive of me being cf and has never bingoed me once. So i’d say that’s pretty damn loving of her don’t you think?

Is that why your mom scared your dad away?

Nah he was an alcoholic and she got rid of him.

ahhhh that's why you're a little fucked in the head

Who isn’t ? Lol Most of the greatest inventors and artists are fucked in the heads. The difference between them and us is that we haven’t really achieved fuck-all with our lives.

There's also a difference between being a bit off and having toxic values, but I mean whatever makes yourself feel better

Most certainly. Whatever float our boats, we go for it.

I'd rather have my boat float on something better than hate tbh but that's just me

Yeah I guess

Just because you don't want kids doesn't give you any merit to cut empathy for them and their parents when you lack empathy you fail to rationalize the situation and circumstances properly

Yeah I guess

I honestly don't want kids either but going through your post history it's obvious you don't see how disgusting you are to everyone around you that has them

Well I guess.

Seeing how your mom cultivated your behavior she probably drove him to alcoholism good thing he got away from that

Lol .. i guess

why don't you join /r/fatherfree

Just tried that. It said community unavailable.

If you want maybe you can try going out and enjoying life rather than having a superiority complex instead

Yeah I guess.

Or maybe you can actually get a date for once if you learned how to control your behavior either or

Lol i guess

This in all non malicous shitposting could help you out

Oh thanks. Will definitely have a read. Does sound pretty inspiring with a great ending.

it does if you read it, that ending being understanding yourself a bit

Sure. Will do.

Nah you'll probably put it off like you how you put off being a decent person

Lol i guess

well at least you got to the first step now you gotta go steal someones children and husband you desperately crave then you'll have it going

Haha. You’re a woman with a plan.

I mean assuming I'm a women makes your insecurities more apparent lol

Oh sorry. You’re the man with a plan. 😂

Darling, divisiveness won't hide your faults

Lol I guess

I found it hilarious that you think women are the sole ones who critise you tbh so please keep guessing

Lol will do

I never understand why bland people make being against something a focus of their personality


Actually thats a lie we both know it's compensation add me on steam btw

Well that was a rollercoaster ride

/u/ForeSkinJacket pulled /u/deltaspirit161 in very nicely for the first 10 comments

Then surprisingly, DeltaSpirit161 completely reverses the lolcow train using the "well I guess" defense causing ForeSkin to completely sperg out

Well done both of you, and I declare the winner to be none of us

If you weren't so damn obsessed with yourself sweetie, maybe you could get over having to compensate by putting down children and mothers

childfree redditors are incredibly pathetic.

Yeah just DONT have children. Done.

These people are just trying to stop Hollywood by not having children.