((Their)) plan finally confirmed!!

21  2017-11-05 by GaymasterNacelle


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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>"White Supremacy and Jews don't exactly go hand in hand"

>Half of the people who get called white supremacists are jews


The modern "white supremacy" movement is actually a plot by the Jews to demonize the white race in the eyes of the other races. It is known that the average white person only wants to secure the existence of his people and a future for white children. Jews, still butthurt about Jesus, decided to create race conflict in order to eliminate the white race. It's genius, really, I'll have to give them that.

You'll notice that a lot of these white supremacists are actually Jews, as well as "SJWs". That's because they like to play both sides. What better way to aggravate the population? It's easy to get people like college students riled up for causes like Antifa, BLM, even their own brand of white supremacy they like to preach. It's the sowing of conflict that spreads instability in the land, letting the Jews only strengthen their hold on the nation.

Any white supremacist worth his semenskin will acknowledge that the Jews are cunning, clever, and have higher IQs on average, even the ones influenced by the Jews themselves. However, the difference between an effective, actual white supremacist and a "white supremacist" led on by the Jews must be made clear: an actual white supremacist will not organize, because the Jews, as of now, have a much too strong hold on the world. Spreading awareness does nothing, and in fact, only gives them fuel.

The only way to ensure a future for the white race is to personally strengthen your own resolve and do the one thing that actually has an effect, which I'll put in the words of God himself:

And you, be fruitful and multiply, increase greatly on the earth and multiply in it.” (Genesis 9:7)

There's no need for organization or rallies, these are clearly false flags influenced by the Jews to increase sentiment against the white race. You have been warned, heed this warning and tread carefully.

This but unironically.

The only way to ensure a future for the white race is to personally strengthen your own resolve

But isn't the idea that we white people should be interested in ensuring our future, itself a notion planted by the Jews?

Jews with European ancestry are white. This fact infuriates both SJWs and neonazis.




They're circumstantially white.

Whiteness isn't a static and unchanging demographic, and part of how white supremacy operates is by expanding the definition of "white" to allow for the further subjugation of black people. It happened with Italians/Jews/Irish

That feel when you weren't part of the original white so aren't as bad

>tfw being half grek half srb

Lookit dis mayo hipster!

part of how white supremacy operates is by expanding the definition of "white" to allow for the further subjugation of black people.

Can you be any more mistaken? White supremacy grudgingly picks worse and worse players on its team just to make the black man feel bad for being left out? Hey, look man, even the Indian kid got picked before you. Look at our mixed-race babies, pretty bad right? Yeah, well still better than if we had kids. Owned! xDDD

Whiteness wasn't really a concept until all kinds of second rate Yuros emigrated to the New World and created the mongrel race you guys call "white". I don't get why some Americans are so eager to get into the race game when they don't even get the basics of ethno-nationalism.

/u/terrysaurus-rex Do you just make shit up and hope no one notices? smh

White supremacy grudgingly picks worse and worse players on its team just to make the black man feel bad for being left out?

Pretty much exactly this. /r/beholdthemasterrace

u/terrysaurus-rex Irish & Italians & such were always considered white. Try to find a source and prove me wrong.



u/SJWagner so you're looking forward to third world status

As long as he can get back at mommy and daddy.

All I really want is to eat the flesh of my enemies and fuck their barnyard animals.

Are you from Alabama or Syria?

All I can say is that I am by law not allowed to be near animals or cemeteries. I have done things that would make Jeffrey dahmer think I'm a disturbed individual.

Alice Cooper?

/u/SJWagner you realize even with a full blown mayocide, blacks and hispanics are going to get wiped out thru obesity and drug addiction while all the AZNs will flee back to their home countries?

All that matters is that I get to have sex with dead bodies.

Do they imagine that there's gonna be some super POC alliance that'll make the country a utopia? I mean there are countries where mayos make up 0.01% of the population which are far from being a utopia, why not just emigrate there 🤔

What alliance? The good natured, darker skinned minorities are already friendly and united in their oppression by privileged white people! When finally white people become a minority, at last the oppression can stop and the good minorities will make these countries a fair and better place.

And make no mistake - this definitely will happen. So how do you feel about that, white supremacists? Eh? All your railing won't help you, whites will become a minority and honestly it'll be best for the world - whites have caused too much damage. The ethnic people will be the majority and they'll establish a world that's liberal and fair for everyone!

I’m really worried about what they’ll do before that point comes to try and prevent whites from being the minority.

u/chic_mzungu, quit pushing for it and you'll have nothing to worry about.