Larry David officially an antisemite for pointing out my sexual harassment of /u/aliceunknown and her glorious funbags

142  2017-11-06 by subpoutine

Larry David, SS-Obergruppenführer of the hit alt-right show Mürdoch Mürdoch, shocked the Jewish community with yet another slur against G*d’s chosen people. A certain Israeli paper documents the jewnormous outage.


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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Shut it down, the goyim know

Larry David is a fucking saint.

He's a perfect example of what Democrats used to be, before everyone decided to get offended about everything and nobody's feelings were allowed to be hurt.

It's like the 2010s hit and an instant switch between them. Not they get offended.

Unironically, Occupy Wall Street was the initial descent into our current state of post-modernism

sure i don't think you know what postmodernism is tho

i think

That's the problem lol

sure he does. post modernism means stuff i dont like

It's the opposite of traditional values. Traditional values is everything I like and it's super good for you too!

If you genuinely liked traditional values you wouldn't be hanging out under the bridge with us.

Now pass me the spoon.

I like postmodern values.

Technically we're Transmodern.

Fuck you I'm bussymodern



Yeah, he didn't use enough parentheses

The people who understand postmodernism the least are always the ones to talk about it the most.

what if they actually deeply understand postmodernism, just in a way that's incompatible with your internal narrative?

I think we hit peak reddit with blaming post modernism on occupy wall Street.

I don't know, I saw a few Edward Albee one act plays on friday night and now I feel like I'm a transgender cultural marxist with a deep longing to bring an end to white men and small business owners that won't bake me a cake.

I think we hit peak reddit with blaming postmodernism on occupy wall Street.

A bizarre attribution to be sure

Lol you're just throwing out random buzzwords aren't you? Don't forget a couple of cultural Marxisms in there.

Post-modernism began in about 1955 dude. Do you even know what you're on about?

um, the first postmodernist was actually neil degrasse tyson, try again sweaty :)

if you manage to misapply a buzzword so badly even r/drama is able to unanimously call you out on it it's probably time to stop posting, friend

(((Larry David)))

((( ((( ))) )))

( . )Y( . )

His whole show is him mocking the stick-up-your-ass Hollywood liberal culture and I love it

If only you didn't use the word liberal like that i'd upvote you. Pretty sure larry david is liberal, if anything his sense of humor is the definition of liberal.

Is it though?


Damn that's harsh, taking away your precious upvote.

He's "liberal" in the classically sense. He definitely not a liberal by today's standards.

Tell me what are those standards? I have a feeling it's more an image you have in your head and much less what the reality is. Come on lets hear it.

Tell me what are those standards?

A classical liberal is very libertarian leaning although not as extreme. Believes in civil liberties and what not.

A modern-day liberal is basically someone who prescribes to identity politics and is much further left on the political spectrum.

I have a feeling

No one cares.

It's rarely easier than this comment right here to know that someone learned the definition of classical liberalism from fedora tier youtube videos rather than an actual course on it.

classical liberalism from fedora tier youtube videos rather than an actual course on it.

There's a specific course dedicated to classical liberalism? Bitch pls I'm studying Economics at one of the best Universities in the UK (Warwick). Conversing with you sub-humans is charity to me. My definition of classical liberalism is correct and up to date. Most of those YouTube alt-righters call themselves "libertarians".

Most of those YouTube alt-righters call themselves "libertarians".

That's simply not true.

There's a specific course dedicated to classical liberalism

There are plenty of classes that cover the history of political philosophy. Intro to micro isn't one of them. To the extent that modern economics touches on this, few econ departments require (or even offer) coursework on the history of economic thought (at least in America).

Bitch pls I'm studying Economics at one of the best Universities in the UK (Warwick). Conversing with you sub-humans is charity to me


That's simply not true.

Yes it is. Lauren Southern, everyone on Rebel Media, Milo etc all call themselves "libertarians". The only classical liberal I can think of is the guy from the Rubin Report.

To the extent that modern economics touches on this, few econ departments require (or even offer) coursework on the history of economic thought (at least in America).

In the UK, it's optional or economics. And politics isn't really that popular of a subject for undergrad so I can't really comment.


There's nothing to "lol" about. I am a intellectual behemoth compared to you.

Yes it is. Lauren Southern, everyone on Rebel Media, Milo etc all call themselves "libertarians". The only classical liberal I can think of is the guy from the Rubin Report.

You're presuming mutual exclusivity in self-labeling where it doesn't really exist.

There's nothing to "lol" about. I am a intellectual behemoth compared to you.


Maybe if you were in one of the top 2 econ programs rather than the mere 3rd best we'd take you seriously. Best to wait for the take of one of the many random kids at Cambridge or Oxford though.

Maybe if you were in one of the top 2 econ programs rather than the mere 3rd best we'd take you seriously. Best to wait for the take of one of the many random kids at Cambridge or Oxford though.

Wow. That was a low blow. I cannot believe you fucking went there. I'll have you know that many rankings place Warwick above Oxford and Cambridge. And the common term for top-tier universities is "Woxbridge".

Btw I'm a really a "mid-tier subhuman" like yourself.

Bitch pls I'm studying Economics at one of the best Universities in the UK (Warwick). Conversing with you sub-humans is charity to me. My definition of classical liberalism is correct and up to date.


Too embarrassed to state your alma mater? I thought so. Go back to r/gifs you normie scum.

Too embarrassed to state your alma mater?

You're hilarious. we're on the internet, i can say i studied at harvard for fucks sake. You try to get into a almamater swinging competition on the fucking internet and you call ME a normie.. that's the funniest part.

i can say i studied at harvard for fucks sake.

Only CHADS like me go to Harvard. Not incels like you. Now begone normie SCUM.

You go to harvard too! high five brah

You are the literal definition of normie you sick cunt lololo

Shut up unless you're handing out your asshole

Stfu pussy bitch, come bring me your mothers pussy so I can breed with it you son of a whore.

Wait that wasn't pasta?

Bitch pls I'm studying Economics at one of the best Universities in the UK (Warwick).


in the UK

whoever told you admitting things like this would make people respect you was fucking with you, sorry you had to find out this way

Both your definitions are wrong. LD is a lefty, meaning he is a modern day liberal. What you described there is exactly a false stereotype that represents only a fraction of the left, it's exactly what i expected you to say.

no one cares

OH boy are we on the internet, lets not cut ourselfs on all this edge

Both your definitions are wrong.

Both of my definitions are correct. I study at one of the best Universities in the world so I know what I'm talking about. You likely barely scraped your way through community college LOL. We are not equals, no matter how you try and spin this.

LD is a lefty

Do you have a full account of all his political beliefs? No. So to make such a statement is incorrect on your part but such fallacies are to be expected from someone like you.

it's exactly what i expected you to say.

Ooooh you must be really badass. Shit, this kid predicted my response LMAO. Listen kid, what is your alma mater? Tell me and I will consider continuing this conversation otherwise I'm just wasting my time with a sub-human.

OH boy are we on the internet, lets not cut ourselfs on all this edge

Edge? You thought I was being edgy? I was merely pointing out that no one cares about your self-obsessed ramblings. Don't be so sensitive.

Sorry man, a bunch of sub-humans from mid-range universities know more than you. Maybe next semester you'll level up though.

None of you have proven me wrong. I'm a like a noble lion in the Serengeti fighting off two uninformed Hyenas.

Ha ha ha hell yeah you are!

oh god, i can't take you seriously, this is too funny

stick-up-your-ass Hollywood liberal culture

There's a lot of qualifiers in there for you to rush to the "not all liberals" defense.

That merge of Hollywood and liberal just reeks of that shit stereotyping i'm so tired of hearing about. Especially with Larry David himself being a liberal from Hollywood. He is obviously smart enough to joke about it, these guys here though don't get that, they don't see the nuances. It's fox news style culture war, i hate that shit, it's so fucking stupid.

Complaining about blanket political stereotyping in 2017


Well, i'm trying to take a step in the right direction, just cause both sides do it doesn't make it any less worthy of complaints.

This is a safe space but be careful where you go on reddit spouting South Park neutral talk.

I come off as neutral? what the fuck, i'm anything but neutral. Enlighten me what's southpark neutral talk?

Just because both sides do it

A true zealot never admits his side has flaws.

I fucked up. When can we schedule me an execution? im not doing anything friday.

He is obviously smart enough to joke about it, these guys here though don't get that, they don't see the nuances.

To be fair, you have to be pretty smart to understand curb your enthusiasm....

I can't believe i caught one of you big brains in the wild

That's not what i said, i was talking about one specific comment. That dude that i originaly replied to is a fucking moron. Maybe he gets the show, but he's a fucking moron. I'm fucking certain of it.

Your serious posting is dumb and gay

sorry if my posting on current affairs is gay to you. i will suck your huge cool as shit e cock whem i have time for it

Coo coo, let me know

I can guarantee you that it is in no way huge

How do people like you even find your way to this sub? I don't understand it

people like you



That would be more like you though, now do me

I just didn't like how he said liberal, made him sound stupid. whats so wrong with that.

its a retarded thing to say


Announcing that you're going to downvote someone because of their phrasing is peak reddit faggotry

his comment wouldve been alright if not for how he used that one word, and thats why i didn't upvote it. never said anything about downvoting. Sorry i said what i thought at the moment, if thats so faggy youre welcome to join in theres plenty of dick for you to enjoy

I'm one of the rare few around here who doesn't enjoy the dick and butt, thank you for offering though. I guess my main point is that you make it clear you take reddit way too seriously, thus my confusion as to how you wound up posting here of all places

What? i'm not always joking around but i definetly don't take shit way too seriously. You can't be too bright if you got that impression. All i said was i didn't like how he said liberals, for about the same reason as people get annoyed when people say "thats why the dems lost" after you call one of them stupid, or something siimilar anyway. yeah i take it soooo

I would upvote this post, but you referred to me not being very bright and hurt my feelings. I just wanted to make this announcement regarding your post. Thanks.

This is why Trump won.

You shoulda gone with "this is why the dems lost". Your sentence doesn't bother me.

politics started at his comment

So did you miss the part where the guy before me brought up 'Democrat' to begin with?

Either way, the liberal part fits, because the social nonsensicals that the show lampoons are deeply rooted in leftist political correctness. Sorry if you don't think so, but it's really pretty evident.

There is political correctness on both sides. Each side uses it to further their own world view, values. The way it came off was different, guess i got the wrong impression.

Sure? I understand this, so I don't get what point you're intending. It's exceedingly obvious that the culture of Hollywood is liberal, and it shapes their sensitivities. Go watch the episode where Larry goes to live with his supposedly real parents, who are midwestern christians. That one lampoons the conservative side of political correctness, and the difference is night and day.

My only problem was with your original comment where it sounded like u were using 'liberal on the same token that people say 'libtard' and it came off badly. I understood now that i got the wrong impression, like i said before. That's about it. There's no disagreement about the show, he jokes about everyone.

Other titles under consideration:
* Get a life, Jews!
* something something Hymie Whinestein

Other titles under consideration:

Larry David will always be nothing less than a legend.

problem is, there are no good opening lines in a concentration camp

Damn Jews, they ruin Hebrews. You've just made an enemy for life!

What is "Mürdoch Mürdoch"?

It's a show on Youtube

What is really crazy is that people watch it unironically. I can't actually imagine how fucking retarded one must be to enjoy that trash, much less take it seriously.

Oy vey. Shut it down.

Oy gevalt.

I unironically enjoyed the Vampire Hunter M Halloween Special.

Nice-Guy-National-Socialism is good

The REAL Jews accepted Jesus Christ as their lord and savior. The kikes who denied Him are the synagogue of Satan.


Don't mind him, he's just a serial killer.

So the real Jews are paedophile enabling Catholics?

Nothing wrong with dark humor.

I like my humor dark enough for cops to beat.

/u/aliceunknown defend yourself! 😤

Omg, I’m almost as famous as you now! Thanks for tagging me bae!

You idiots. They're just taking part in the glorious jew tradition of complaining about fucking everything.

If goys weren’t so fucking stupid, we wouldn’t have to. 🙄

I never said it wasn't justified, sweet cheeks. Oy vey

Post funbags

We all know you have big Jew titties.

We all know you have big Jew titties.

gis "big jew titties" - was not disappointed.

To be fair, we complain about eachother even more then we do about the goys. Also, post those funbags! do it for our people, haven't we suffered enough

we're just taking part in the glorious jew tradition of complaining about fucking everything

as far as i can tell a solid majority of the sub is either jewish or (((lawyers.))) kvetching is our national sport

I mean, this sub is the cosmic turtle of complaining. It's not exactly gay frog levels of conspiracy.

Larry David made fun of Bernie Sanders on SNL and the far left communists called him an anti-semite kike nazi.

what? that was the tamest shit

it like, wasn't even a shot at him, it was just like "what if Bernie Sanders was Curb Your Enthusiasm"

Sanders supporters are even worse than Trump's

in this one very narrow respect, yes

I'm pretty I saw no Sanders supporters being bitter about his portrayal on SNL. Most of them embraced it. Can't say the same about daddy's little dicklickers.


Wait this bit was on SNL? Who gives a shit, not like anyone saw it.

yeah seriously, wtf is an snl

Guys, what should I name my funbags? They need names. ;)


Lena and Amy.

r u a gril irl

Yes. I have a vagina and I was born with it.

Bullshit, everyone knows heebs don't have sex organs

I will not stand for this anti-semitism! You respect your superiors, Herr Goy!

I want to see (((your titties))).

She might be Naomi Russell. The vast majority of r/Drama users are AIDS ridden, it all adds up.

Oh that's coo-

and I was born with it

My condolences.

Could you get a penor installed and then be a sexy feminine trap for me plz

Larry & David, duh


Mayo, Cide

Instead of "funbags", "sad sacks"

BEEP BEEEEEEP - Homosexual detected.

Shit they are onto me

Anne and Frank

Eve and Lilith.

Is this why some people seem dead set on silencing discussion of the rampant pedophilia in hollywood? I had assumed it was just because they were kidfuckers themselves.

its both

  1. Larry David is a goddamn saint and I'll neck anyone that says otherwise.

  2. That bit was hilarious.

  3. This bullshit right here

He's not bad for one of you "people", plus he allowed me on his show

>having necking fetish

Larry David is a cunt! Do meeeee!


  1. Now imagine an old Jewish man trying to tell a black woman she offended him with her slavery joke.

/u/aliceunknown post bussy.

This is not the way of our people.

Yes it is. Why should I give you guys anything without something in return? Persuade me.

Unconditional love?

Would him sending his own bussy pics beforehand be persuasion enough?

Lena Dunham wrote Girls to show how special and quirky she is.

Larry David wrote Curb Your Enthusiasm to show how much of a selfish fuckup idiot he is.

Old Testament G*d bless him.

I wasn't enjoying the new season of Curb as much as I had hoped but the newest episode was that good shit