Which side of started the violence? You did! No, you did! No, Drumpf did! A finger pointing, tendies throwing, bike lock hitting, fight begins.

34  2017-11-06 by wazzupnerds


I don't believe in God, but I wish he was real just so he could come back and beat the shit out of these nerds and usher in a 1000 year reign of radical centrism.

points out that many people advocate violence against those who disagree

"But muh drumpf" "both sides"

Does "drumpf" mean something other than an intentional misspelling?

It's from a John Oliver segment, where Oliver talks about when Trump's family first came over the name was changed from Drumpf to Trump. And therefore everyone should refer to him as Drumpf, or something.

I do Like Sodom & Rodom. WTF I like propaganda now?

Nah, like always including Hussain in Barack Obama.

It was the Trump family's original last name when they came to America like 100 years ago.

They use it as an insult because...in not totally sure. It sounds bad?

I guess bloodlines should be exploited right

It sounds like a fat man falling on his belly on some dewy grass in the morning tbh. I'd do what my ancestors were unable to and change it for something cooler like Trump too.


He willingly went along with shitting on the constitution to steal a supreme court seat

Please point to the line in the constitution where it says nominees must have a hearing.

Oh so it's a child


The Senate is to advise and consent. That means they must approve of Garland.

As in, they are required to approve of whoever the president nominates?

If that person is qualified. Else, they may as well be the electors if they fail to do their job.

You dumbfuck. No one said they HAVE to consent

You're a literal fucking retard. "XD the senate must ALWAYS approve a nomination so long as they're """""""qualified""""". Nice one. So riddle me this, if the senate must always approve a nomination, then what is purpose of advising and consenting? There is a lot more to a judicial nominee than "qualifications". Almost every single judge in the entire federal system is qualified for a SCOTUS position. Does that mean they should be approved by default? You literal animal?

Robert Bork wasn’t qualified

You are something else. The guy was a professor of law at YALE, he was the US Solicitor General, the Acting Attorney General, and practiced law his entire life. Before he was rejected by the senate he had been working in the federal government for YEARS. Opposition to his confirmation was based on his beliefs and his past actions (particularly the Saturday Night Massacre).

You're a fucking idiot.

Yeah, he was Nixon’s crony. That’s why he wasn’t qualified.

"XD he was a member of an administration I don't like, therefore he was not qualified". Wow, I wish I had thought of that. Except complying with the orders of the literal president of the United States isn't a terribly radical position.

The president who resigned to avoid impeachment. Good job.

And? He was still qualified for the seat. "We thought you acted unethically" does not constitute "we do not think you can carry out the required duties of this position".

You're legit making u/Ed_ButteredToast look less autistic.

Because I have sources?

Are you /u/Ed_ButteredToast's alt?

Maybe Ed’s my alt?

Ding ding ding

Read your own article you absolute child.

Out of 15 members on the ABA committee, "Ten members of the committee gave Judge Bork the highest rating, four found him unqualified for the Supreme Court and one voted ''not opposed.''

The ABA said that Kennedy was the BEST, not that Bork was unqualified. You fucking idiot. In fact, based solely off of the opinion of the ABA, Bork was pretty good, considering that only a small minority was opposed to him.




Did four people find Kennedy unqualified?

Robert Bork's America is a land in which women would be forced into back-alley abortions, blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters, rogue police could break down citizens' doors in midnight raids, schoolchildren could not be taught about evolution, writers and artists would be censored at the whim of government, and the doors of the federal courts would be shut on the fingers of millions of citizens for whom the judiciary is often the only protector of the individual rights that are the heart of our democracy.

They refused to have a hearing, and thus, they refused to consent.

Do I have to be naked to say no to you trying to fuck my ass?

If you don’t have a hearing, what advice are you giving?

No means no.

"Pick someone better"

You 👏 are 👏 fuck 👏 ing 👏 re 👏 tar 👏 ded 👏

Don't act so fucking obtuse, and don't page me into shitter subreddits.

I'll do whatever I want little girl

I guarantee you have terabytes of cp you fucking fruitcake. Anyone that obsessed with anime like you are is definitely a deviant.


ok 1. why call him a angle 2. donut dare call this a "shitter" sub. this is the kindest place u will find u cartoon/child lover



The ones putting our country in danger and making us the absolute laughing stock of the world. We are barely able to safely deliver a baby in this country anymore without the mother dying. It has become a cesspool of mouthbreathing Christian hillbillies that couldn’t reason their way out of a wet paper bag. What a dump.

Barely able to safely deliver a baby without the mother dying?

That isn't Trump's fault.

Blame basketball Americans who don't know their pregnant because they're so obese.

I wonder which demographics are the most Christian.

I remember when the black people of California made sure gay people couldn't marry. Those were good times.

That's the irony of all of the identity politics forced on us by democrats and leftists in the last two years.

When the dust settles and the constant media drumbeat about racism ends black people may realize that they hate Hispanics and gay people a lot more than white people. Hispanics may realize that they hate black people and gay people even more.

Right now the only thing holding them together is the constant outrage porn media portrays against Trump but the half life is deminishing and compliance in the curated narrative is starting to fail.

Nevermind the fact that the DNC leaks show the absolute contempt democrats have for minorities. Referring to Hispanics as "loyal brand consumers" as if they were cattle is particularly telling.

As was Clinton mega donor Haim Saban's purchase of Univision before the Clinton/Obama primary that pit Hispanics against blacks in 2008 and then against Trump in 2016.

Yes, because clearly the media is why minorities hate the republican party and not you know, the blatant racism, voter suppression, and white identity politics.

What about his ribs?