Humans suck at being /r/vegan long-term. Celery supporters flock to TIL post

33  2017-11-06 by justanotherusername_


Cool story, bro


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The word ‘local’ seems to piss off a lot of people sometimes, too.

u/shit-n-water, it’s not the word, it’s the fact that you’re a snobby cunt when you say it.

Locally sourced water. (Read: Sink Water)

Locally source pussy. (Read: Pussy that's in my bedroom)

Think global, fuck local.

Pussy that's in my bedroom

Pls don't molest your pets

You don't have any pussy

Enjoy your hand

Your statement is untrue friendo. I have a blowup doll that was custom made using your mother as the model.

I don't have a mother

Enjoy your trap

Everyone has a mother, even degenerate bogans such as yourself.

White people nonsense

Of course u/shit-n-water is from portland. Think about being such a soyboi that you piss off other soybois at ground zero of low t men.

lol calling people 'snobby cunts' for their choice of food doesn't come off as being a 'snobby cunt' to you?

Yeah, no, not at all, because I’m not the one who has to have his meat “locally sourced”.

Are you sure you’re familiar with what the term”snob” refers to?

I buy local beef because that shit is cheap as fuck. The ranchers get shit all from the slaughterhouses so they'll butcher some of their own cattle to make up the difference. You can also pay to have them raise a cow for you and freeze the meat you get from it. Best way to get Aberdeen Angus.

Op leave celery out of this. It is the crunchy cartilage of the vegetable world.


Celery is the most disgusting thing to have ever existed. If I could rid the world of one thing it wouldn't be war or famine it'd be that evil pondscum donkey fucking devil cactus.

Listen here you little shit.

Kale is infinitely worse tho.

Celery is needed for Bloody Mary's

Set yourself on fire

kale and celery suck, taste horrible, and lack any real nutrition. Spinach is where its at

Celery is crucial to a good mirepoix

Do vegans eat ketchup? If so vegancide now plz.

What's wrong with ketchup? A nice ketchup steak is the best way to start a weekend

True. Milksteak paired with a nice Townhouse TM Brand R catsup is a delicacy in most of America.

Don't forget the side of finest jellybeans.

I cant even begin to tell you how literally shking this makes me irl. Somethings arent funny.

This is going too far even for drama


As a lesbian, I disagree. I went into vegetarianism for the long term because I understood the deleterious effects that humans have on poor, living, breathing, suffering animals. I think that anyone who is not aware of this is with uneducated or willfully ignorant. The latter being far worse, of course, as that means they don’t care about animals (#AnimalLivesMatter), and thus should be looked down upon and treated worse than humans treat animals. I fully advocate the captivity, mental, physical, and emotional torture, near-death starvation, and eventual euthanasia (after a very long time, of course) of such subhumans.

That’s my personal opinion and I hope that Reddit will be mature enough to respect it (although I greatly doubt it because Reddit is full of obese meateaters).

Sauce plz

Jesus christ there's not even any context for opening with "as a lesbian." like that's somehow significant.

Pure pasta gold fam 👌

lel have you seen their post history? It's a pasta factory.

Ooooh. It is already a pasta.

The hunt for the true source continues.

All lesbians are vegetarians

big if tru

Rlly makes u think

Bullshit, they eat clams all the time!


I was expecting a “/s” at the end...

Do you really need an "/s" to tell you that's a joke?

I mean, yeah. I think it’s fair considering there are people actually like that out there. It was a compelling comment. 🤷🏻‍♂️

I'm not a LGBT, but as a LGPP (large penis person), I understand that caring for animals is what cat ladies do, so I'll take an extra serving of steak.

I'm a recovering alcoholic and I also tried going vegan once. Giving up meat was harder than giving up booze. Eating sad vegan food all the time made me legitimately depressed.

Didn't read the report, but doing this myself I can say it's much easier. I default to no meat about 85% of the time. I've been calling myself a part-time vegetarian, and have managed to piss off meat eaters, vegetarians, AND vegans. I'm an overachiever like that.

I got you beat /u/MsCrazyPants70, I eat pork at every meal, so that I can be sure to piss off vegans, muslims and jews. Also every friday I make sure to eat beef to piss off catholics and hindus as well.

I bow to the master. :-)