(Neo-NeoGAF) just keeps on truckin' when Chris Rock tries out new material about Weinstein: "Seems like the kinda thing you say when you're concerned that there may be accusations about you coming out soon."

6  2017-11-07 by v_is_one_person


Did the whole userbase of neofag migrate there?

Seems like a decent chunk.

They aren't so much a "userbase" as a "plague".

containment protocol

In 2018 only jokes about white people eating white bread covered in mayo and pickles will be allowed.

DAE all blacks are crime?

User was warned: finding rape jokes offensive doesn't make one a "snowflake", and your repeated emphasis on "lying" women is disgusting. Stop.

Jesus, you’re right, it is Neogaf 2.0. Just waiting for the “If you think Neogaf is banhappy, you’re banned” mod post now