Finally, r/drama goes mainstream.

32  2017-11-07 by thesnakeinthegarden


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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This is why we need honor killings.

Woah: Autistic Kid Says he Wants To Drive Planes Into Skyscrapers.


Never Forget!

Cus (((WE))) will remind that ass! 🏢🏢✈

First comment I've seen from you today that isn't that shitty copypasta.


Is this supposed to be funny? All I see is someone who is posting just for the sake of posting, or perhaps pleading for undeserved karma.


Get raped by coyotes.

Hahahahahahah oh shit, what is this fucking show?

I want to hear about the fallout for this retard and his retard parents, hahahaha.

it took some digging, but the most reliable source I can find says it’s RTE One’s Friday Night talk show in Ireland

It took no digging.

i had to google TWO things and sift through THREE “articles” that didn’t know the name of the show

Which mod is that? Also, fuck that guy for saying that's not a career option. Don't let your dreams be dreams, kiddo!


Love his little smirk. This kid has a bright future in shitposting

Wtf did he just give away the white mans plans 🤔

misspelled "mansplain."

great comments too, /pol/ battling it out with obvious bait.

This is an old vid.

did you expect oc? or effort?