Guys, literally ignore /u/lemontreeeee on every topic, no matter what it is.

0  2017-11-08 by WrestlingLeaks

He supports /r/europeannationalism, a subreddit deticated to literal (I'm not joking, check it out for yourself) white supremacy, pro-Hitler, anti-Jew, and pro-Nazi propeganda. They call everyone who is not white a "shitskin" and they support the fire which killed tens of people in London in the building, except for the white people who died: /u/lemontreeeee belongs in a mental hospital, not on Reddit.



W 👁 K E™

Said poster has never posted here according to their account history and one of the problems with deleting subreddits, even the horrible ones, is that not only has it made your links redundant and your accusations hard to corroborate, far more importantly it removes the ability for others to make up their own minds.

Right? I bet he hangs out at the Pike at MAH... Here is a meme:

Right? I bet he hangs out at the Pike at MAH...

Someone else who knows where that is might take you up on it.

Here is a meme:

Yes, a blank white space. It should catch on.


Check your bank account!

Tell u what m8, gimme ur acc and I'll send you some

Also if you could give this post or this comment gold id be very thankful :) Edit: dislike this comment if you hate jews. (I dont hate them)

I bet ur lying add ImVeganBTW on and ill kick ur ass grandma, unless ur not and kick my ass instead. Ill then apologize right here as a token of victory for the people to see and praise you as the champion you are. Anyways fuck you lying piece of shit and my friend /u/votepromote got my back. Fuck Filip Dante knulla hans fula skalle

Guys can you fucking upvote the post instead of leaving your boring, unoriginal comments?

Lol learn from your mistakes kid... you're*


Edit: LOL nice that you edited the spelling

Re? Are you re-tarded?

What? That is not the question in hand, is it? 3/10 weird comment, wouldn't read again

FUCK YOU! I plant at 5 patches, and use the green faggot dildo + supercompost and I've made 200k on 4 runs. HERB RUNS ARE SHIT


Man shut the fuck up. I bet you'll end up marrying your brother

How did you even find this post after 17h? Nerd

You are a faggot and should be punished for it

Wtf this bot is awesome

Damn this should be top comment

Dude, I'm not going to give credit

Me [19 M] with my boyfriend [19 M] (3 years) I was in rehab because of the relationship but it made me realeyes that I need to apologize..

Sorry for posting here but I don't want to go to redpill to talk about my feelings..

Change flair to "Pipebomb Phil" is they don't.

You honestly don't believe he doesn't know what G.E is? Are you that fucking stupid? Back to RS3 fgt

I don't get how this is funny. I'm not offended by it or anything but this is legit not funny. What am I supposed to laught at here? "Haha I bet she did not expect that ;D" is not a legit reason. There was no setup, nothing to throw you off, nothing. I'll make a meme just as funny now:

Doctor: I have good news Man: Am I pregnant? Doctor: You have cancer

I'll wait for my gold you mucking saggots

Lol do you think people here will listen to logic? Sorry but 90% here are primitive and will say stuff like "He's still an idiot" or some crap like that. I agree with you however :)

Lol say that to my face noob, I bet you wouldn't because I'm actually jacked. Also my last post was on the top this sub so my fans will back me up 😎peace nerd 😂🤙🏽

It was only my joke... Downvoted lol

dick move puting it in a dog's mouth

I told a girl she is probably the uggliest girl I'm thinking of having sex with

Comments like these makes me realize what a bunch of losers some of you are.

Fuck your stupid comment

Upvote this comment so I can get positive comment karma. This is necessary for me so I can shitpost on r/squaredcircle again (only 49 left!!)

I want to downvote your comment Edit: How do people downvote my comment? btw ty for gold

Are you retarded? Everyone knows that you fucking uneducated piece of shit. You could put a bullet between your eyes and you would do the world a favour. You would literally make the average IQ of the world rise by 2 points you fucking low-life garbage


plz upvote this :)

hey fuck your negative aura

I have -31 comment karma thanks to you marks so upvote this shit so i'll be able to post on r/squaredcircle again

I have -28 commentkarma and need positive karma to post on r/SquaredCircle. Upvote party plz

dude plato fucked children! fuck off you scrub phony

Don't worry /u/TychoCekchuuu I'm speaking to /u/RiggerdPolitics on Skype right now. He said that he won't tell you what book but I tricked him into telling me. It's called The state Main article: The Republic (Plato)

dude nobody likes you, just shut the fuck up

fuck you

/uj please upvote my comments m8

Also FUCK the stupid mods at SC. Fucking retared idiot banning me for being salty. Fuck him and his fucking fuck you

Also gold plz

GAY COMMUNITY!?!??! (don't forget to upvote this funny comment)

Don't get me started on the mods on /r/SquaredCircle. They are literally the scum of the earth. Fuck those fucking stupid fucking fuck you. I joked and called the place a shithole in the admin birthday thread and the faggot fucking banned me. I fucking hate that little pussy bitch fuck. Fuck him and his piece of shit modcrew. He is a mark and a fucking poop that should be banned from /r/stupid because he's a noob. Get pipe bombed fucking disgusting jobber.

The mods here are alright though :)

Also, as previously askes in my last post, please give me gold.

You are such a douche, just give me gold. It's like 3$, don't be so fucking cheap

I remember the first time I was banned here for a month. Holy fuck it wasn't even for a reason. I only called out all the mods for being pieces of shit human scums that enjoys getting cum on their childrens tits while jacking off. You guys are actually human garbage (car wash) and I wish total dispaire for all you negros locos

Wow, that was indeed the funniest thing I've ever seen!

Hahaahhaah that was funny, man Edit: Why the fuck are you guys downvoting me? I was being nice to this guy, expressing how funny I think he is. What I said consisted of literally 100% love and only made the world a better place for people like him and me. I didn't beg for upvotes, nor did I ask for any recognition. But now you shitlords downvote me for showing appreciation to another fellow human being? I bet you stupid idiots never got enough attention at home so you downvote any sort of unity that is expressed in harmless ways. I'm 100% sure that each and every single one of you downvoting this has had the thought that people suck TODAY and yet you are to afraid to look in the fucking mirror to see that it is in fact you that is the problem with the world. Fuck you guys, have fun masturbating to dragons.

upvote party!


upvote party!

Try harder pussy. Your ways two seriously about everythang.

Confused faggot. Begging for gold and upvotes. There isn't anything redeeming about you. You will no doubt delete your post and replies that you've made. Don't worry about the replies being lost, I was helpful enough to save them for you. You will also downvote my reply because you can't really dish it out, but you sure as fuck can't take it.

Hold on. Why the fuck would I ever delete my old comments? Unlike you I'm not an insecure prick, I will stand by my old comments till I die and I would love for the world to know my insightful view on any matter. By the way who the fuck searches through others history to try to act tough on the internet? Do you have no introspection? What I'm doing is stupid but what you are doing is just pathetic and shows how insecure you are. Also give me gold you cunt and I just downvoted your comment.

A little touchy I see. My dick is getting hard by the triggering your experiencing right now. Tell me how hardcore you really are. Your a shitty wannabe troll. Your obviously take everything ways two seriously to be an actual troll, hence the wannabe part.

Your a good little puppet. Easily manipulated like all the other sheep here. Tell me how triggered you are.

If you want to be a shitlord, you need to try harder. If you want to be a pussy, your trying too hard.

In American law, we have a clean hands policy. This sub isn't governed by American law, but we will still judge you. I love calling out the people who try to act all pure when they themselves are just as bad. Hypocrites are always fucking hilarious.

For not giving a shit, you sure do give a shit.

Who searches through someone's comment history? Well, it's pretty fucking obvious that I do. Actually everyone here does, it's SOP for the sub. We look for the juicy things that you have left all over reddit. Tough on the internet? I consider myself jaded more than anything else.

How am I acting pure?

/r/Drama isn't your personal army. Also I was the one upvoting you just for the lolz. I was planning on changing them to downvotes today, just to fuck with you. Unlike you, I really couldn't give less of a shit about the points I earn from the shit replies I leave. If anything the lower the score means that I triggered some retard, and that makes me smile.

That's cool and all but how am I a purist?

Glad to see that you're finally on our side. Keep track of the things people say and you too can became an asshole like me. What you need to do is call out the inconsistencies other people have in the shit they say. Pick up on clues that they leave to make them seem even more like the dipshits they are. Your post was pretty lame and giving a shit about upvotes is even more lame. Calling to action is exactly what this sub isn't about. We make fun of motherfuckers and its a blast. Do you like pissing people off or just making fun of them? Find the one you like and try to do your best at it.

Are you going to tell me why you think I'm a purist or not?

I did, you were calling to action against someone you think is a degenerate. They may be but that doesn't change the fact that you were calling action against someone. That is why your post was downvoted. Doing shit /r/SRS would is being a purist.

Well sorry to break it to you but u/lemontreeeee is my friend. This was just a shit post. Good on you for trying at least. Have a good day, kid.

Yea, no fucking shit. People like keeping with their own. One idiot that thinks he stands on a moral high ground will naturally want to be friends with someone who's just as delusional. What's the communist body count? I seen to think it's higher than the Nazi body count. You know, I could be mistaken after all.

Hahaha yeah

How the fuck am I trying to act pure?