"Christian parents, the nation's first transgender elected official enters into American history tonight. What are you doing to prepare your children for this new world?" Andrew T. Walker on Twitter with 6000 replies and counting.

17  2017-11-08 by itsnotmyfault


Jews did this


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Twitter should have an "autistic" setting.

I can only dream of such a feature.

"I dunno if I can trust someone mentally ill to be in politics..."

That ship sailed a long time ago with retards like Donna Brazile and Scott Walker being in the game. Honestly, let dick girls lead if they can do a good job.

TBH I heard offhand this tranny is pretty good so whatever. Although can't blame a nigga for first thinking of political tranny and a complete retard like Brianna Wu comes to mind.

Mental illness is a requirement for entering anything higher than county-level politics.

i dunno man, you should meet some of the people that are on the board of my hoa...

political tranny and a complete retard like Brianna Wu comes to mind.

Oregon did it first but he was a socially liberal, fiscally Conservative type. Barely a Democrat.

Well regarded, turns out one type of degenerate isn't worse then another type and people are willing to look over one flaw considering.

I mean, we let them be president

Not to mention Donny and his dementia or Hillary and her epilepsy

The worst thing about Walker is he actually is bringing business back to my state...

Everybody forgets about Mildred Fillmore smdh

Traditionalists would have been better off with Roman virtue rather than Christian altruism. You could just say that trannies are unmanly followers of Eastern degeneracy and be done with it.

Didn't Eastern degeneracy make it into the upper echelons anyway? Especially in the Eastern half.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that the Romans were assfuckers, except for the Stoics. They fucked only for procreation and even that was not a given.

Didn't Eastern degeneracy make it into the upper echelons, on the regular anyway? Especially in the Eastern half.

The Romans were fairly pluralistic, so some some Eastern cults became popular from time to time. But, the degenerate ones, such as the castrati priesthood of Astarte, were looked down on.

the Romans were assfuckers

Completely false. A small minority of Romans were assfuckers, but it was considered a vice.

You can't be fucked in the ass as a boy and then stop when it becomes time to reach manhood. The sin won't wash away.


Well, yeah. Which is why it was looked down on.

So they all fucked bussy, they just also had a degradation fetish?

Well, they had a holiday where the slaves switched places with their masters for the day. That's kinda like a degradation fetish.

The Romans were a bunch of psychotic degenerates. They trained chimps to rape bitches, ffs. That's not something sane or decent people do.

That's Eastern Degeneracy for you! It's easy to be considered just and good when all of the bad stuff gets called 'not our stuff', it's from corruption from that other guy.

There is never going to be a significant number of trannies in office. Shit, even the ones running now, only have a chance because their upper-class constituencies want to show off how 'woke' they are.

In most of the country, they'd be defeated handily.

Let liberals show the rest of the country what freaks they are. It typically bites them in the ass.

Poor guy is just lashing out cause of his hairline.

Politics has always been retarded tbh