/r/IAMA mods attempt to monetize the subreddit. Users have mixed feelings about their starting a Patreon.

94  2017-11-08 by TSwizzlesNipples


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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"Pay us to view ads"

And people will. Like PT Barnum maybe probably said.

There's a redditor born every minute!

And he's gonna get his Tesla Model 3 any day now...

A default subreddit asking users of a site worth billions to pay them to run said subreddit so that they can give free ad campaigns to celebrities. This is some next level retarded shit.

This actually reflects more poorly on reddit than anything else. They're essentially letting the people who run one of the biggest sources of new users pay to do it instead of investing in running it properly. But they need to keep those beer fridges in the office stocked!

Yep. Their patreon has a top limit of $200?! Also someone brought up a good point about "who is going to file the taxes on this"

Yeah, everything about it is sketchy as shit, and the mod doing most of the talking is the dude who got wrapped up in that 19-year-old ''''''author'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' fiasco. They can go fuck themselves.

I believe that as long as he lives in Ireland, yes, it won't be taxed

So you sack Victoria, refuse to explain yourselves, now you come at us with your hand out? You guys are funny.

/u/SexualTyrannosword is still jonesing for Victoria. I have no idea why.

Because this subreddit went to shit immediately following her departure.

Average girls try harder in bed.

Totally depends on the girl. Some girls think that they are doing you a favor by letting you see them naked, other girls are just as excited to be there as you are. From my experience, there is very little rhyme or reason to it.

I'd shooter /u/chooter in the cooter.

implying they don't get paid for when hollywood stars visit their subreddit and advertise movies

Apparently they don't lmao. They're been doing it for free

I think either reddit is run by monumentally stupid people, or they're doing something shady/illegal. /r/all constantly has posts dropping name brands, tv/movies, products, etc. Right now the #3 post is about Subway. Is reddit actually letting marketing/PR firms post these ads for free? Or are they just not disclosing that they are paid advertisements?

Reddit doesn't even need to promote the posts. It's so easy to manipulate the front page

Is reddit actually letting marketing/PR firms post these ads for free? Or are they just not disclosing that they are paid advertisements?

First: it's so easy to game your way to the front page that you don't really need to pay for it as long as you have $20 and three friends

Second: they've been soliticing ads now for a while. The most obtrusive of these is the WaPo ads at the bottom of the page that links you to their profile

People with every sort of power complex you could imagine only they're too dumb to do anything relevant so they end up extorting the only semblance of power they can find as internet janitors working for freeee.

If the drama mods aren't going to set up a patreon for themselves I'll happily set one up here so everyone can send me money that I'll make sure gets to the mods for serious.

i wanted the extended scene where she flips her shit because he didn't give her money

We should set something like that up here, only the mods should pay us for reading their shitty sub and allowing them to feel like their lives have meaning. What say you, /u/TwasIWhoShotJR /u/Joan_Wayne_Gacy /u/ComedicSans

They should pay me just for existing tbqh.

Is that how you justify your NEETbux?

I said this elsewhere, but it's fuckibg pathetic 20 mods can't pull together 50 a month. They need to get real boy jobs and stop being so pathetic.

I won't even pay for gold, why would I dish out a single cent to help mod a sub?

They... don't do it for free?

$50+ per month split among 20+ moderators. Will somebody think of their poor wallets?

If only they knew they could stop being a mod instantly with no repercussions to stop the financial burden.

/u/cahasela there's like 30 of you mods and you can't muster $50 between you to do what you love? What a bunch of cockroaches lol.

Welp, they've got 17 people giving them $64 a month, so a couple of people have fallen for it.

Probably the same kinda people who still help fund Noah Antwiller/The Spoony One.

You’re really willing to pay to see sweaty hairy man boobs? I can show you those for free

/u/TheGruesomeTwosome if the offer still stands then this is the place.

AMA is too white