Are eggs vegetarian?

5  2017-11-08 by justanotherusername_




Depends on what trimester they're in.

An egg is not vegetarian. It is only because of our familiarity with eggs that vegetarians think they can eat them and, still maintain their vege powers. They are chicken periods and biomaterial to grow another chicken. Therefore the celery eaters can no longer eat them and continue to be smug.

Great points, but you’re still wrong.

No u

If the eggs are in the 1st trimester then they're not real people.

Can't you be pro-life and okay with abortion?

Are you a vegan degenerate? I'll chomp on eggs all day, bitch. Did you actually think vegetarians feel bad for the animals? Lol get real, I love to jerk my dick as I'm virtue signalling about animal rights while really thinking about all the male chicks that land in the meat grinder, and believe me, I always drink my milk before going to bed. Please consider necking yourself before autismposting again, thank you.

The eggs you eat aren't fertilized! There's no "trimester" for those eggs.

On their own, eggs are vegetarian as they don't/can't eat.

Yeah, just like dairy is still vegetarian. It’s an animal product, not meat — the eggs you buy at the store aren’t fertilized, as hens will lay eggs regardless if they’re bangin’.

Wrong, it's a chicken period and animal biomatter. Milk can't turn into a cow.

What’s your fucking point? Eggs can’t turn into cows either.

Seriously, Reddit is full of idiots.

Eggs turn in to chickens. Milk makes yoghurt.

Then why did you say they turn into cows?

Also, I’ve never seen an egg turn into a chicken. Maybe you should shop at a different grocery store.

Wrong, it's a chicken period and animal biomatter. Milk can't turn into a cow.

Eggs have the potential to be a chicken therefore not vegetarian.

Cows can hear lower and higher frequencies better than humans.

Thank you

You are most welcome. Beep boop.

You're misconflating veganism vs vegetarianism. I won't get into it but just know you're wrong

No I know the difference, I believe that vegetarians have pulled the wool over our eyes and claimed the moral high ground unfairly. They shouldn't be allowed to eat eggs and in the same breath turn their nose up at hot wings.

Every cell in the human body has the potential to be cancer, that doesn’t mean we’re all SRDines.

Your reasoning skills are abysmal.

Some things have a greater likelihood. An egg will most likely turn in to a chicken. Your cells won't turn in to cancer with a greater frequency than egg to chicken probability.

Um, no. The vast majority of chicken eggs will never become chickens. Seriously, when have you ever gone to a supermarket and seen baby chicks climbing out of the refrigerator case after hatching?

You’re terrible at thinking.

That's because the women chickens have been denied a mating partner; driven by societies standard and desire for breakfast eggs and mayo.

So, you acknowledge that most eggs don’t actually stand a chance at becoming chickens.

I accept your concession.

You're forgetting about the meat isle in the supermarket. All those eggs turn in to chickens.

The steak and pork chops started out as chicken eggs?

I guess if you want to think of a womb and placenta sack that way, I don't mind.

Are you legit retarded? Do you actually think cows have chicken eggs in their uterus?

I thought that was your idea and I was just trying to be supportive.

You can just admit you’re wrong, you know.

Those aren't fertilized eggs you dumb fuck

But they could have been

No they aren't

Does a woman's period have any chance of turning into a human child? No. Stop being an idiot.

It does before the period could you have not thought of that?

Chicken eggs are the equivalent of menstrual blood. They are an animal byproduct.

Yes, but they are not vegetarian.

It's the age old question: if you get your redwings, are you a cannibal?

Obviously no, as chickens can lay eggs and carry on their business. How is this even a question? Fuck I hate millennials and anyiome who thought this was a valid question, so I guess millenials.

Why would you eat a boot? It's made from leather anyway can't be a cannibal.

Your projection on to millennials makes me think you read articles with the word 'millennial" in the title. Which naturally means if you were an egg a daddy chicken wouldn't even want to fertilise you because they can smell retardation before engaging in sexy times.

Wait, are we talking on the assumption I'm not ok with cannibalism? Because i most certainly am, so long both parties are consenting.

Just ask /u/hodorthedoorholder he knows

I wont eat whale meat though, because I respect whale culture

Yeah I know

Thank you bb

Little disappointed the top mod of drama couldn't respond with an emojiman (p.s. ur hot)

/u/HodortheDoorHolder back off slut! This ones mine!! 😡😡😡

I told you to


