White and American mass shooters are still/can be terrorists.

1  2017-11-08 by anonyas

ter·ror·ism ˈterəˌrizəm/Submit noun the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

You have a misconception about what “terrorism” is. It isn’t just brown people blowing our shit up.


All white people are terrorists

not all terrorists are white people, but all white people are terrorists


Gimme a second and I think I can get there.

All white people have privilege.

Privilege is generational power at the expense of others.

That expense can cause deaths, and power is an inherently political concept.

Ergo, those who have privilege are terrorists.

Making all white people terrorists.

Checks out.

White existence terrorizes people of color every day.

They should really call them microterrorisms instead of microaggressions tbh

Terrorizing darkies is one those unearned privileges I have as a mayonnaise American. The gods of oppression have marked me. There's simply nothing I can do.

Behold my glorious credit score and despair!

Being mayo is a form of violence.