[Agenda Post] Redditors are too stupid to realize that Weinstein flashing his dick at female employees is sexual harassment. Oh wait, it was Mariah Carey flashing her tits at a dude.

196  2017-11-09 by TSwizzlesNipples


Imagine that guy's terror, as he's being confronted with the sight of fat tits against his will

Men aren't women, 'yeah but reverse the genders though' is bullshit

If anything it's worse because it's a woman. Normal people don't want to see some washed up pop star's sagging feed bags. That shit is depressing. At least Weinstein's flaccid weenie would provide a somewhat comic image.

If you're attracted to gussy you're a bad person.

call the police it's a bad person on /r/Drama

I thought that was a prereq for /r/drama?

I Am A Good Person

not sendin their best

gross they look bruised and necrotic

gross they look female

lol the site of some milf cleavage sure did trigger some of this subs residents

I didn't know Stevie Wonder had a sex change.


She's a chunker and looks batshit crazy to boot.

Is this the part where you come out as gay to fend off accusations that you are a child rapist?

Imagine seeing Lena Dunham naked....

That's a crime against humanity regardless of your gender

What if they're related?

Give me one beer and ill dive in. It's an experience.

Me and Adam driver would be Eskimo bros 😍😍

I see Lena Dunham as a challenge, more than anything. Here is a woman who, in every single aspect, is absolutely revolting - her exterior AND her personality - yet I can't help but wonder what would be like, to plunge balls-deep into her repeatedly. That's right. Balls-deep. With no protection. I won't lie, I'm extraordinarily-hard while typing this. I want to grab this... thing... and that's what Lena Dunham is, let's not delude ourselves, a "thing"... by the hips and ram mercilessly in and out of her quivering, malformed cunt with the force of a gladiatorial chariot, while she makes stupid faces and contorts orgasmically, unable to control her bodily reactions even if she wanted to. I would erupt violently inside that corrupt and corrupting womb as though the entire fate of humanity depended on my seed penetrating the foul walls of one of her ovaries, the electrical fusion from this coupling creating the Antichrist, as our combined, guttural, Chewbacca-like roars shattered glass and walls alike around us, the house toppling down while we lay there in a filthy, disgusting mess.

Yeah. I reckon Lena Dunham does it for me.


You welco.



Holy shit, the legendary ComedicSans actually answered me!!!!!!! Let me bask at your greatness more, oh 3nd best mod of r/drama .

3nd best mod of r/drama .

Y u hurt me, bb?

I'm sorry, but you snallygaster and that dude who Snappy when it's down, are still my number 1 and 2.

Here's some animal emoji to help you get your groove back on


that dude who Snappy when it's down,



Holy shit, the legendary ComedicSans actually answered me!!!!!!! Let me bask at your greatness more, oh 3nd best mod of r/drama .


It's not what you think you sheep fucker.

I'm sure it is.

It was. But now I'm past it. I think.

Thank you for your service.

Please don't thank me for this.

/u/spez this one is probably even more dangerous...

Irrelevant. Lena isn’t even human, let alone a woman.

But i'm supposed to cry my eyes out every time a girl sees some dick she didn't want to? Lol, fuck you, you thirsty white knight little bitch.

you seem upset

Take off your bitchboy goggles then

You seem gay

sick burn

thirsty white knight male feminist bitch.

How can you write that and not want to gas yourself?

Well, he isn't a thirsty white knight male feminist bitch and, I assume, not a (((liberal))).

As we have learned in recent weeks, we can just replace that whole insult with "rapist".

now that's what i'm talkin about!

thread hasn't started until someone's been clled a thirsty white knight male feminist bitch.

>muh wimmen are harrassing me

you should be in an anime.

She's 48, that's Gushing Grannies territory.

The difference is that I know, as a man, that any accusations will favor her and not me. I'm not afraid of literal rape, I'm afraid of what she could do to my life if I refuse. Not identical, but similar.

Men aren't women, 'yeah but reverse the genders though' is bullshit

Actually it's more bullshit because if you reverse the gender it would just be a shirtless fat dude.

That's lifelong spank bank material

This guy gets it

She's 48, that's Gushing Grannies territory.

Imagine the terror of that poor grown man as he kind of saw a naked women and left the room. I feel so bad for him i would trade placea so he doesn't have to experience that horror.

Well to be fair...depends on the woman.

Like this one or this or this


Ugh! I have vomited before where some of the stomach acid came out of my nose a bit too. Holy shit it was bad and painful :(

Hey /u/spez please edit the comment above this one... Do not click the link... just change it to some puppies or kittens or anything that doesn't make people to want to Keep Themselves Safe immediately after seeing it...

TBH, she’s less fat than I expected. But then again, photoshop.

I am mildly attracted to this woman



Jesus christ that first one

Ikr? And you bet your ass (pun intended) that she won't be wiping herself lmao

With this woman, it depends on the era. Fat Mariah Carey isn't anything I'm interested in seeing.

And let's not be stupid here. She wasn't inviting this man to do anything about it. She was taunting him with the fact that he couldn't, even though she was flashing him and making him do shit for him. It was a power play, and that's what makes it wrong. Cock teasing is sexual harassment, too, in essence. Both legally and morally. You're not allowed to be overly sexual with the help.

It's hilarious, the degree to which hormones addle the minds of teenage redditors.

It was a power play, and that's what makes it wrong attractive

I'd be scared since a) It's my boss, b) oh good a he says she says situation and I'm the guy c) there's no upside unless I'm really into middle aged women, and even then please refer to a and b.

Ill give you THAT but not the sexual harassment part.

That's because you invented that out of whole cloth to be smarmy. Nobody thinks he is claiming that he was traumatized by the simple sight of a naked woman.

  1. You can't prove NO ONE thinks that.
  2. I can't make things out of nowhere, if i could I would invent a giant busy for you to jump in.

She has a pretty well developed case of crazy eyes, that is what would haunt me.


Reverse the genders!

Any Reddit nerd when a woman does anything

Any Reddit nerd when a woman does anything reasonable person when a woman commits a crime.

I mean, it's not like we have a 63% disparity in criminal sentencing between men and women, right?

It's not like the judge talks into account thing like how much violence was used and how much damaged was done when sentencing, right?

Do they actually, or is that some shit you made up on the spot to justify why the disparity is okay?

Depends on the country. The US has some fixed terms but in most places they only have a maximum sentence and the judge can basically let a person walk free if they think they are harmless or have been punished enough.

Maybe if white males weren't such violent savages we wouldn't have this gap

if white males weren't such violent savages

Almost got me, fam.

chimp out and kill 50+ people every week because REEEEEEEE society or something

Not be a savage

being this much of a newposter

>being this much of a new poster

falling for such obvious bait

God, i wish i could live in the world where white men being violent was the worst thing people had to worry about.

I am sure that has absolutely nothing to so with the fact that if you are raped or assaulted there's a 95% chance it was done by a man. Or the fact that even the weakest men can overpower women.

Eh, new research is beginning to show that women and men rape at close to equal rates, so I'd say you might be a bit off there sparky.


Google it.

These hyper-masculine ideals can reinforce aggressive male attitudes and, at the same time, callously stereotype male victims of sexual abuse as “failed men.”

but men who cry just because of sexual abuse ARE failed men?

True. Men experience sexual violence at the same rate women do and in the majority of cases they were victimized by women. However, if you get dragged into a dark alley and raped to death, or have someone break into your house and rob, rape and kill you, etc., it's going to be a nearly 100% chance it's a man. That's true too.

And you know what else is true? Of those violent rapes, a vast majority of them were raped by women as boys.

You mean in the statistics? I don't know, the studies I looked into were surveys and not just pulling data from crime statistics. I'd have to look again to see if they were only asking for adult experiences. But, we all know women abuse minors, just look at all the teachers who victimize their male students.

It was a study specifically of violent/serial rapists that I saw years ago. The one thing that most of them had in common, and I think it was in the 90 percent range but I could be wrong, was that they were sexually abused as children and their abusers were women.

Le reddit nerds

Every time a moron sees an argument he doesn't have a real response to.

Nerd detected

Male feminist detected

Don't rape anybody today, bro

As long as you promise not to kill your dad, friend.

sharp reply i give you a 7.8/10

The list just got ONE NAME LONGER

  • Harvey Weinstein

  • Joss Whedon

  • Kevin Spacey

  • Tyler Malka (neogaf owner, attempted shower rape molestation [happy kia?])

  • Ed Murray (seattle mayor, child molestation)

  • Matt Hickey (journalist, rapist)

  • Devin Faraci (blog editor, sexual assault)

  • Robert Marmolejo (social media manager, women abuser)

  • Glenn Fleishman (tech journalist, soliciting sex via email)

  • Jamie Kilstein (podcast host, manipulative/emotionally abusive/predatory)

  • Juan Thompson (journalist, bomb threats of Jewish community centers)

  • Palle Hoffstein (Ubisoft creative director, doxxing)

  • Izzy Galvez (anti abust specialist for Amazon, doxxing)

  • Christopher Goldberg (neogaf mod, 64 counts of child porn)

  • Stuart Campbell (game reviewer/blogger, harassment)

  • Andy Signore (honest trailers creator, repeated sexual assault)

  • Michael Hafford (VICE contributor, domestic abuse including involuntary cocaine during sex)

  • Sam Kriss (another VICE contributor, sexual assault)

  • Rupert Myers (journalist - telegraph/guardian/spectator, sexual misconduct)

  • Shane Vader ("filmmaker", child porn possession)

  • Anthony White (another neogaf/"journalist", sexually abused his daughter)

  • Ethan Kath (crystal castles band, raped his bandmate)

  • Van Jole (JoopNL Editor in Chief, molested multiple women)

  • Mariah Carey (has been, floppy titty harassment)

Gotta add Allison Mack to that list now, too.

ok nerd

He's actually a Mexican so basically not even a person.

Better than being whatever the hell you are

Pure white, so sorry sweet ☻☻☻

Go out

Get suburnt


be from Mexico

Literally anything is superior.

Ok "Thot_crusher"

Go out Get limbs and genitals removed with a machete while you scream "no por favor" and your death video gets uploaded to watchpeopledie


be out somewhere minding your own business

Get shot by some autistic whitey whining about some imaginary problem

Whole world laughs at your retarded laws

Repeat every month

Every fucking week more like.

Nice straw man argument!

t. Reddit Nerd

At least it wasn't Harvey Weinstein in a see-thru negligee insisting he move his luggage

Jesus dude, I just ate...

At least it wasn't Harvey Fierstein in a see-thru negligee insisting he move his luggage and singing show tunes.

Actually I think that's the plot of The Birdcage

Actually that's my grandpa please remove your post, thanks god bless

Now imagine he’s slathered his entire body in Crisco, lying on the bed of the hotel room. He has his legs spread, his hirstute butthole gaping, and a “come hither” glint in his eye. What do?

Shove /u/ed_butteredtoast in head-first, suffocating him and leaving Harvey to die of dissing Terry.

“oh gawd Mariah Carey flashed me tiddies! Oh the huge manatee!!”

God these people are such fags 🤬🤬

truly a martyr


This is objectively the worst thing posted on r/drama

Im impressed

You're impressed by a written description of goatse. Just remember that.

Lmao like thats the most pathetic thing about me

I'm jealous that you live in such a world of wonder and novelty. I bet eBaums world would transform you like Moses seeing Yaweh.

Did you forget the whole dick-nailing event?

That was the best thing posted here tho

Open fire.

Emma Watson has Weinstein's dick skin inside her as well. There is a reason why shes not doing feminism speeches at the UN any more.

Reddit's obsession with her when she was underage killed any attraction I could have had for her more than Weinstein's dick being inside her.


GOOD point.

She's not even hot tbh. Literally the definition of below average

Oh please, she's definitely high school hot. Way hotter than the chicks at mine at least.

high school

Well that explains it.

Is she hotter than your Waifu?

Ephebophilia copypasta

She did make it hard to jerk off to Harry Potter. thankfully the Weasley Twins were there too.

He got in that ass?

Harvey Weinstein =/= Marv Albert?

I've never seen them in the same place at the same time. Just sayin'


Might as well call everybody in the film business a sexual deviant, and let TMZ and gossip sort them out.

Really liking this drama. Keeps getting better and better.

It's like watching deviant musical chairs for sexual assault and duck duck goose for pedos.

i love watching them destroy themselves

I hope Silicon Valley is next!

No way zuckerbug is even close to being into missionary position

Those cucks are probably too low-T to even sexually harass women properly.

Wait, 90s Mariah Carey or <current year> Mariah Carey?

The guy tried to leave, so we can rule out 90s Mariah I think.

Janet, is that a breast, I think I just saw a tit!

People who don't get the difference between jacking off in a flower pot and seeing some tits.


Name checks out.



I AIN'T EVER SEEN A butt like that


According to the US magazine article, Mariah is also a /r/gamerghazi poster:

Annello also alleges that Carey referred to him and some of his colleagues as members of various hate groups including a “Nazi, a skinhead, a KKK member and a white supremacist,” and claims Carey said she “wanted to be surrounded with black guys, not white people.”

Is she a teenage college freshman virgin that hates video games and is yearning to be cucked?

Shes been trying to bang every non-white man she can find for the past 4 years

So yes

eradicate roasties

She refused to let him leave until he did the job here came there to do.

/u/leadabae so if I hire a maid to clean my house, and I wear a speedo with my balls hanging out to either side while i prevent her from leaving until she cleans my room, is that cool?

Not as cool because that job forces her to stay in the room with you and because that's not how a speedo is worn so you would've purposefully pulled out your balls to get to her.

I just have massive balls you body shaming faggot.

Ah, it reveals its true colors.

Okay, a man wearing a see-through, then.

yeah dicks and tits are pretty similar i guess

same basic function, same general level of cleanliness, same propensity for assault, occupying about the same place in the fashion world

harvey’s OLD though so idk

/u/MrGulio why immediately up the ante to hanging dong when you could have just had the guy rub around his nipples or something

If Trump's flaccid cock was visible


Daddy's sausage is beautiful! Reeeeeeeee!

I'll bet you serious money that /u/leadabae is a woman and a feminist who thinks misandry doesn't real and that men can't be raped.

I'm a guy. And guys can be and are raped. This situation just wasn't sexual harassment.

It all depends on how hot you are.