It's that time of the year-uh, month- I mean, week. /r/Overwatch has another "people are mean to gamer girls" thread

67  2017-11-09 by xjapxn


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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Buff Soldier

Nerf Genji

this tbh


No, daddy pays their rent and sends them enough money for food and necessities but they still have to work for respect so they're basically holocaust victims.

You basically just summarized the entirety of my adult life in one sentence. A++++


This ties in well with the WoW rape epidemic. Some of you are alright, don't go to Goldshire tomorrow. 'Cuz you gonna get raped.

Fuck the alliance anyway.

Grommosh did nothing wrong.

Fuck you illegal immigrant savages

Don't forget the GTA Hooker murders.

Gamers are a mistake.

They're right. They should just shutdown Overwatch to contain the problem tbqh.

You can see it in Kaplan's eyes every time he makes a new update vlog. He begs for the sweet release of oblivion. He has seen all that he wants to see, and is ready to die.

Somehow he released a bigger aspie catcher than Minecraft. Jealous u/xNotch?

Whoever came up with this sheer fisting of an encounter can go fuck themselves. Do me a favor so I don't waste my guild's time on this kind of jackass shit-fest again, send me an email at [email protected] when you decide to A) Implement an encounter that wasn't designed by a retarded chimp chained to a cubicle A.)Get a Quality Assuarance Department C) Actually beta test the fucking thing and D) Patch it live. And please for god's sake -- do it in the order I laid out for you. Don't worry, I won't charge you a consulting fee on that one. And for good luck you might as well E) Pull your heads out of your asses. While you're at it rename the game to BetaQuest since you've used up you're alotted false advertising karma on the Bazaar and user interface scam of '01.Fix the Emperor encounter. Fix Seru. Rethink your time-sink bullshit. Fix all the buggy motherfucking ring encounters (I suggest you let whoever made the Burrower one do this since that dude apparently laid off the crack the rest of you were smoking). Fix the VT key quest. Fix VT (just guessing it's fucked up considering your track record). Don't have the resources to fix this stuff? Move the ENTIRE Planes of Power team over to fixing Shadows of Luclin AND DO IT NOW. If you don't fix Luclin, you jackassess will be the only ones playing the Planes of Power.

-Jeff "tigole biddies" Kaplan

he lived long enough to see himself become the villain

If I ever see him in person at a Q&A, I'm reading a modified version of this.

wow you're brave, leaving your basement.

my dream is that this replaces all dva voicelines

It would make D.Va bearable to play as.

People who are losing are just hateful in every way, no fucking shit. Everyone who has ever played any sort of game knows that.

People who are losing are just hateful in every way, no fucking shit.

It's not about being hateful, but being abnormally hateful towards specific gender for no logical reason.

They're hateful to everyone, women are just an easy minority to go after. But I can tell you from dealing with ragers the first thing anyone does is pull upba stats screen to try and declare anyone else at fault. If they can't find anything or it's obviously them then they try to single out anyone as different.

I can guarantee you that if it wasn't the woman it would be the black dude, or the faggot with the high-pitched voice getting shat on. Gamer weebs latch onto whatever they can when insulting, women should be happy they're included. That's equality!

When I'm winning im even worse

We suggest that low-status males increase female-directed hostility to minimize the loss of status as a consequence of hierarchical reconfiguration resulting from the entrance of a woman into the competitive arena. Higher-skilled players, in contrast, were more positive towards a female relative to a male teammate. As higher-skilled players have less to fear from hierarchical reorganization, we argue that these males behave more positively in an attempt to support and garner a female player’s attention.

So basically if you're mean to women you're a sexist, and if you're not mean to women you're trying to get in her pants. Kay.

Also: how the hell did the IRB approve this crap?

What if you literally do not give a shit about women because worrying about non bussy having beings is a waste of my mortality.

Then you're erasing women and need to turn yourself in for reprogramming

I'd imagine the review process is essentially a circlejerk.

time of the day


This probably has something to do with the stereotype of awful female gamers who play not because they have fun, but so they can say "hey I'm a gamer girl lol." I've never met a guy who does that, so the unfairness is justified if not fair.

Plus, it's almost as if when you are personally not doing well, you tend to take out your frustrations on the perceived problem. Big surprise.

This probably has something to do with the stereotype of awful female gamers who play not because they have fun, but so they can say "hey I'm a gamer girl lol." I've never met a guy who does that, so the unfairness is justified if not fair.

I've never met a girl who does that either.

Plus, it's almost as if when you are personally not doing well, you tend to take out your frustrations on the perceived problem. Big surprise.

The surprise is the said perceived problem.

My example is completely anecdotal, of course. I have no idea if that's actually the reality other than through my own experiences. What I'm saying is that the stereotype exists, and when people are doing poorly in a game, they sometimes take it out on the "problem." This can be exacerbated by this stereotype existing. I personally think the stereotype is the problem behind the sexism here.

Well.. yeah? I mean, unless I misunderstood you, the stereotype is the problem, and the study just highlights that it in fact does occur unjustly.

I'll give you $10 to drag my nuts through your asscrack

I have standards, $100 or gtfo.


$50 and a pack of chicken nuggets.

$40 and dinosaur chicken nuggets

You got yourself a deal, let me know when you are in Sweden ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Allahu akbar

Imagine still playing overwatch in 2017 hahahahaha

Who pays for people to study this retarded shit? Is this why college costs $50,000 per semester now?

Yeah I'm more shocked that these losers actually wasted time and money doing a study on something so retarded

LMAO at the people in there sperging out hard about "females."

/u/Delta83, did your mommy touch you too much as a child or not enough?

It's quite obvious no girl has touched you ever, beta orbiter.

Oh please, in order to beta orbit I'd have to actually leave my house once in a while.

So which is it? Are you traumatized by a broken-arms incident as a child or are you so mad at REEEMALES because even your mommy wouldn't hug you?

No you wouldn't. I bet you're one of those cringy, creepy fucks breathing into the mic, begging for attention every time there's a girl in voicechat.

And why are you so obsessed with my mother? She would rather sleep with a impotent dwarf with downs syndrome than to even look in your general direction.

Oh, so what you're saying is she did fuck you as a kid. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll find a girl outside your immediate family who will love you despite your handicaps some day.

Reading is hard for special needs children like yourself, I understand, no need to feel insecure about it. Just take your time and read it through my comment thoroughly before spewing out scuffed answers.

Now come up with something original instead of the generic mother insult.

NO U: The Post

GOOD contribution

Taking your sweet time, what happened? Did your brain melt once you read the word "original"?

Don't start shit you can't finish.

You type like a faggot dude


Oh jesus, you double-posted as me because I took more than 15 minutes to respond to your weak-ass banter? That's pathetic. Is this the most attention you've gotten since you were thirteen? It may come as a surprise to you, but I'm not sitting here all day with bated breath waiting for your next shitpost lmao

If you didn't realize the obvious, I don't give a shit about you. I just like to waste your time because you didn't bother to read the original thread and realize that I was on your side of the argument.

my side of the argument

excuse you we're south park neutral here. you stood out as extra retarded tho, in a sea of retards

Because you couldn't comprehend what I was writing? Maybe if you didn't use all your time looking for opportunities to start pointless debates them maybe you could understand what I was writing.

OR I comprehended exactly what you were trying to say and think it's flamingly retarded. What do you think "my side" is, even?

If you didn't use all your time looking for opportunities to start pointless debates

where do you think you are m8

Considering your hostility and the mindset of other people here, you think I'm some white-knight who have a warped perception of toxicity in Overwatch.

Or it's the other way around and you're a white-knight like the rest of the Overwatch subreddit, which in that case I don't know what the hell you're doing in /r/drama

where do you think you are m8

It's not like I was arguing in this subreddit to begin with.

Lmao I don't think you're a white knight. It's not a binary choice, my dude. I think you're retardedly overreacting to some study that suggests that male gamers are somewhat nastier to female gamers than other male ones in certain situations. Like yeah that's probably true, especially because there's a study suggesting it. It's also really not that big a deal. Shit happens, it's online fucking bantz. Nobody's getting actually hurt. It doesn't mean grill gaymerz need a good hug and a cry and a wall of protectors in shining armor or whatever. It's just hilarious that you're flying way the fuck off the handle because you can't read "men are sometimes nasty to women" without also hearing "AND THIS MEANS THE SJWS ARE RIGHT ABOUT EVERYTHING AND THEY'RE ALSO COMING FOR YOUR FAMILIES AND CHILDREN PROTECT YOURSELF FROM THE REEEEMALE SCOURGE BRAVE SOLDIERS" because you're an actual idiot who couldn't understand nuance if it slapped you in the face and told you to call it daddy. Unbunch your panties, you unstable spergatron.

That's the mentality I'm trying to stop. The study was heavily flawed and wasn't properly executed, or done in big enough numbers to be called "statistics" Did you even read it?

After "Nobody's getting actually hurt." I couldn't understand one bit of your gibberish. To me it just seems like you're another white-knight that defends radical feminism and these stupid beta orbiters in /r/Overwatch.

I have perfect understanding of nuance, and it just seems like you didn't get my point or bothered to read more than two sentences. Because my point is not that toxicity doesn't happen to females, my complaint lies in how /r/overwatch represents the problem. By only showcasing toxicity towards female players, they downplay general toxicity that happens to literally everyone that has ever played a game. It doesn't just happen exclusively to women and they need to drop this stupid "men are pigs and women are perfect beings" mentality.

Fucking kek. You're really as stupid as I thought you were. 10/10 m8.

And you're a one-dimensional idiot who can't put two and two together.

But i'm supposed to cry my eyes out every time a girl sees some dick she didn't want to? Lol, fuck you, you thirsty white knight male feminist bitch.

If you bothered to read the fucking thread then you would see I'm arguing against all the white knights.

Oh absolutely. Sometimes to prove your point you need to hit people over the head with peer-reviewed science.

I'll be using this paper to do just that, I think.

u/Kalranya, the study doesn't prove what either you or the study's biased authors want it to, and the fact that you think it does makes you a bit of a dickhead.

And what, praytell, do the study's authors want it to prove, then?

highlighting the importance of considering an evolutionary perspective when exploring the factors that affect male hostility towards women.

It wants to prove that beta males are misogynist piece of shit neckbeards while alphas are sexual predators who only tolerate women in male dominated spaces because they want to fuck them.

Do you agree with that or what?

Sounds about right to me.

All men who interact with women do it for sexist reasons... That sounds like misandry to me.

The evidence seems to support me over you on this. But since you're not interested in pesky little things like the truth, I see no reason to continue this conversation. Bye now. I won't miss you.

Yeah sure.

Won't someone please think of the poor defenseless middle class white women?

And for people who think that saying mean things to women isn't violence, well I just say that you should walk a mile in Becky's Uggs before you pass judgement.

Ever had a latte without pumpkin spice? You don't know what true oppression is

if a can serious post: the ow community real is shitty. i hate when sjw that go on about about toxicity in gaming but in the case of ow they are absolutely spot on. i stopped playing it was so bad. i love bantz and shit talking but ow is just dick cancer, doesnt matter if you got tits or not

ragers gonna rage

honestly not sure what vaginas have to do with it

What, am i supposed to cry my eyes out every time a girl sees some dick she didn't want to? Lol, fuck you, you thirsty white knight male feminist bitch.

At least use a pasta I didn't see created 10 minutes ago

dude, fresh pasta is best pasta

This and that PhD on gamergate yesterday. And I thought I waste my time here...

Geez. I guess women are so incompetent now that we can't navigate our way to the block button on our own.

Make a couple fag characters and tumblr comes and ruins the entire playerbase with this sensitive bullshit.

You can click on someone and mute them. But don't let that stop anyone from suffering.