r/Inceltears discover incel might brigade r/gendercritical, leads to TERF vs libfem brawl on r/inceltears

27  2017-11-10 by MakeAmericaSageAgain

The comment section is a big mess. I thought everybody hated TERFs? I guess the thread was thoroughly brigaded by Gendercritical


Yikes, that's a shitty title...

Anyway /u/kobillabong what the fuck is your deal? I was convinced you were a GC sockpuppet because of how zealously and awkwardly you defended the TERFs. You should know they're hateful shrews, that's why we love them.

Cuz guess what I found under your basic bitch veneer. Is your hatred crypto or out in the open?

Can 2 consenting adults not argue?

Of course, but they have to explain why so it's easier to tuck into the drama.

I mean this is good, GC is a shithole and adding incels to the mix just makes for more drama potential.

I think our radical nature scares these men off. They know we won't entertain their thinly veiled sexist comments. They know we're fucking unbreakable.

An immovable autist meeting an unstoppable sperg.

I like reading feminist theories and I don't think Gender Critical theory is inherently hateful. I don't agree with all radfem beliefs but I'm not going to demonize their beliefs just because I disagree with them. I probably didn't represent their perspective well since I haven't read all their literature but I don't disagree with the idea gender roles are reductive and limiting and should be abolished. I don't see what's wrong with observing transwomen and ciswomen have fundamentally different life experiences and issues that are equally important but mutually exclusive.

Have you ever visited the sub? Start by reading how they actually talk to each other instead. They are every bit as hateful and crazy as any incel.

I often find I'm inwardly fuming waiting for some man to finish speaking, as he hems and haws and listens to his own voice. If he takes too damn long to make his point and if it's not a work situation, I often just turn away and start doing something else, or walk away completely.

Inwardly fuming just to hear some fucking dumb male speak REEEE!

the trans rhetoric has caused me to return to the closet I never really emerged fully from anyhow. and yes it's all really confusing. and dis-empowering - I hear this, so loud and clear. I am back in hiding, it is just not safe for women out there.

Trans rhetoric is FORCING women to stay out of any and every activity they might ever enjoy. They are VICTIMS!

So many men simply dont know how restricted women's lives are. I once got asked by a guy why I hadnt taken the shortcut to the shops and I said "Its after dark' and he was absolutely silenced. He said, very sincerely, "I just didnt realise". He takes it for granted to walk where he likes...he personally wouldnt assault any woman, he's heard of rape, of course, but he just had no idea of the everyday reality of that fear....plus, until I laid it out for him, he didnt know that it can destroy your whole life.

Maybe she hasn't heard that the very large majority of violent crime victims are actually male, BUT WE HAVE NO IDEA OF THEIR CONSTANT FEAR.

They have a screw lose.

Last week I gave my nephew some help with math.

I asked him how many apples I had if I took the 2 on the table and the two on the kitchen counter. He said 5, and I corrected him. He started crying and accused me of hating him.

I tried to hug him and teach him the correct answer, but he was convinced he was right and there was nothing wrong with his math.

I'm reminded of this scene every time I try to correct the logic of a trans person. No matter how gentle and understanding you are, you are a bigot and transphobe (among other insults) if you do as much as disagreeing with them.

I get people in gendercritical are a bit intense at times, but I understand they are frustrated after being repeatedly insulted and verbally abused because of their views. They are in the right, they are just tired of taking abuse.

I'm impressed. This smarmy condescending bullshit is way more insulting than anything this sub has ever said about trans people.

We need to do better, obviously.

Which subreddit r/gendercritical or r/gender_critical or one of the many ones that are related? I've read a lot of them and again, I don't agree with everything. I find their views on sex really problematic especially. I'm never going to defend everything anyone has ever said on an entire subreddit, there's stupid people everywhere. The first quote is absolutely stupid. The second one I don't even understand what closet she's even talking about. I'm not sure I agree men are the majority of victims of violent sex crimes though. It's notoriously hard to know how many victims there are in general because so many do not come forward, let alone which sex has more victims. I'd assume they were pretty equal given population dispersal. Regardless, sexual assault is unforgivable no matter what the sex of the person it happens to and it's an issue that's important for men too, not just women. I just defended Gender Critical feminism as a concept, I didn't say I approve of hateful language used on their subreddit. They can be pretty defamatory.

I root for the incels to piss of some terfs.

fuck terfs.