Reddit user blows his top over retards having a strong hate for him

8  2017-11-10 by JTBebe2


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


  1. This Post -,*,,

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That CSS gave me megaAIDS.

Old ass drama lol

I don't know if you're stupid, retarded or just have an extremely strong hate for me where you have to go out of your way to trash talk me and make up the stupidest shit and derail what i was originally on about. You said by what i deem average which if you paid more attention and read 1 fucking line in my reply you would see it wasnt me who deemed it. Apparently reading is an extreme challenge for you or perhaps you just want to flame me and spew complete bs while derailing it from a normal discussion to a flame war, well congradufuckinglations you did it. I seriously don't know how people can be this stupid on this subreddit

Imagine being this retarded.

Uhm, ok. What was the point of this comment exactly? I mean, I get it. You like his post and agree. You realized something incredible! Mindblowing. And you want to express that. I've had those times as well... let's face it, it's a normal form of communication. But, your inane comment simply adds nothing of value to the conversation. What does agreeing with him do? Does it make you feel old to be part of the team? Does it make you happy to say that you're following his thought patterns? Is this really what you want out of Life?

I think you can do better, son. That's why I'm going to use the parental approach, and give you a downvote. Not because I dislike you. But because I want to teach you this very valuable lesson. Contribute to conversation - to society, my friend. Don't be a follower, be a leader. Even if it means you get downteachered as I'm fairly certain I will (but I'm brave and wise enough to comprehend the ill and negligible value of internet points, so that's irrelevant).

May the force be with you, and live stronk and Casper, OP Juan Canopy.

EDIT: downteachered for giving actual good health advice, typical Reddit.

EDIT 2: Pls stop the downvotes, I don't like them. They hurt me, because I'm just expressing my personal opinion and just trying to help. Pls be nice.

EDIT TRES (tres for the Hispanic speaking gamernerd population of Reddit; I do not wish to be exclusive of minorities): Cease your downteachers at once, leftist librul snowflakes who are unable to take criticism! Or else I shall report each and every one of you to the administration and ensure your accounts get suspended. You're breaking Reddiquette by downvoting for disagreeing, while my comment is relevant to the discussion. Stop being bad Redditors!

I don't know if you're stupid, retarded or just have an extremely strong hate for me where you have to go out of your way to trash talk me and make up the stupidest shit and derail what i was originally on about. You said by what i deem average which if you paid more attention and read 1 fucking line in my reply you would see it wasnt me who deemed it. Apparently reading is an extreme challenge for you or perhaps you just want to flame me and spew complete bs while derailing it from a normal discussion to a flame war, well congradufuckinglations you did it. I seriously don't know how people can be this stupid on this subreddit
