he made fun of feminism

0  2017-11-11 by ExtreemWeenie


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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the fact that my adopted children will grow up and see the day when roasties go extinct and are replaced with sex bots and qt traps is the only thing keeping me going


Thats not how women work

they develop rancid beef flaps from being stretched out by cocks their whole life

Can confirm.

Source: A doctor

So, just to clarify, /r/drama is just an /r/incels echo chamber

are you implying that you aren’t a virgin?

You see, I’m that special kind of person that doesn’t think rape should be legal. That’s all.

so you’ll be exposed as a sex offender in 5 years. got you.

yep thats how it works. you dragged me. you shit all up my ass

On the internet, everyone is a virgin, right?

not me 😎

Can confirm.

Source: A doctor



Lol, banning incels just made people think their the new fedora boogeyman. I can just pop into any thread find one of those pesky unsexable beasts being called or with more anger and hatred than young women in Hollywood calling out random abusers.

Ah yes, he’s probably from one of the other communities that regularly uses the phrases “rancid meat flaps” and “roasties” word-for-word. What was it called again? /r/McDoesntExist?

If a woman is getting a thicc cock she ain't got no reason to be a suffragette.

that is the last thing these harlots need. they need a stern guardian and protector with erectile dysfunction like me to lead a life of piety.


It's time to start killing people who think that the word "edgy" is an argument.


TotesMessenger -33 points

What kind of human would downvote cute old /u/TotesMessenger?

When people are are on the autism spectrum they have a hard time telling when others are joking, so they end up taking everything seriously and posting on /r/ComedyCemetery.

Wouldn't posting on r/comedycemetery imply the opposite? That they see everything as a joke.

No, they just post "jokes" from people like you that are in no way funny.

BTW just because it's offensive doesn't mean it's funny.

Good racist jokes are a riot. But not every edgy joke is funny.

I wholeheartedly agree. I love offensive humor. But there has to be a punchline. If it's just "I fuck kids haha" then it just isn't funny.

Oy vey! (((Feminism))) was made fun of!