r/Anarchism turns on SRD!

59  2017-11-11 by Wild_Hunt


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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I....I can't believe this man, for the first time in my life I agree with a post on r/anarchism.....I need a bottle of vodka....or two now. I'm just really confused about my life choices now.

I think a number of pay sites have deals with PornHub to have content hosted there, so it’s not all piracy.

What about xvideos?

Pure theft, I believe.

They don't have a deal, they have the same owners.

So, still not theft.

Nobody said theft.


I'm gay.

You got holes, kid.

No it isn't retard

Depends on the video.

Nah most of pornhub business is stuff they either license or own

You can agree with the idea but if you actually think Anarchists aren't retarded you need to get yourself some help.

Imagine being so boring that you give af about other ppl pirating lmao

Pirates are just poor people. We should feel bad for them.

Real pirates are kind of badass, internet "pirates" are just normal people. What kind of sucker pays for things they could get for free?


if everyone was a penny pinching kike like you then nothing would ever get made because there would be no profit in it

Oy gevalt! That take is hotter than an oven

Piracy and theft aren't the same thing. Everyone in a court of law will tell you that. Everyone outside of a court of law will tell you that.

You are just plain wrong. Period.


u/Pandemult must have an extra chromosome

Um actually it's not stealing because you're not physically taking something. obvs/s

taps forehead

When you steal something, the person you're stealing from no longer has the thing you stole. That is the definition of stealing. If the original owner still has access to their item, nothing has been stolen

There are few things quite as amusing as people trying to look clever and proving they're retarded

I'm pretty sure they always hated SRD.

yeah if any liberals should get the bullet its srdines

They hate everyone who isn't one of them.

srd has always had a weird hateboner for piracy, even back when the sub was otherwise okay. i dont really get it, its like they internalized those copyright warnings on dvds as kids and then never thought critically about the matter ever again

i agree, if you think critically about it it’s obvious the market system has failed and everything should just be free

i wish more SRDines would understand this

I refuse to buy anything before I pirate it first at this point.

If I pirate a game and it's good I'll go buy it. Way too many shit games are released with 60 dollar price tags.

For me it's a bit meaningless to pay after you play a game, it's like paying for a movie... after watching? Feels weird man.

I think what pizzashill means is they'll demo a game on their PC to see if it runs well, looks good, and has good gameplay/story/whatever thing he's looking for in the game. If so, pizzashill will buy the game in full in order to enjoy the game without cracked launchers, and for other things, like multiplayer and online leaderboard access.

That's kinda/sorta how it is for me. I usually give a game a pirated run, then if it has longer term replay value or multiplayer I'd enjoy, I wait for it to go on sale and shell out some cash for it. If the game isn't fun or is just generally crap quality, I get rid of it and never look back.

Not all games are played for their story, after all :)

i dont really get it

If reddit at large likes something, then SRD must counter-jerk.

/r/circlebroke used to have a huge anti-piracy jerk and I suspect that the cb refugees brought that norm to their new home in SRD.

this was the case even back when it was full of srssucks posters though, its like the one thing thats stayed consistent through the ideological shifts

i think its just that its really really easy to be smug about


For once, my country is properly characterized

Plagiarism and intellectual property have nothing to do with one another whatsoever.

/u/sam__izdat are you just being dishonest, or do you honestly think plagiarism didn’t give writers a vested interest in the enforcement of copyright laws?

copyright has never its history had anything, at all, to do with plagiarism – a totally unrelated concept – and was never intended, at any time, to protect authors from plagiarism

read the history and the legal basis for IP law, please

               /   Post    \
              |   Bussy^^   |
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             ~~~  Congratz!!! ~~~
 U haff been visited by the Drama Llama!! 

!isbot -Drama_Llama-

then what the fuck was dickens doin

lobbying for control of exclusive distribution rights

lobbying for exclusive control of publishing and distribution

But excluding whom exactly? Profit-draining pirates and plagiarists, i.e. unapproved distributors, or supposed political subversives?

publishers that are not his

absolutely nothing to do with plagiarism

how does copying someone else’s work and passing it off as one’s own property for the purposes of personal gain have nothing to do with plagiarism

because plagiarism is putting your name on a thing someone else wrote and copyright infringement is unauthorized copying

how fucking hard is it to look these words up if you're gonna argue about them for an hour?

because plagiarism is putting your name on a thing someone else wrote

then pirate distribtion is putting your name in the “publisher” section, right?

how fucking hard is it to look up these words up?

fun fact: if you look up the definition of “plagiarism,” it doesn’t say anyhing about writing names, but it does offer “copying,” “piracy” and “infringement of copyright” as synonyms

here, since you're having so much trouble with this, i'll give you examples.

e = mc2

-- me

plagiarism, but no copyright violation.

"photoshop cs 6 seed plz"

copyright violation but no plagiarism

second one ain’t a copyright violation in itself, just a ToS violation

i'm not going to spend any more time giving you english lessons

turning off inbox replies now

/u/sam__izdat your definition of plagiarism is apparently restricted to what constitutes plagiarism in an english paper, which is obviously not what OP was talking about

like googling “define:plagiarism” takes less than three seconds. five if you feel compelled to use DuckDuckGo

so does this mean I have to link to /u/sam__izdat twice to activate the ping?

Plagiarism is just taking credit for creating a piece of media, where the act of creating it is the creditable thing. It's not the same as copying data for your own use without paying what the author or publisher is charging for it via license.

ok, now where along that spectrum does copying and selling someone else’s books fall?

Piracy isn't theft. You can't steal bytes

You tell that to a herd of rabid lawyers wearing mouse ears.

/u/big-butts-no-lies and we'll love to see you get raped in prison 😘

I love stealing and theft you cads. It's good, I love it, I don't respect your property, intellectual or physical!

There's a solid foundation for a future stateless society.


Taking something that isn't yours that you have no permission to take.

But I'm not taking anything. I'm downloading a copy make by someone else.