Genderfems baffled that mayo males voices are becoming more feminine and irritating,

14  2017-11-11 by BigLordShiggot


This, but unironically.


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It is a way to assert dominance

That really reminds me of this video where they scripted someone to say manspreading made him feel "empowered". Who says that?


The eeeeevil mens are trying to steal your speaking time, /u/notthistimebuddy

What is a mayo male?

Did you know for every 100 minutes a man talks, a women only talks 78 minutes? #endthebabblegap

For every 6 inches of masculine penis, feminine penis gets only 4.

Brother, as a married man, I fucking wish this was true. OH GOD KILL ME NOW.

im convinced terfs have some sort of genetic defect that makes them like this

It's called missing a Y chromosome.

They aren't wrong about soy-boy degeneration occurring. It's just funny that radfems would have contempt for exactly the men who have swallowed their agenda.