I'm a Recovering Male Feminist AMA

11  2017-11-11 by WarSanchez

Please, ask away, but no kink shaming.


How many females did you assault

Please, we prefer the term liberated.

Technically only half of one as I had a softy.

And thank you

why does this bot exist

Is your hierarchy based on how many women you rape?

Actually that is a huge misconception.

We are ranked by how far in we can push our flacid penises back into their hidey-hole.

How many people are you raping right now?

Unfortunately George Soros has ordered us to stand down until Pizzagate blows over.

You could say I am Involuntarily Celibate.

be a male feminist

not raping constantly

Choose one.

Oy vey!

I've been exposed!

And thank you

Please, I am trying to have a conversation here.

And thank you, we're trying to have one over there. But they do tend to wander out from the sub once they've seen the links.

We'll have a talk, but of course they were no trouble to your communityship, Sir.

Nice dagger.

Do you choose to live your life as a gay man now?

I usually prefer not to be labeled things.

But in this case, I'd rather be labeled "gay man" than "inmate 789056".

Where the Jews behind it all?

Older jewish men usually do not like doggy style, so no, they were not behind it, more like they were mounted on it.

"Recovering" won't unsnip your tubes.

No children, no evidence.

How many women did you rape?

Already answered. Please, do not waste my precious time.

Why do you hate gender equality now?

Because feminism isn't worth 20 years in the federal pen once I'm exposed.

you know what they do to antifeminists in prison?

Don't tell me, I like surprises!

( ͡° ͜ʖ ) ͡°


No. I like to pretend to be an ally to women then dominate them to show my superiority.

No other men allowed.

A predator in cuck's clothing.

Baaaaah! 🐺

Males cannot be feminists. If they could, then it would be 100% acceptable to have an all male group of feminists gather to decide how they should enact their activism and which policies they should draft and support.

It's like saying it's perfectly acceptable to have an all white group of BLM activists deciding important policies for the group.

People not belonging to the specific oppressed class the group represents can only ever be allies. They do not have the required life experiences and firsthand knowledge to understand how things affect that group and what should be done about it.

All the studying and rally attendance in the world cannot compete with being born into that group and suffering from day one. There is absolutely no way an outsider could have their best interests at heart at all times; there are so many hundreds of micro aggressions that occur on a daily basis that it cannot be fully, effectively communicated