r/drama power users forget to keep their autistic attempts to socialize on Discord. You're embarrassing yourselves smh

4  2017-11-12 by MakeAmericaSageAgain



Party parrot hate on /r/drama? Neck yourself.

It's what you've turned the parrot into.

"Oh no, I've been abused by the modsヾ(`ヘ´)ノ゙ Plz halp me and upvote for bretty birb. lol (^▽^) Hit me up on Discord if u want to ironically discuss bussy (っ˘ω˘ς ) (lol I'm actually straight but still willing to talk about bussy if that's what u guyz r into. love u guys no one else understands me <33"

It's Ed-tier.

lol keep sperging out

Now you can start the "I'm just pretending to be retarded" routine. You have that down pat.

We're supposed to be pretending? News to me.

Ouch, the truth hurts doesn't it?

Sven why are you so mad?

I live in Sweden. Of course I'm mad.

Hating on birb posts REEEEEEEEE

You forgot a shitload of unironically used "lol" and "LMAO".

 ( Mayocide when? )
               ||  ||  
               ''  ''  
         ~~~  Congratz!!! ~~~
U haff been visited by the r/Drama Llama!! 

r/drama power users

It's an insult dummy.


Even as an insult, it's retarded and embarassing to use. 'Power users'... This ain't r/AskReddit.

Why are you so ass-blasted over a party parrot thread anyway?

It's a perfect term to describe the types of people found in that thread. People that try hard to be drama celebrities and create "personalities".

No one is assblasted. People are making fun of embarrassing tryhards.

lol you're seriously sperging out rn

You asked a question and didn't like the answer. Typical of a drama power user.

Jeez, thanks for making this post. That thread was way too cringy. They’re really just embarrassing themselves at this point.

I don't see anything in that thread that's too different from the usual /r/drama autism.

you know how when you're on askreddit and reading a really compelling story and then it takes a really weird turn and you scroll up and realize it was Vargas or whoever?

Every time I read a post on here that I read through for a substantial amount of time trying to figure out what the drama is, only to come up confused and empty handed, I scroll up and realize it's a Kvetch post.

You're either the worst poster in this sub or a really brilliant troll.

It's really a shame, and a further downfall of society that parents don't monitor their children's internet access.

Tbh the discord over there is fun


Well... you can find out yerself.

Spill the beans amigo