SRD tries Seinfeld. (not really dramatic but very cringy)

42  2017-11-12 by Standard12


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that sub is inherently drama
I got downvoted for saying that inbreeding occurred in the persian gulf

Lol what a weird grudge to hold.

Christ, you weren't kidding. They kind of got the character voices right I guess, but really missed the part where it's meant to be funny.

I mean I did laugh but not dude to any resemblance to Seinfeld.

/u/tdogg8 You could try helping them make something not shit, then people wouldn't laugh at it.

I stick to copy pasta rewrites thanks.

Solid career path, good growth, and puts food on the table. Love it

Reading that gave me cancer


Jesus christ that was painful to read.

Why would anybody try to do that. It is always ultra cringe

Any time someone on reddit tries to "write" a show it's a cringe goldmine. Happens a lot on /r/IASIP too.

This is almost as bad as when reddit was constantly trying to write Deadpool.

At least it usually seems like they've seen the shows instead of going off Wikipedia and a couple imdb quotes.

Yeah, it's usually a little less cringeworthy than this was. But this is SRD, they can't do anything right.

Imagen what life liek if Seinfeld still on TV in modarn times!