Otaku writer with micropenis is mad because Cuphead has a "lynch all the black people" level.

144  2017-11-12 by j1l1l1


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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It Is Impossible To Separate Cuphead From The Era That Inspired It

That's weird, I just did.

Better title

It Is Impossible To Stop Going Around Calling Shit Racist When You’re A Sad Writer On An Ex-Gawker Site Desperate For Clicks

We should really insist on archive links for shit like this

You are beating a dead horse when it comes to complaining about giving Gawker clicks on this sub.

Imagine clicking the links in r/drama

lol imagine demanding to speak to the manager on /r/drama

These tendies were undercooked.

W'all should support Gawker so we can enjoy nifty agendaposts in the future.


Please tell me that this is not a thing.

Apparently you've never heard of methmouth

Is that Smash Mouth's strung out cousin?

Smashmouth and Method Man had a baby

So where does that fit with the Mayocide?



At this rate, the white race will be finished in no time! DO YOUR PART, FOLKS!

good bot

Bruh you better keep in mind that talking shit bout the South is considered Northern Agression.

Why not just use an ad blocker or something?

immolate yourself

Luckily I was able to nope out when it told me to turn off my add blocker.

This, but unironically.

It's possible, if you are not from USA.......

Gog? like the comic book fucker?

Steam alternative. Sells game DRM free.


I think it's owned by CD Projekt Red, makers of the Witcher series.

fuckin euros

You mean the place that conveniently packages all of my pirated games in a nice little installer?

Fuck you fam.

for you

with no survivors

How dare a video game use an artstyle and not acknowledge the systemic racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, islamophobia, transphobia, classism & speciesism that were prevalent during the time period?!!!?1

wait so is the problem that they’re acknowledging it or that they’re not acknowledging it


either one gives us something to complain about, which is really the end goal here

The art style is racist, it's used to make fun of black people.

The game is racist for not making fun of black people.

Closing line of the article: "Where characters of color were originally depicted with racist imagery, they now risk not getting depicted at all. "

you forgot kink-shaming

racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, islamophobia, incel-shaming, transphobia, fatphobia, classism & speciesism

Just cut that shit down to "blahblahphobia" and "blahblahism".

Is the creator of the game tries to join the "conversation" hes is 100% fucked. The best thing is to ignore it because SHJs are not honna let this go.

The best thing is to ignore it because SJWs are not gonna let this go gonna forget about this is three days unless the creator responds with a war on media


It just redirects to /r/drama

Good eye Dr Watson 🕵

I dont know what I expected.


Nu-male bugman.

Invasion of the skinwalkers

Dude needs to get his wall fixed.

what the fuck is his problem?

i see nothing

My T levels dropped just by looking at that photo.

"By not including racist references, this game is racist"


Oy, vey!

A good example of horseshoe theory in action: I can think of two groups of people who would be ecstatic to play a game about the KKK killing black people, but for two very different reasons.

horseshoe theory

Why is there no bot that spergs out whenever someone says "horseshoe theory" yet?

Don't give them any ideas, the I'm sad bot and all that shit are obnoxious enough

I'm sad

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That was a bad picture of a cat. Now I'm sad

I'm sad

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That was a great picture I'm sad bot. Need more jpeg! Though

I'm sad

Here's a picture/gif of a cat, hopefully it'll cheer you up :).

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That was a great picture I'm sad bot. Need more jpeg! Though

There you go!

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I'm sad

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I'm sad bot is a good bot! but he needs more jpeg!

I'm sad

Here's a picture/gif of a cat, hopefully it'll cheer you up :).

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I'm sad bot is a good bot! but he needs more jpeg!

There you go!

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I'm sad

Here's a picture/gif of a cat, hopefully it'll cheer you up :).

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Dont quote me on this, but I'm sad that this needs more jpeg

I'm sad

Here's a picture/gif of a cat, hopefully it'll cheer you up :).

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Dont quote me on this, but I'm sad that this needs more jpeg

There you go!

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I'm sad

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You have successfully unsubscribed from sad cat! 😺

Aww, you're no fun. We almost had the infinite loop again. Reddit history right here.


Much better. Thank you.

Faggot bot.

Don't quote me on this, but I'm sad you think that way.

I'm sad

Here's a picture/gif of a cat, hopefully it'll cheer you up :).

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I, for one, refunded my copy of Cuphead after the game wasn't filled with thick-lipped, watermelon-smile Sambo caricatures. I can't tolerate the lack of racism in a video game based on old cartoons.

didn’t they try making the devil racist at first then changed their mind

The title of the original blog, "Unwinnable", is ironic.

Also, are they just whining unashamedly now? I mean, yeah, they have some point here, I can understand why someone might be a little upset about retouching racist imagery to not be racist any more as if denying that it ever was racist. But you have to provide an acceptable alternative then, for it to not be pointless whining.

You don't seriously want them to leave the blackface in. And it would be an even worse erasure to just don't make such a game and wholesale pretend that those cartoons never happened. So what exactly could they have done differently?

Or maybe the author just doesn't think in terms of constructive criticism, he doesn't want anything to improve, he wants to whine about the way this stuff makes him upset, nothing more.


So what exactly could they have done differently?

Prove that the director is woke with the subtlety of a children's cartoon saying drugs are bad. Really jam it home or these critics won't think Joe Sixpack noticed.

The director didn't set out to say anything about race, therefore the end result will be hamfisted. So why not throw in a black character without the stereotypically racist animation? Lean on the magic negro and/or white guilt tropes?

Of course it would make the game more racist, that's what they want. We're talking about a group of writers who shit their stoner's excuse for insight onto blogs for a living.

Here’s your analogy: when you glance over at the in-flight movie flickering in front of the passed-out Snorlax blocking your path to the bathroom it is instantly apparent whether he’s watching a good movie like Face/Off or terrible Oscar bait. What gives the latter away? The meticulous set design? The histrionic orchestra? The slow pacing? The lingering close-ups of faces? The lack of humor except for the funny-because-it’s-sad-and-true? Oscar bait films are theatrical, a word which here means “keeps reminding you that you’re [in] the audience.” So don’t be fooled when the panegyrics pour out over a Spielberg flick about a dog that sniffed out its owner’s cancer and then flew to D.C. to campaign for healthcare reform. The actors are side characters, background dancers. The hero is the camera. It’s the one with the character growth, guilt and redemption, it’s the one for whom the score sings. Which means the hero is…

And it would be an even worse erasure to just don't make such a game and wholesale pretend that those cartoons never happened. So what exactly could they have done differently

Which is actually the message that WB put on the DVDs for their cartoons

oh wow, that’s actually pretty classy. w2c

We're seeing progressives move past "video games shouldn't have political themes we don't like" and into the territory of "video games must when possible have political themes that we like." Gonna have trouble gaining traction on this one.

In the long run, developers are going to learn that no matter what kind of politics they put into their game, someone will find a way to make it problematic. The Kotaku/Polygon types aren't interested in change. They just want something to bitch about each week.

Well I think the wokest 20% or so of games will get a pass, and everything else will be relentlessly nitpicked. Devs will have reasonable expectations for whether they can easily put their games into the wokest 20% though and many of them will understandably not bother.

man, it’s a good thing nothing these people have ever written has ever affected the development of an actual video game, or I’d have to be upset

Well I'm sure Anita's stuff had a lot of influence. But yeah the push towards "games should be aggressively anti-fascist" shit or whatever is probably not going to catch on.

idk, maybe Ubisoft or something is giving their female characters a second look over to make sure they’re not getting damselled in a particularly implausible way

but the only actual change I’ve heard about is Destiny 2 taking out some gay ass meme item

When you're a hammer, all you can see are nails.

I think it's just one of those cases that there's no possible way you would possibly see racism, unless you yourself had some pretty serious racism issues yourself.

For example, see every self proclaimed feminist male that bitched about rape culture and sexual assault hiding around every corner. Turns out when you're a rapist and a sexual predator, you have a tendency to spread that shit wherever you happen to be and start to notice it more.

eeeh, that's a stretch.

Not that I'm disagreeing that all male feminists are most definitely rapists (because, quite clearly, they are).

Also, you and several others on this thread are shitting up the sub with your seriousposting.

Remember: Loose Lips make r/drama shit.

I have amended my previous comment to better fit the style of the sub. I look forward to pictures of your bussy and any pictures you may have of yourself with you wife's son.

On a semi serious note, I always want to make the jokes, but they always feel forced when I do them, and I know you autismos would smell my fakeness and I would get called out on it.

I can smell sonething right now but it's probably the blood, feces and urine caked into the matress I'm lying on. I haven't left my bed in two years.

Face it normie: you probably don't belong here.

Ironically gate keeping this hard

Eh...I know. I'm not sure if I should be happy about that or sad that even the dregs of the reddit cesspool don't even like me.

I don't think it's that because there's a lot of this behavior in places that are overwhelming white, where it's not even possible to be racist because there's no one to be racist against. I think it has more to do with mayos feeling like they don't have their own culture or identity, so they can only get offended on other peoples' behalf.

Also, you can't brag about sending money to the African kids over seas to show what a good person you are, you can, however, virtue the signal the piss out of everyone around you and get the desired affect. (Effect?)


It always is fascinating how its the white people who come up with this batshit theories.

It's like when White >"people" complained about Katy Perry wearing a Kimono, and when actual Nip people (not the lack of quotation marks) were interviewed on it they were honoured

This kind of guy lives his life in constant terror that if he isn't calling out some alleged racism all the time, people will think he's the racist.

i’m sure the fact that he’s paid to write this shit has nothing to do with it

Time to step up the schedule for mayocide.

Because white people know what's best for black people.

Somehow, they don't see themselves as the bigoted ones...

How do these "people" even function?

It is very interesting to see that Cuphead was apparently made in the early 1900s.

Seems like the writer is more angry that Cuphead doesn't have a "lynch all the black people" level that's brilliantly deconstructed in the wokest manner possible. I'm sure the devs could've pulled that off.

How does he know there aren't any black people in cuphead? Cuphead could totally be a black kid with a cup for a head. This guy needs to start dealing with some of these assumptions he's been making, cause of his racism.

Are there even people in the game at all?

No idea but Beppi is thicc af

i mean if you assume Mickey Mouse is black- and he fucking is, the only purebred crackers in the disneyverse are ducks- then it would stand to reason Cuphead is as well

Did you just assume Cuphead's gender?

I think Cuphead's lead artist was black and said he based it on the cartoons he grew up with. I believe he said his family didn't have a ton of money so they used cheap tapes of really old cartoons

I thought he was Canadian

You are right and I am wrong

Goodbye cruel world

oh the joke was those aren’t mutually exclusive

Theres black Canadians

but w h e r e

So he's triggered because the game didn't have blackface with huge lips?

Now imagine if they did put that in

to be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand GamerGate. The dedication to ethics in games journalism is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of video games most of the ethical failings of games journalists will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Anita Sarkesian’s feminist agenda, which is deftly woven into the gaming journalist’s writings- her personal philosophy draws heavily from communists literature, for instance. The real gamers understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of the treat to gaming, to realize that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about GAMES. As a consequence people who dislike GamerGate truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the struggle in /Pol/ existential catchphrase “The fucking kikes did this” which itself is a cryptic reference to everting bad that has ever happened. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Ben Garrisouns genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂 And yes, by the way, i DO have a Vivian James tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 Gamerscore points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎

they should irreversibly patch the game to make everyone black

they already are though