u/Gallowboob and some racist guy duke it out over PMs

8  2017-11-12 by AchtungMaybe


original post: wBoob/comments/75yfie/after_front_paging_a_post_with_my_picture_in_it_i/

/u/IrishJasconius lol at an Irishman trying to claim white supremacy

This is what your greentext looks like for me, but I usually browse with CSS off anyway.

Yeah. CSS isn't fun tbh. I like Reddit's clunky old look tbh.


why do people do this???

It means they have no personal achievements

This is the number one predictor that somebody will become a white supremacist imo ime tbqhwy

If whites take over the world it proves superiority. If Jews and blacks do it's sneaky genocide or something.



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Tribalism is bad goy, I'm now going to treat you as an outgroup because you hold a different opinion to me

Really gets the noggin joggin

There are a lot of shit celebrities:

-Celebrities that are famous because they got fucked by some other celebrity;

-Celebrities that are famous because they are close family to someone who got fucked by some other celebrity;

-Steven Seagal;

But being a reddit celebrity might be the saddest form of celebrity one can ever be

Gallowboob needs to repost bussy

I'm down