Pizzagate Reborn

5  2017-11-12 by InternetLawyerESQ


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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Jesus Christ.

Back in my usenet days, people like this would post and post and get no responses. Remember the MI6 guy?

Now subs are chock full of them, all talking to each other.

You are so fucking old

For real.

1: I don't see how this relates to pizzagate at all 2: My buddy who has a young son did notice there's some real weird youtube suggestions for kids videos

IDK I just stick to Hanlon's Razor

I don't see how this relates to pizzagate at all

Read the comments. Instead of pizza parlors it's pedophiles using youtube comments to traffick kids. Completely absurd.

Hanlon's razor in this case would be random videos being made in vietnamese animation sweatshops with trash results as expected.