MAGA tranny Blaire White heads to Hollywood with a MAGA hat. Results are as expected.

59  2017-11-12 by Oh_hamburgers_


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


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Snappy raises an interesting point here. Would a 2d president trump create more or less drama?

It's interesting to me how liberals are so open minded and critical of tribalism until it comes to people they disagree with

maybe if she didn't take those estrogen pills she wouldn't be such an easy target for getting beaten up

Gas all LARPers. I've seen people wear MAGA hats in SF & LA with no problem.

The reaction to the liquid being thrown seemed pretty fake tbh.


I seem people wear MAGA hats, they looked exactly like you would expect them to. One even had a fedora next time i saw him.

This was the closest I could find, so I'mma go make millions selling MAGA fedoras.

That.... that might actually be a good idea.

I'm going to go next level, and sell MAGA trilbys.

Make a #MAGA liberty cap and I will unironically buy one.

Oh man, Ima gonna trademark a MAGA tricorner that plays a terrible MIDI version of "I Wish I Was In Dixie."

Don't steal my idea of having booty shorts that say "pink" in the front and "stink" on the back.

As long as you share the licensing rights for my bowling ball design

That's way more reasonably priced than I just assumed those hats would be.

You mean to say that the grills t_d photoshops with MAGA hats are fake?

I seen people wear pussy hats, every single one of them had a disgusting gussy.

Gas all LARPers.

LARPers?! Transwomen are women, you bigot.

I was going to try to explain that I meant political LARPers, but then I realized you're a Polack. Now I'm just proud of you for figuring out how to turn on a computer! Great job buddy!

I know, shlomo. Just wanted to make a dumb joke.

I know what you meant, Stanisław. Just wanted to make a dumb joke.

Ugh, and they say you guys are good at comedy.

Wit would be wasted on a Polack

I hope that one day you will abandon your various prejudices and actually start being witty.

I wouldn't hold your breath on either of those tbh


Well said!

I see the only way she could figure out what was thrown on her is to stick her tits in the camera. Good chance that getting something thrown on her was a set up and fake anyway.

She always dresses like that. No matter where you see her, whether it's monetized or not. I guess since this was a video she might make money on, she should have blurred out her tits like every other video in the world.. oh wait.

I'm not talking about her wearing a low cut shirt or whatever. It was the "oh my GAWD" and pulling down her top and bra to see what had been thrown on her while the camera zoomed in. It's just funny, like it was an old playboy video. I'm not criticizing her game.

She's kinda hot, tranny or not.

The rest of the video made me not like her so much though

Are you surprised to see a tranny that has an awful personality and is looking for attention by the worst means?

White bitches cant handle their red wine.

If you fuck are trannies are at LEAST queer. Nothing wrong with that but don't if you are sucking dick you aren't exactly straight. Now that's out of the way.........

I wonder what she feels like being a pinncle of the concept of token minority?

good bot

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Its 2017, ill identify as whatever i wanna identify as.

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If you fuck are trannies are at LEAST queer.

I'm too autistic to translate this into English.

I think he meant "If you are fucking trans women, then you are at least queer".

good bot

Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.9999% sure that shallowm is not a bot.

I am a Neural Network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot <username> | Optout | Feedback: /r/SpamBotDetection | GitHub

traps are even less gay than cis women.

Traps are less gay than Hillarymen.

what made you think I supported that establishment fuck?

Because you are a gay retard?

no u

I was only pretending to be retarded.

Type with two hands, bro. And after you cum.

If she was not beaten to death by a rabid Mexican than I have no interest.

I am in the mood for a win-win

I'm gonna do a "social experiment" where I swing my fists, Bart Simpson style, into a crowd of people at an MMA event to see how people react.

so much for the tolerant left

So much for this being a staged video.

Nice victim blaming, Einstein.

I award you with the Horrible Analogy Award.

Nah it's good.

"im here for love and tolerance!"

punches tranny

let me put on my woke vagina hat before I break this uppity trans woman's finger

*man's finger

She probably cut it on that edge right over there.

there's a joke somewhere about dickheads in vag hats, but I can't be fucked either.

There's a difference between punching a trans woman for being trans, and punching her for her shitty political opinion.

Ah yes, one is very mean and a BIG no no, while the other is perfectly acceptable. I punch everyone I see with stinky opinions, because I am a well adjusted person.

Yeah, regular trans people typically aren't shitty people unlike Trump supporters.

Yeah man, all Trump supporters are evil. Basically a genocide waiting to happen, each one.

I'm glad you're learning

regular trans people

This was totally not 100% staged. Guess they needed some footage to get the mouthbreathers in a frenzy after they walked through the gay area and no one gave a shit.

Leftists with "peace" banners bashing trannies in the streets? Suddenly they don't seem so bad.

My wife won't let me wear my MAGA hat in California. She's afraid I will be jumped by criminals and Mexicans.

letting your wife tell you what to do


She loves me. :-D

She's just trying to prevent you from wearing your dunce cap out in public

I'm glad that your anime pillow cares about your safety and security.

anime pillow


Tell me, if Trump grabbed your wife by the pussy would you fight him or go jerk off in the corner?

option 3, jerk off Trump

Prep bull 🤔

No shes not. She just doesnt want to be seen with a dumb twat in a maga hat. Also, youre a fucking cuck for not dressing however you want.


Red pill delivered!

Red pill

aka rohypnol & horse laxative

and krokodil

Mate, she just doesn't wanna be seen alongside a maga hat wearing twat. That's all.

No, this was about when I was going to the airport. That's the only place I wear my MAGA hat.

Honestly, anyone that puts a MAGA hat on is so autistic I can't really be bothered to care what happens to them.


Fuck all antifascists.

If you're anti-antifascist does taht make you pro-fascist 🤔


thats just basic math

You either die a fascist or live long enough to see yourself become a degenerate.


So brave

When you so beta your tranny girlfriend gets bullied by literal faggots and you while you just stand around.

"We're here to piss some people off, but I swear we're not here to be edgy conservatives or anything."

At least be honest, losers.

It'd be more of a conpiracy to say that the tranny assault video shot in hollywood wasn't staged, let that sink in.

ahhhh my hot tranny girfriends huge boobs are covered in a sticky substance thrown at her by antifascists....shes going to have to wash her big tatas down in part 2 of this video...subscribe for more

I do feel bad for her. Even though she is a stupid trumpet.

I feel bad for her because she has to stage shit like this for victim bux.

ah, so THIS is Phan the Tran?

anyway why does her face look all beat up

Plastic surgery.

with special guest surgeon Mike Tyson?

"Ahhai gaiizzz.. this is a social experiment vi..." click

This is fun because leftism is a religion of peace.

I feel bad for the guy with the pink hat. He legitimately looked hurt and confused around 2:14 when bad man took the hat away.