incel refugees are too stupid and autistic for /r9k/

119  2017-11-13 by fuckdahatersbreh


Now with added cancer!


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I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

When robots tell you that you're subhuman you're hit rock bottom

hit rock bottom

There's no bottom.

Not for them at least.

Get it..?

[funny joke]

"haw haw, get it?!?!?!? I'll show myself out"

How to ruin your fucking joke.

Incels can't even get bussy how sad

You saying I can crush someone's spirit and bring them to rock bottom just by telling people they're subhuman?

Sign me the fuck up!

To be fair, you need to have a pretty high IQ to understand /r9k/...

I really wanna go undercover in the incel world but I don't feel like making a new account and creating a new backstory.

You hate women already. Boo. You must be some sort of a "...cel" already :/

I just don't want anything to do with women. I don't hate them really, that's just a running joke.

I have a great system worked out. They leave me alone I leave them alone.

Mainly they leave you alone and you pretend to be fine with it.

"I'm not an incel, I'm a volcel"

"You're a faggot, Harry"

No I feel you. I get where you're coming from. That's great if you don't have hatred in your heart :)

Former incel here AMA

How much did the hamplannet who finally agreed to fuck you weigh?

Has she managed to leave her house since the late ninties?

How much did she charge?

We she wasn't exactly a "she" mate.

Can you tell all your friends not to go on my favorite board?


favorite board

Keep Yourself Safe

Thanks, I try to be careful with my heath to live a long happy life.

Also /fit/ is probably my favorite board, because it's just /r9k/ trying to get fit to improve their lives and pretending it will solve their problems

Why don't these pathetic fuckbuckets just go to wizardchan?

Wizchan hates the incel types as they are "failed normies" and not true wizards.

Anyone from reddit is not welcome here

came here to say this

They have to go back.

And thus the Great Autism War was upon us.

funny, /r9k/ is the second dumbest board after /pol/, filled with retarded teenagers and literal queers.