Joan_Wayne_Gacy Megathread

50  2017-11-13 by 80BAIT08

Three threads posted today seem to link back to him, and it's early in the morning. Find anymore post them here to add to the OP.

Joan hates our troops

CringeAnarchy start bullying Joan

Jim_Joans kills the thread

/u/Joan_Wayne_Gacy what's going on, big guy.



You either die a hero, or see yourself live long enough to become the villain.

More like: You either die posting bussy, or live long enough and start loving gussy.

Your third link was because the op chickened out because they were scurred it'd get back to them irl which is fair. Not really dramatic.

Nice agendamodding

Thank you! We've been working really hard on it and hopefully if we do it enough we'll finally get Hillary into the White House!

I'll turn a blind eye to some manufactured drama as long as you link it back to this thread. See if we can get 10 posts, for Hillary.


Bernie can still win this!


Lol, you run an entire subreddit AIMED at cyberbullying and you cry wolf now?

pls stahp cyberbullying me. this act of cyberterrorism hurts my feelings.

Just admit it. Mods of cyberbullying subreddits, such as /trashy, don't have feelings.

Hey dude, that tattoo was very in line with trashy, and it wasn't bullying but rather only pointing out the self admitted response of it being a gender pronoun! It was trashy, and the only thing more trashy than that was the coat hanger your mother used to try and abort you!

Leftys ruined it again!

Post cyberbullying.

"Political posts are off limits. Well at least my politics are." - /u/joan_wayne_gacy

More like Gaycy amirite

only r/drama would have its top two comments alternatively calling someone gay and straight both as an insult

Oh no mine was a compliment

/u/JoanWayneGacy confirmed for militant bisexual/asexual.

bi don't real.

What a fucking heterosexual.

Too far


Now I feel awkward about the fact that I'm currently modding a subreddit with him.

During CA's little temper tantrum one of them found a post I made to awfuleverything and they thought it was me so they were posting it everywhere and it was hilarious.

Dude, please don't act like a dick to our subscribers. You may have been right, but try being a little more polite next time.

Are we having a good ol' fashion fag drag?

Does Joan have perms here again? I know they got taken away a few months back. Maybe this is just lashing out

"perms" reddit mod lingo, bit cringey m8

/u/Joan_Wayne_Gacy (and any of the other r/trashy mods that may be reading this)

Hello! May I begin by saying how much I absolutely ADORE r/trashy. It's one of my favorite subs. My highest ranking post (by a lot) was on r/trashy. Whenever I am talking about Reddit to someone that has never Reddited before, the first sub I take them to is ALWAYS r/trashy.

With that said, the current state of the board has annoyed and depressed me to the point that I would no longer consider it the "best" Reddit has to offer. Two major problems have gotten extremely out of hand.

  1. The reposts. Every day, there is over 20 of them. You yourself are guilty of reposting. I can't remember the exact post, I just remember thinking "another fucking repost!" and then being like "isn't that one of the mod's and don't they know it's a repost?"

  2. Almost every single post turning into arguing over whether or not it is trashy and therefore whether or not it belongs on the subreddit. This is a clear violation of Reddiqute (as is the reposts). Reddiqutte states do NOT "downvote an otherwise acceptable post because you don't personally like it." Just because one person doesn't find something trashy, does not make it not trashy. These comments should be deleted. Repeat offenders should be banned.

Please, I really think these two major problems need to be addressed because they are ruining the sub :-(


Jesus those profile pages are a fucking disaster.

People like u/Joan_Wayne_Gacy are the reason we need post birth abortion.

/u/SomeoneStopMePlease what causes you and your fellow vets to foam at the mouth more, fentanyl or interracial couples?

It was another wild night in downtown Portland and notorious sex pest /u/Joan_Wayne_Gacy was on the prowl. Striding across the supermarket he cut an impressive figure, tight leather pants almost bursting at the seams around a chubby ass, the faint outline of his meaty rod visible, two delicious nuggets perched on either side. "Is that all sir?" a woman's voice, young, bored. Notorious sex pest /u/Joan_Wayne_Gacy heard different. He heard her desire, saw her disinterested gaze for what it truly was. Lust. "Y-yeah... b-baby...." he drawled, staring at her cleavage through his aviators, a toothpick in his mouth just like his favourite film character. "J-just these... You see them?" A finger slipped down a little, revealing the sizing on the box of Trojans. "E-extra large..." ..... "If we have to throw you out again we're calling the cops you fucking creep!" The door slammed, notorious sex pest /u/Joan_Wayne_Gacy was getting up from the dirty alley, his white leather knee high boots scuffed and dirty from the muddy water. "Y-yeah you too!" he whimpered, rubbing his aching elbow. "Hello there...." a smooth tone cooed in his ear. Notorious sex pest /u/Joan_Wayne_Gacy jerked around with a yelp, a hand brushing his buttocks as his ruffled shirt flapped wonderously with his twist. "W-who are you? W-why did you..." He couldn't bring himself to say the words. The man across from him had surely touched his bottom but.. Was he really? Surely it was an accident. The man was beautiful. All muscle and blonde locks, playfully tossed around a face with the most piercing eyes notorious sex pest /u/Joan_Wayne_Gacy had ever seen. "I uh, saw what happened in there." the stranger motioned. "I saw a lot of things." The man's eyes flicked to notorious sex pest /u/Joan_Wayne_Gacy's penis outline and back to his eyes again, a small smile forming. "The tone they took with you was awful, I don't stand for that kind of thing myself." Notorious sex pest /u/Joan_Wayne_Gacy found his eyes tracking this stranger, first running around those luscious lips, their gentle sensual movements leaving little doubt as to the tone of the conversation at hand. A shiver ran down his spine as he felt his heart pick up it's pace, the man seeming to close the distance between them mid conversation without missing a beat. "And that woman... Well... What can you expect from a cunt?" the man paused, eyes glazing over as if recalling something horrible. "Us men...." he began, a strong hand gripping notorious sex pest /u/Joan_Wayne_Gacy's arm, the fingers gently carressing. "Us men should go our own way. ...together." Another shiver ran through notorious sex pest /u/Joan_Wayne_Gacy's body and he felt his manhood stiffen and strain against the confines of his leather pants. Still. He resisted. There seemed to be something dangerous in this man, something predatory. "I...I don't know..." he struggled to resist the sirens call. "Oh, but I do." the man answered, his powerful hand pushing notorious sex pest /u/Joan_Wayne_Gacy back against the dirty brick wall. "I...I don't even know your name!" "You can call me O..." the man whispered, striding closer, a leg sliding between notorious sex pest /u/Joan_Wayne_Gacy's legs, the latter's erection now pressing painfully against his pants, the heat of the other man's leg torturous. "Does that..stand for something?" "Only the sound people make when I take them, willingly or not." Before notorious sex pest /u/Joan_Wayne_Gacy could answer lips locked with his, moist and inviting, a hand was fumbling at his belt, demanding access. He was overcome with multiple sensations, the taste of Doritos and mountain dew heavy on the other man's tongue as it stroked along his own, first tenderly then becoming more forceful as his belt was torn free. "I-didnt..." notorious sex pest /u/Joan_Wayne_Gacy began through O's embrace. "We don't need the condoms. I'm clean." the man whispered, his hand sliding down the leather pants and taking hold of their contents. Notorious sex pest /u/Joan_Wayne_Gacy was powerless to resist as O's hand stroked his length, the rhythm forceful and desperate. He was vaguely aware of the man undoing his own belt but through the waves of pleasure and longing racking his body all thought of safety went out the window. Notorious sex pest /u/Joan_Wayne_Gacy needed this. And he needed it now. "D-do it..." he gasped, tugging the man's hand out of his pants. "You're not in charge here." O growled, complying nevertheless. A rough hand seized the back of notorious sex pest /u/Joan_Wayne_Gacy's head and spun him until he was facing the wall, his face millimeters from kissing brick. He felt the leather pants slide down his legs, then a violent sound broke the heavy breathing of the two men as his boxers were torn free. There was an audible slap and a groan of longing from notorious sex pest /u/Joan_Wayne_Gacy as O took a hold of his mushy buttocks and spat on his swollen member. "A dickbutt appropriate" O smiled, tracing a line of his growing excitement over the tattoo on his preys buttcheek before taking the plunge. A rough gasp escaped notorious sex pest /u/Joan_Wayne_Gacy's throat, coming out hoarse and crackly as O's spit barely eased the passage of his massive dick. Straight in he plunged and notorious sex pest /u/Joan_Wayne_Gacy could feel his insides stretching to accomodate O, the mixing of pain and pleasure so unbearable that his legs shuddered beneath him. As O plunged again, harder this time, notorious sex pest /u/Joan_Wayne_Gacy cried out in ecstasy only to be muffled by the taste of his own tattered underwear being thrust into his mouth. Again and again O pushed deeper with each thrust until the other man felt as if he was going to be split in half. His shudders and cries were so intense that he felt surely his body would shatter to pieces. Just when the pleasure was growing to be too strong, his skin stretched tight across his penis, feeling as if it was going to tear asunder O's hand reached around and began stroking him once more in time with his thrusts. When the thrusts came faster, more urgent, notorious sex pest /u/Joan_Wayne_Gacy knew what was coming. Lips pressed against his ear whispered as the man's hand continued to stroke in time with his assault. "It's a good life without stupid women huh?" they drawled, nibbling playfully on his earlobe. Before notorious sex pest /u/Joan_Wayne_Gacy could answer he felt his entire body explode in one thunderous celebration of life, a loud splashing of fluid against the wall mixed with the moans from the two men. Notorious sex pest /u/Joan_Wayne_Gacy felt the warmth of the others body pressed tight against him, his arms trembling under their combined weight as he felt the rush of warm fluid inside, seeping through his very being and embracing his soul. "I...I don't know your name O..." Notorious sex pest /u/Joan_Wayne_Gacy gasped, his chest heaving. It was then he realised the pressure was gone, and he spun, finding the man at the end of the alleyway. Confused, notorious sex pest /u/Joan_Wayne_Gacy pulled his leather pants up, clutching his tattered boxers in one hand and struggling to stay upright from the remnants of pain and pleasure swirling around inside him. "It's okay notorious sex pest /u/Joan_Wayne_Gacy, I know yours. I'll find you again, maybe show you my trophy collection." O turned and left. Notorious sex pest /u/Joan_Wayne_Gacy sprinted to the end of the alleyway. "N-no wait I l-lov-" "Who the fuck are you?" a devilishly handsome looking young man in a green day t-shirt demanded, his girlfriend, her hair dyed was looking at notorious sex pest /u/Joan_Wayne_Gacy with disgust.




This would be more true to life if it had involved snowballing and chest-shitting.

Ah the old hot karl. /u/panther_champ you blew it

Why did you post this after attacking u/SomeoneStopMePlease? And what kind of jerkoff bags on vets?

Jbill666 you sound like a dickless little nerd

So no answer huh? Yeah, I figured.


I attacked him because he's a worthless junkie lying about his awards won in battle obviously

Is that why your alt account does it as well?

What alt are you talking about you mouth breather?


Oh man that's a good one my white trash friend. I'm guessing you're not doing much in life are you? Does this make you angry?

I regret that I must address our recent interactions in a public setting. Your persistence on attempting to deface my good name have not gone unnoticed and leave me little choice but to levy a brutal retaliation. Now withstanding your urban and seemingly aggressive demeanor, I’m unmoved by your persona, and in fact find your nature amusing. Let me take this time to remind you of several facts. I will turn 34 years old in a few months. Clearly, this establishes the notion that I’m indeed fully grown, and I will not underestimate the simple but serious assertion as you seem to be treating me like something else. I’m no child, which you will discover shortly. Second, I hail from Brooklyn, the city of Brooklyn, New York. You and your corporates may not be familiar with this province but I assure you, I’ve seen and done things which the mere mention of will both frighten you and force you to really assess the situation. Finally, I’m a man of immense power and wealth. My executives have done extensive research on you, and we fail to understand your perspective and this undertaking you begun. With that in mind, I must also remind you that I am presently out on bail from recent criminal charges levied against me in federal court. My understanding from my colleagues is that you’ve never seen the inside of a jail cell. Let me tell you sir, that you would not do well in such conditions. This may also be a good time to mention that the root of my name martin comes from the word Mars, which is the Roman god of war. In many ways I was born of and I’m built for the concept of war, which is not a battle that you’re prepared for. Given my recent incarceration, allow me to take note that I have no intention to harm you physically, as my bail status would likely be revoked, and this quarrel is distinctly below me. You are no Charlemagne. And in a separate but wholly unrelated topic I do have a vast staff that is employed across our great nation. We are aware of the location at which you sleep on a nightly basis. I regret to inform you that despite my request that my employees refrain from harming you, they are a rowdy and difficult group to control. The mere mention of my name in your video angered these gentlemen significantly. It is important for you to know that these men have significantly longer and more storied alleged criminal histories than myself. They look up to me principally because I give them very gainful employment and protect me almost like a general in the army. Again, despite my pleading, they also maintain brandishing an arsenal of illegal weapons which they are quick to use. This may come as a surprise to you because my demeanor is that of a common business person. While it’s true that my wealth seems to increase substantially on a regular basis, recall my admonitions and also note that my people are known for their rascal nature and very, very short tempers. My temper is presently under control, and I view you as a laughable social media persona. I assure you that further prodding will lead to serious and direct consequences. In the meantime, I give you fair warning that my associates may be looking for you, and there’s little I can do to call them off. I wish you luck in defending yourself from the reality that you’ve created.

Ok this is amazing pasta you're ok in my book