MRAs debate aesthetic dick chopping

14  2017-11-13 by quinotauri


Americans can you mansplain to me why are you continuing to chop a part of you natural dicks?

b/c ur mom said she likes it high and tight like johnny unitas

Continued research shows a net benefit to health, both for men and women, combined with inertia. It is decreasing rapidly though

You know the health benefit bit doesn't really work outside of obvious countries ( let's not be racists) when you take into account stats of cancer and std's comparing usa to europe and asia.

men with less penis are less likely to get AIDS

Amazing rhetoric

And americans still have the highest rate of aids in the western world lol

Continued research shows a net benefit to health

Literally only "research" showing this was by the American Academy of Pediatrics, which has been discredited due to it beaing horribly biased.

No first world country have doctors suggesting mutilating your childrens dick will improve their health.

Fuck off and take our extra dick skin with you Hans!

net benefit to health

So you're full steam ahead for female circumcision, right?

Now in the first world, where we don't need to remove body parts to prevent them from getting HIV, here's the situation: "It has been estimated that 111 to 125 normal infant boys ... would need to be circumcised at birth to prevent one UTI." "The number needed to treat to prevent one HIV infection varied, from 1231 in white males to 65 in black males, with an average in all males of 298." "Between 900 and 322,000 circumcisions need to be performed to prevent a single case of penile cancer."

To pay homage to our (((masters))).

Making sure Moloch-Soros is well fed helps you guys too.

Because our women and faggots like beautiful, clean penises, not the ugly elephant cheese cocks that the europoors are stuck with.

Somehoe I doubt that your dicks are that clean if you haven't heard about basic hygiene, btw I don't care what american women like, why would anyone date one? especially if she's white?

Hey, don’t put your insecurities and poor hygiene on me. I’m just the messenger of the one true cock.

Yoh, then you clearly mean artificial cocks, because based on your media - your women prefer dildoes and vibes, or nah?

Hey, I’m sorry you’ve got an ugly, stinky hose dick. See a doctor to get it fixed, don’t get mad at me because I’ve got it better than you - solve your problems.

Why would I fix my dick, it's normal local women like it, hell even local dick connoisseurs want it.

Why would I fix my dick

So you admit your dick is broken.

Thank you.

You think that bussy owners and women in europe like your cut off frankenstein monster. Btw , gay men of r/drama, tell me - is bussy sex easier with a uncut dick?

You’ve already said your dick is broken, man. You know the truth, stop spinning your wheels trying to convince yourself otherwise. It’s okay.

No I didn't.

No, I didn't.

That must be why yuropoors find it so hard to bang american chicas ;)

We only send the low quality ones over there, tbqh.

Tru, everyone knows the american elite don't own passports

Easiest pussy I've ever had was in England and Germany. The great thing about Europe is how slutty the girls are, makes me Jealous.

Fuck if I know, I'm not cut

Mostly to see the look of excitement on a europoor lady when she sees her first normal looking penis that isn't covered in cheese.

Oy vey