14 2017-11-13 by sizzaphill
1 SnapshillBot 2017-11-13
Providing a Safe Space™ from SRD since 2009!
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1 searingsky 2017-11-13
You say that like its a bad thing
1 WarSanchez 2017-11-13
Exactly, mods ban him for kink shaming.
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-11-13
No u 😡
1 AnnoysTheGoys 2017-11-13
Nice to see he has good taste in something
1 TJsAwesomeName 2017-11-13
I️ see no problem with this.
1 sizzaphill 2017-11-13
/u/pizzashill what do you think brother?
1 CaptainNeeMoNoy 2017-11-13
Bussy? Who doesn't like bussy?
1 PhysicsIsMyMistress 2017-11-13
This one is way better
1 CirqueDuFuder 2017-11-13
Stuffed underwear, faggy nonsense.
1 IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu 2017-11-13
Jesus Christ, /u/pizzashill is living rent free in your fucking mind.
Fuck you nigger
1 AlohaWarrior34 2017-11-13
Hey/ u/pizzashill
1 Chicup 2017-11-13
I was hoping there would be something good at that site for the sex parties I go to, but I think those are for a different kind of sex party.
1 SnapshillBot 2017-11-13
Providing a Safe Space™ from SRD since 2009!
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 searingsky 2017-11-13
You say that like its a bad thing
1 WarSanchez 2017-11-13
Exactly, mods ban him for kink shaming.
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-11-13
No u 😡
1 AnnoysTheGoys 2017-11-13
Nice to see he has good taste in something
1 TJsAwesomeName 2017-11-13
I️ see no problem with this.
1 sizzaphill 2017-11-13
/u/pizzashill what do you think brother?
1 CaptainNeeMoNoy 2017-11-13
Bussy? Who doesn't like bussy?
1 PhysicsIsMyMistress 2017-11-13
This one is way better
1 CirqueDuFuder 2017-11-13
Stuffed underwear, faggy nonsense.
1 IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu 2017-11-13
Jesus Christ, /u/pizzashill is living rent free in your fucking mind.
1 sizzaphill 2017-11-13
Fuck you nigger
1 AlohaWarrior34 2017-11-13
Hey/ u/pizzashill
1 Chicup 2017-11-13
I was hoping there would be something good at that site for the sex parties I go to, but I think those are for a different kind of sex party.