/r/drama fights mosquitos

69  2017-11-13 by geraldo42

We've decided to participate in the Political Subreddits Against Malaria fundraising drive this year (since we all know /r/drama is the central hive of reactionaries on reddit so therefore is a political subreddit). We've been promised that donations will be kept anonymous this year and the charity even accepts bitcoin (I'm 90% sure that's why the nerds over at neoliberal chose it).

CLICK HERE to donate to the Against Malaria Foundation



This is the second political subreddit charity drive - the first raised more than 56K dollars for DeWorm the World. This time we're raising money for the Against Malaria Foundation, an organization that works to distribute insecticide-treated bed nets in the developing world to combat malaria. This charity was chosen in accordance with effective altruism principles - doing the absolute most good possible with the dollars we donate. AMF is widely regarded as one of the most (if not the most) effective charity in the world in terms of impact per dollar spent. AMF has received the 'Top Charity' rating from GiveWell in five of the last six years, as well as 'Top Charity' ratings from Giving What We Can and The Life You Can Save for six years running.

Some malaria facts:

Malaria kills nearly half a million people every year and more than 200 million fall ill. Before bed nets were made available, it was many times that. Nets are a proven intervention - a more effective a way of saving lives than any other.

  • 70% of the deaths are children under 5
    • Malaria is the world's single largest killer of pregnant women
    • 90% of the deaths are in sub-Saharan Africa

Yet malaria is totally preventable and treatable. Nobody need die. Prevention is better than treatment.

  • The most effective means of prevention is sleeping under a mosquito net
    • Specifically a Long-Lasting Insecticide treated Net (LLIN)
    • Each net costs $2.5/€2,2/£1.7

Malaria is one of the largest causes of human suffering in the world and we can prevent it. At a rough approximation every 1000 nets saves a life, and prevents dozens of others from the misery of contracting malaria. And it's an economic issue too - malaria acts as a drag on economic activity and actively impoverishes the third world. Every dollar towards malaria prevention leads to 12 dollars in economic gain.

All donations are anonymous if desired, and for a great cause. Donate today!

CLICK HERE to donate to the Against Malaria Foundation


So what you're saying is r/drama users are the mosquitos of Reddit.

No, we're the malaria.

I hope i can reincarnate as a malaria mosquito.

I hope so too buddy.


Those are bees

Potato potatoe

No shit Sherlock. Lol

And then die a painful death as you land on an insecticide treated net? Shiiiiit.

So you can reincarnate as a insectide treated net maker, of course.

I thought you were the explosive type of brown, not the "welcome to quick-e-mart" kind

I want to reincarnate as a malaria mosquito so i can kill people and get away with it :3

Dont let your dreams stay dreams!

i was going to laugh and say "have a nice 3 days" but then to make sure i didn't look like a total retard i looked it up and female mosquitoes which are the ones that bite can live up to FUCKING FIFTY FUCKING SIX FUCKING DAYS.

WHAT THE FUCk. Fuck mosquitoes.

You will have to be a female

Is there a link to donate straight to the mosquitos?

Save the Mosquitoes GAS THE MODS!

Oh shit!


No me :(

It's a bench seat, you get to sit in the bitch seat.

Rude! 😡


Donate to a charity that provides screen-nets to African children. Only you can save millions of innocent mosquitoes from dying needlessly of AIDS!

Can we just have another planet for poor people?

hijacking top comment

/u/gophergus just donated 1K on behalf of /r/Drama

wtf i love gophers now

implying that r/Drama pledges are binding


They are tho

You just don't want us to find out that you really are shrimp.

My employer is gonna match me but I don't think it's going to go under any specific campaign. Also where are the nudes.


try to convince them to do it under drama so we can beat neoliberal pls 😢

Imagine how embarrassed they would be, it would be wonderful

Pls no doxx this time

Apparently the head of the charity personally guaranteed privacy and several people have already double checked that your info doesn't appear anywhere on the site. Ask /u/MrDannyOcean if you have any questions.

/u/MrDannyOcean will our degenerate identities be safe? What's your model?

I've been in touch with the CEO of Against Malaria Foundation for several weeks and have stress-tested the site repeatedly with him to make sure no personal information is ever publicly available. (we also did an AMA with him).

The instructions linked above show exactly which steps to take when donating and how to proceed.

I'm finding it difficult to trust someone named after a thief.

Though, I do approve of mosquito genocide.



Pick one

Apparently the head of the charity personally guaranteed privacy

Well how can we doubt such assurances?

Can’t Notch just dump a couple million into this for us so we can crush the others? Or donate for all the other teams so they can crush us, whichever.

Basically I’m cheap.

If you didn't see, he donated 20k

I did and I'm taking partial credit

You could ask /u/xNotch . I feel bad for the guy though. He already has to deal with everyone and their mother asking him for money. I don't want to be one of those people who beg him for shit. It's unseemly.

/u/xNotch my RAM slots blew and MSI refused to renew my warranty because it was 3 days out of date. Pls donate to me instead, I’m poor as fuk

MSIhope you get extended warranty next time friend

I did, and it blew right at the end of it. Dunno why. I am still a salty shit about it. I’ll never buy another MSI product.

/u/xNotch, give us your fucking money so /r/Drama can feel morally superior to all those actual moral crusading subs. You know this will get their nickers in a twist. Do it now.

u/xnotch send the money to the gofundme i created specifically for this charity. i will then use that to support my smac errr... i mean hair nets, yeah. bugs

I'd like to thank the /r/Drama mods for an amazing incentive - the highest individual donation to the Drama team will become a new mod* of /r/Drama!

Thank you /r/Drama! You guys are doing great things for the world, and it truly is amazing what you're willing to do.

If I donate, will you kys?

i know a guy...

Everything has a price.

$1k and I post nudes

you can show us your bussy for free and off yourself if /r/drama hits $1k

Bussy for 1k and 100k for offing myself

and 100k for offing myself


We made it, start posting bitch!

You dumbasses only have $280

Check it now! Bussy time!

u/totallynotshrimp good luck with this

Post bussy my man :)

Show us your goddamn bussy

We're still waiting...

Not if i add my mountain dew allowance then we'd have $287 idiot


Wait seriously? Shit, good-bye inheritance

The lowest should also be modded

You don't understand the sub well, the shittiest people get to be mods here.

Ha, fucking Notch

Malaria is one of the largest causes of human suffering in the world and we can prevent it

Why would you wanna do that?

It'll hasten the mayocide

It pretty much only kills nutella people tho 🤔


> doing the absolute most good possible

> 90% of the deaths are in sub-Saharan Africa

Your math doesn't quite add up amigo

Is there some way that the mosquitos can be bundled up and released in Salt Lake City or something? They'll enjoy the lake.

How can we have white genocide unless we save the Africans first?

If we kill the squeeto’s, how else will we spread AIDs? Besides bussy fucking.

sharing needles ofc

Is that a euphemism for dingle dongers?

Green cards for every man woman and child saved.

But that means less money I can donate to Bernie :(

If we donate do we get to pick who we give malaria to?

Can we give it to the SRDines please?

Who's top of your malaria list?

Who's top of your malaria list?

Shouldn't the mods sticky this?

It was stickied but apparently someone decided that this was a better sticky.

also a worthy cause

Which sub do y'all want to beat the most?

I did my part!

We're all NEETs on /r/drama. How are we suppose to afford this?

/u/prince_kropotkin it would be a really cool idea for /r/leftwithoutedge lto participate

in what?

In the genocide of your brethren

In this charity drive of course

nah, just read the old drama threads in lieu of creating new ones


the old charity drive caused some drama because of the doxxing and shit, just read that instead of seeking new charity drama, which i assume is the point

i dont care tbh


PK hates the global poor tho


Do I donate to have muh /r/drama dominate an epeen contest or do I donate to darqwolff for bantz

It's not as fun if LSC isn't getting buttmad and refusing to donate

Message their mods and ask them to join then

oh boy

you want some PMs?

Yes pls, think of the drama

OP delivers

I saw! And I will donate. Remember, ~P_K~ /r/LSC hates the global poor


OP delivers

pls donate now

Already done bby


/u/xnotch will you consider donating a few million to charity and showing up all those other snooty fucking subreddits?

You want a donation I can’t write off? No.

Why can't you write it off?

I didn't really read anything you wrote there. Just ignore me.

NEETs don't pay taxes

So this is an ellaborate ruse to tell posters here to kill themselves?

Does /u/prince_kropotkin still hate the global poor?

[USA] /r/Drama New York US$310.82

What the fuck, I thought we were all on the brink of poverty yet we're 3rd place in this shit race.

Some of you fuckers are hiding that sweet cash in your bussy, aren't you?

Are you aware that we have a literal billionaire as a mod?

Also, it's $410 now :3

Wait who's a billionaire

/u/riemann1433, of course.


It's actually in my dildo drawer.

first they came for the incels and i did not speak out because i am a degenerate

then they came for the shitlords and there were no mosquitos to speak for me

Why not a charity that moves the mosquitoes to places where mayos live?

Oh shit, are the SSC entryists winning the /r/Drama culture war?


mod of /r/neoliberal here. I'll donate $500 if someone gets /u/xNotch to livestream himself reading a short 50-page book called "Famine, Affluence, and Morality."

$20k, Go /u/xNotch !

You can also donate without cost to you by shopping on Amazon.com. See https://steemit.com/charity/@natator88/amazonsmile-and-the-against-malaria-foundation

Reminder that /u/xNotch deserves head mod position and signed bussy pics for singlehandedly establishing /r/drama supremacy

Also saving the global poor and all that

Why would I donate to stopping the /r/drama moderators?


Can we keep the k/d rate balanced by nuking an equal number of jihadzis?

lol.. I sent a modmail to T_D asking if they wanted to get in on this.. being they're at war with the Politics sub, thought maybe they'd want to one-up them.

Banned.. apparently this is too low energy for them.

So I updated the page I created and I give you https://www.AgainstMalaria.com/TheDonald

Fuck it. I'm pro-mosquito. Team natural selection FTW!