EA customer support pouring fuel on the fire.

73  2017-11-14 by BurnsyCEO


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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They've already lost the PR battle and the PR war, may as well just stop pretending to give a fuck and turn up the fuckery to 11.

Personally, I'm waiting for them to start actively and openly trolling.

The self service refund option is only available if EA has not charged you for the product yet.

Wait so I can get a refund on money I haven't spent? BRB.

/u/EACommunityTeam for r/drama mod!

If we have taken your money

Might have been the worst possible language gaff that comment could have made...

Sounds like they've reached the point of no return in that whole mess where they don't even give a fuck about trying to placate people anymore. Must be liberating for the PR guys who have to be nice all the time.

Hope so. The douchebags responsible aren't quite feeling the heat yet, hope the poor PR people aren't getting burned for it.

You know they are. Just like when banks fuck up, it's the teller who get insulted, spit at, and assaulted on occasion.


Nah it's just a modern day lynching. Except it's not race based.

They are trying to instill a sense of pride and accomplishment in people that figure out how to refund the game.

The anti EA circlejerk is just giving them free press for their shitty game.

Don't worry, they will surely get tons of negative reviews on Metacritic. That'll show 'em!

Yeah but it's bad press. You'd have to be kind of a moron if you think this will increase sales at all.

It wont neccesarily hurt them, i mean the stock went up. Im not even a gamer and never hear about new games but this one sounds all right. Reddit hivemind is not the fucking whole world, its still advertising the game.

doesn't matter, the kind of retard that buys these games is the kinda retard that goes "hehe im going to buy this game no matter what, but maybe if I pretend I cancelled my preorder on reddit EA will change this time"

I just ordered it due to the clusterfuck.

You're half contrarian and half troll. I've tried to soberly explain to you why people are pissed about this situation, all you've done was dodge my points, change the goals posts then moved on to continue to try and get a rise out of people.

Please tell me you are not looking for sympathy for these bottom of the barrel gaming comunity losers? The coddling of these manlets is why the millenials are as reviled as they are. PUT AWAY THE NINTENDOS AND GET A FUCKING REAL JOB YOU REGRESSIVE CHUBS. NO ONE IS IMPRESSED

Looking for sympathy? What are you even on about? Reviled millennials? Coddling manlets?


Are you meaning to direct your comments at me?

This wouldn't be a half bad Snappy quote

Seriousposting in /r/drama reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

saying reeeeeeeeeeeeee belongs in r/cringe

It won't, but it probably isn't really hurting sale either.

Pretty sure that's how Trump got elected.


EA is about to cash in on gamergate with some reports that females and 3males were attacked by rabid retarded gamers.

They don't need free press, damn near everyone already knew EA was making a new Star Wars game

Most of these people who are getting refunds on the pre-order are just going to buy the game a couple days after launch, they can't help themselves

Didn't even know about this game until all the hate, might get it now.

I would personally like to thank EA film rescuing this sub from all the serious agenda posting this place has been plagued with recently. I hope EA makes jar jar OP.



They need a Jar Jar hero what takes 120 hours to unlock, is incredibly overpowered and talks nonstop.

Greetings cochnbahls,

Glad to hear you were satisfied with your EAβ„’ product.

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The πŸ’° intent πŸ’° is πŸ’° to πŸ’° provide πŸ’° players πŸ’° with πŸ’° a πŸ’° sense πŸ’° of πŸ’° pride πŸ’° and πŸ’° accomplishment πŸ’° for πŸ’° unlocking πŸ’° different πŸ’° heroes. πŸ’° As πŸ’° for πŸ’° cost, πŸ’° we πŸ’° selected πŸ’° initial πŸ’° values πŸ’° based πŸ’° upon πŸ’° data πŸ’° from πŸ’° the πŸ’° Open πŸ’° Beta πŸ’° and πŸ’° other πŸ’° adjustments πŸ’° made πŸ’° to πŸ’° milestone πŸ’° rewards πŸ’° before πŸ’° launch. πŸ’° Among πŸ’° other πŸ’° things, πŸ’° we're πŸ’° looking πŸ’° at πŸ’° average πŸ’° per-player πŸ’° credit πŸ’° earn πŸ’° rates πŸ’° on πŸ’° a πŸ’° daily πŸ’° basis, πŸ’° and πŸ’° we'll πŸ’° be πŸ’° making πŸ’° constant πŸ’° adjustments πŸ’° to πŸ’° ensure πŸ’° that πŸ’° players πŸ’° have πŸ’° challenges πŸ’° that πŸ’° are πŸ’° compelling, πŸ’° rewarding, πŸ’° and πŸ’° of πŸ’° course πŸ’° attainable πŸ’° via πŸ’° gameplay. We πŸ’° appreciate πŸ’° the πŸ’° candid πŸ’° feedback, πŸ’° and πŸ’° the πŸ’° passion πŸ’° the πŸ’° community πŸ’° has πŸ’° put πŸ’° forth πŸ’° around πŸ’° the πŸ’° current πŸ’° topics πŸ’° here πŸ’° on πŸ’° Reddit, πŸ’° our πŸ’° forums πŸ’° and πŸ’° across πŸ’° numerous πŸ’° social πŸ’° media πŸ’° outlets. Our πŸ’° team πŸ’° will πŸ’° continue πŸ’° to πŸ’° make πŸ’° changes πŸ’° and πŸ’° monitor πŸ’° community πŸ’° feedback πŸ’° and πŸ’° update πŸ’° everyone πŸ’° as πŸ’° soon πŸ’° and πŸ’° as πŸ’° often πŸ’° as πŸ’° we πŸ’° can. πŸ’° πŸ’°


I never thought something could cause a bigger collective triggering than trump winning the presidency, but I have to admit I was wrong. It was so simple. Just work for EA and introduce micro transactions and watch how all sides on reddit comes together to REEEEE.

they honestly deserve it for pre-ordering a garbage game in the first place

EA must be owned by one of the Tribe, huh

Oy vey

What is even bad about what they said? It's a system that's been in place forever and is pretty common in the industry.

Why do redditors turn to literal retards during "events" like this?

I fucking love watching manbaby gamers get totally cucked. Only thing I need next is for bitcoin to plummet and I'll be happy

The company I work for only hires chimps for customer relations as well. Sometimes they'll whip out their dicks and try to piss on fires instead of having to call the fire department. (Less paperwork that way..)

Sometimes they'll whip out their dicks and try to piss on fires instead of having to call the fire department

Nice to see Louis CK has found a new career now that his public image is shot.


Like the fucking nerds that they are, I can't wait until they start applying their nerd fantasies to this real world problems.

"EA is like the Galactic Empire and we're the rebels and that refund button was like the hole in the death star and..."