TIL Ted Nugent generates drama

30  2017-11-14 by Hellkyte


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Friendly reminder that the average reddit leftist looks like this

I think it's clear that guy doesn't know what cardinal direction he should face


That chicks kinda hot

I'd do her

Belt already on the neck. All xir needs is a doorknob and xhe can go full Robin Williams

Not nearly white enough.

Dear God what is that thing?

Ted Nugent ehh? You mean a crazy imbecile who was successful rock artist for 5 years in the 1970s?

I only know anything about him because of the Guitar hero games and that one Motorhead cover of " Cat Scratch Fever" ( btw - far superior than the original, in my opinion).

its drama-tards like you that are why we can make drama posts about the comments in drama posts

FYI /u/Field_of_Foreskin but Redot currently loves M&M because he poo'd on Drumplestiltskin.

Didn't Ted Nugent shit his pants to avoid Vietnam? He kept the shit in his pants for like a week too

To be fair I'd shit my pants to avoid Vietnam and I'm guessing everyone else here would too.

Nobody wants to go die in the jungle in a pointless war.

Would you also make jokes about killing the people who did go?

No, probably not.

Pizzashill confirmed as better human being than Ted Nugent.


Big if true

Sure, I guess so.

What did Nugent say about the people that went?

imagine hating hippies and forming a stoner rock group

I would, if it meant I could die in the jungle thinking of that one time u/pizzashill bragged in public about how he shits himself.

Ywah but would you then try and act like some super patriot?

Not at all. Yeah, I'm not defending him, he's a garbage person, but not because he dodged Vietnam.


Sometimes you have to cowboy up


You underestimate how much I think I would enjoy killing and raping brown peoples tho

I think there would be opportunities to be obnoxious in Vietnam.

exactly, there is a reason only Aussies were successful in Vietnam, they are basically jungle people.

at least nothing kills you in the desert

He kept the shit in his pants for like a week too

if they disqualified everyone that shits their pants the regular way theyd have no army

Which is why I avoided the draft by father raping uh, littering. Yep, good ol' fashioned littering.

Literally who?

Na I don't constantly post there if you notice. My real home is /r/imgoingtohellforthis. So if you think I'm serious then you are a fool. So you can kindly suck my fat nuts /u/field_of_foreskins

Ahh yes... The ever respected /r/Imgoingtomiddleschoolforrhis


Do you actually listen to Ted Nudget? You sound like you're 13 so he'll probably tear that little bussy of yours in a heartbeat if you hit him up

Wow, u/field_of_foreskin, we see quite a few shitty post histories around here, but I think you deserve some kind of award. r/gaming, r/assassinscreed, defending T_D, and actually unironically coming out and saying that you post on r/imgoingtohellforthis.

You should be proud.

The God news is he's probably not too old for the Nuge

/u/field_of_foreskin we would ask if you are retarded but you know...

have you ever heard Stranglehold?

it’s his only good song, but it’s kept him out of jail. Which I think is a fair trade

Lmao at the guy taking Eminem lyrics literally like 20 years after the fact

Considering that the lyrics in the OP came out about 20 years before guilty conscience, it seems rather apt to me.

Did u know that Eminem didn't really kill his girlfriend on Kim?

What? No way? I guess that fixes everything nvm then. Idk why Nugent raped all those little girls tho.

Maybe they were really sexy little girls it's important to wait until we have all the facts

Thanks to Tommy Shaw my mind goes to Ted when I hear Styx

Thanks motherfucker

ted nugent is an idiot and probably molests people but a song isnt evidence

TBF, out of everyone mentioned in that little tete-a-tete, there was only one person known for beating the snot out of women

I'm confused. Which one is the lolcow? The whole thread is stupid.