Jew York Mayor De Blasio staffer says "pizza" from Chicago is better than ((NYC))’s

58  2017-11-14 by WorldStarCroCop


This is an abomination. Got will not stand for this.

Tomato cheese pies are gross

The only smart thing you've ever said in here tbh.

Salted fish on unleavened bread 4lyf!


Real pizza, or a Reuben on rye, or smoked salmon on a bagel. Fuck, I'm hungry now.

what you don't like rubbery unbrowned cheese that forms an unchewable gummy wad in your mouth.

Literally objectively true, though. Thin crust = bin crust

marinara pie easters are subhuman

Why stop at deep crust? Why not fill a backyard swimming pool with sauce and just swim around. Look! It's pizza!

Are you fucking retarded? Have you ever seen a proper Italian pizza? It isn't a pie crust filled with a quart of sauce.

Good thing it evolved then, isn’t it? Proper Chicago sourdoughs are the superior pies, none of that Jewish thin crust or Mussolini pies with raw tomatoes and sprigs of parsley and shit.

Good thing it evolved then,

Pugs evolved too.

Chicago Pies are the Pizza equivalent of Pugs

Get a load of this pug-hating asshole over here.

  1. Pugs are Chinese and when's the last time you heard of a Chinamen owning one? that's right they own American dogs.

  2. They were bred by inbreed royalty and as such have become inbred abominations just like their original owners.

  3. When a dogs breed is described as " Companion" that's just a nice way of saying fucking useless. Chihuahua, Bull terrier, Lassie, no one is ever going to have a fucking Pug be their company mascot.

28 Colleges have Live Dogs as mascots

Zero, Zero of those are Pugs.

has an at-the-ready list of pug hate facts

Did a pug fuck your girlfriend?

I actually lost my child because he fell down a well and the only thing that heard him was the neighbors pug.


Yea it was for the best, could you imagine trying to raise a child that thought Pugs were worth playing with?

Best, literally best case scenario with that kid was i'm forced to look after a Drama mod like Zachums for my entire life until the sweet hug of death comes for me.

Fuck you the pug was a perfectly fine dog before Mayo's got ahold of them

> Netherlands


Look they look just like the China one, I wonder what happened between Netherlands and Now?

If only we had Britbong posters here to explain why they let down the White Race on the skill we traded dancing for; Dog Breeding.

When have the Italians ever done something right?

New Yorkers get competitive and obnoxious about something dumb that no one else care about , news at 11.


NY bagels are overrated too.

Are you even human? 😮

I'm dancer.

fite me

I've got gentile strength (It's like retard strength) so watch out.

I've got gentle strength


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

You're now one of 3 people I've blocked on Reddit. I don't even mind people sperging out at me, but what I do mind is just the complete lack of real arguments.

You're just boring.

You think you can block me? I will not be blocked.

You should be sent back in time each to die in the Holocaust.

Didn't happen.

Have you ever had a long island bagel? Nothing compares. Something with our water...

I did get a good jewish donut from a Dunkin's there, pretty decent.

delete your account

no u

Bagels in general are a dumb food.

I care about pizza. Pizza is tasty. I do not care which shit hole town does what with the minutiae of the dish.

I like pineapple and jalapeno on my pizza. For real.

That is good, add ham as well imo.

I believe it's a capital offense in Italy to call either NY or Chicago tomato-cheese-cakes "pizza".

Hey, it's a pride thing.

Fuck you.

I know and it's stupid as shit. Bring back 9/11.

You seem fun

I'm fucking delightful.

I like this

Stay a while, the posters here are {{{good people}}}.

What does {{{}}} signify? Traps?

I just prefer squiggly brackets, be the change you want to see in the world.

I will, actually. Thanks b

You should see the /r/chicago thread about it.

I wanted to talk about hot dogs in that thread then realized I'm banned from r/chicago

Jesus who cares about this debate.


It's drama! Does every post in here have to be about trannies or trumps?

  1. Yes.
  2. The pizza one always goes the same exact way. "Hurr yours is just casserole!" "Yeah well yours is floppy and soggy nerd" "Hey guys what about Detroit style" "shut up darkness"

Hey guys what about Detroit style

I had to look that up but it's literally just sicilian style pizza. (darkies still an accurate descriptor)

Yeah but it tastes kinda menthol-y

The subtle racism flavor is what makes it

normal humans

the beepatabappis

!isbot a_normal_human

I am 99.9999% sure that a_normal_human is not a bot.

I am a Neural Network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot <username> | Optout | Feedback: /r/SpamBotDetection | GitHub

I disagree with your methodology (((perrycohen)))

!isbot AnnoysTheGoys

I am 100.0% sure that AnnoysTheGoys is not a bot.

I am a Neural Network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot <username> | Optout | Feedback: /r/SpamBotDetection | GitHub

Well there's the proof. /u/AnnoysTheGoys is too Jewy to ever be replicated by science.

💯% K✡️sher

Chicago thin crust exists famalam.

For real. I grew up in Chicago surrounded by pizzerias that only served square-cut thin crust and didn't know deep dish existed until I was 12 or 13.

Deep dish is tourist pizza.

Aha! Pizzagate is real everyone!!


How can something that is not a pizza be a better pizza?

you win.

I bet xir is good at the clean and jerk.

Wow I didn't think I could have any more disdain for diblasio but this really kicks it into high gear

Deep-dish pizza from Chicago is a travesty almost as horrific as Ping Pong pizza from DC.

bullshit, politicians systematically raping children isn't even as horrific as taco salad

where's he stand on st. louis style, though?

The best pizza is in NJ anyway...

What does (()) mean? 2/3 Jewish?

They're Jew-ish.

AY--YO* ***Stugotz!* Gobble-goo [obscene hand gestures]

A nuke should go off in Chicago, unironically. And the terrorists that do it need to make sure the Cubs and Hawks are in town when they do it.

execute him in the street

"Cheese Pizza"

I'm honestly a little disappointed in the Post's headline. For something like this I'm surprised they're not accusing him of being a member of Al Queda trying to destabilize the government of NYC.

Chin up boy you're in the wrong plaee for realizations.

I don't know what this means, so I'm going to assume you're coming into me.

I don't sin, hebrew.

So as long as it's not a sin...? ;p

Listen, you're not going to take me with your boyish eyes and neglect of human decency, my human decncy is waiting for a man with twice the bussy you'll ever have and that man's namee is Jerome, mother.

Okay. Now I'm triggered.

we're all proud of you