Roasties BTFO by Russian app

58  2017-11-15 by OtoyaYamaguchi


No makeup Melania looks like Bruce Jenner.

I'm pretty sure it just looks like Trump with longer hair. Why did Trump pick a woman who looks exactly like him?

Do you even have to ask? He probably had her genetically designed just for him.

Are you kidding me, their dicks just got harder.

No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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2017 has been the best year ever, the twitter sperging over this is so tasty.

Isn't the entire point of Twitter to make it easier for people with short attention spans yell at each other?

/u/Gabrelyanov shills his app all over reddit, AHA

But the "real me" has nothing to do with what I, or anyone else, looks like. I cannot believe I'm typing this right now, but the value of a person has nothing to do with what they look like.

If you really believe that why do you give a fuck if someone uses this shitty Russian app?

White women are infuriatingly full of shit, and the worst part is that most of the time the person they lie to the most is the one they see when they look in the mirror every morning.

Normally I'd agree, but there seems to be a huge swarm of black women who are all the same age and have the same haircut doing their best to be as offended as only an upper middle class alimony recipient can be. And I'm sure they all worked super hard to earn everything they have.

Women were clearly a mistake

Bussy is the 1 true path

Based on coherent thought, reasoning skills and over proficiency of the English language, I would rate this article a 3/10

сука блять

Why would anyone ever want this app? It's a dumb novelty at best.

So you don't get fooled when you think that 9/10 qt 3.14 is really a 5/10 roastie?

It's probably pretty accurate given the fact it's a neural network.

It's not really accurate at all. I downloaded the app just out of curiosity and used a pic of my husband who obviously had no makeup on, the app pretty much erased his eyelashes/eyebrows, created dark spots under his eyes, and made his skin look a lot rougher and more sallow

obviously had no makeup on

That's what he wants you to think!

That's because your husband look nothing like what the neural network was trained with...

use app that removes makeup on photo without makeup

surprised that it functions anomalously

Your pretty dumb.

you actually think Jews have anything to do with the "Jewish Autonomous Oblast"

you're pretty dumb yourself

They kvetched endlessly for a home of their own, USSR gave them one.

Jews turned up their noses at it and decided to go to Palestine (which they had zero claim on) and murder the locals instead.

because that oblast has nothing to do with jews

just because russia declared it didn’t make it true

only retarded people would think the jews would want to live in that oblast

Neural networks are not especially accurate given equal footing, their advantage is that the hard part of the job becomes automatic, you just pour more data+results in and relax while the machine tries to figure out how to get from one to the other.

It would beat a human artist very easily. It can pick up on abstract patterns you might not even be aware of. People are predictable when you know enough about those patterns. Someone with weak cheek bones is more likely to do contouring than someone without. The network probably picked up on this already. It's not a mere linear interpolation.

It can also pick up non-relevant patterns due to bias in the incoming data (you send only women with makeup, it won't work well on women without makeup and men), it has no common sense, and it needs to be fed problems AND their correct answers to learn.

Sure, with enough data and processing power a neural network will beat any human, but getting there is not trivial.

verifying the correctness of the resulting algorythm is impossible.

What in the fuck are you talking about? How do you think they train CNN's? You need to verify the correctness of the results to ground truth images to adjust the weights.

You can see that the algorythm works well enough.
You can't prove the algorythm works via formal verification.

For many applications not being able to do the latter is a deal breaker.

"Nonlinear" isn't a synonym for "pretty accurate" lol

lol why would that fact make it accurate?

it's a hilarious novelty.

Even if it did work non insecure people would have nothing to fear.


Those damn Russians can't keep getting away with this!

the value of a person has nothing to do with what they look like.

That's why I plaster my face with paint so I look better