Nigger Fried Chicken

125  2017-11-15 by tot22


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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At first I downvoted you, but then I clicked the link and holy shit. Some people just need a solid beatin' from time to time.

I really couldn't think of another title.

"People Who Annoy You Fried Chicken"?

Wouldn’t „People who annoy you in the cinema“ be more fitting for this sub?

Darky? That might be closer in weight to white trash.

Not that it matters much.

Neighbour fried chicken

Some people just need a solid beatin' from time to time.

These kinds of posts are the epitome of edgy-teenager-posting. We really need to bring child-beating back into fashion.

What a fucking cumskin. Jeez, oh my god. What the fuck? Sorry, but what the fuck? What a fucking asshole. I don't mean that in a bad w-haha Jesus fucking.... Haha, why would he do that? Legit, why would he do that? For fucks sake.

It's a reaction to the White Trash Hash recipe that's currently on the front page of /r/GifRecipes

It's a reverse Pewdipasta

was? he ded?

Yakub infected him with a mayo virus. He has grown more pale and less likely to steal your bike for every day that's gone by.

That looks like way to much work for something that is gonna give you the grease shits

/u/drocks27 why do you think it's acceptable to post a recipe with a racist title? Are you racist?

And you're a mod too, you think a mod would get that this would start some shit. Delete your account

redditeurs are the epitome of edgy-teenager-posting


They shouldn't be able to post, comment, drink, fuck, or vote until 25.

black kids already getting whipped in the street with a belt in front of the whole neighborhood lol

Intolerance against racists?! hypocritical degenerate! Racist culture happens to be one of the most victimized cultures in our society! Racists need to be rounded up and placed in some sort of off shore safe-haven!

Solid troll, honestly. It's working.

He seems legitimately angry to me

You don't understand, if people get mad you were just trolling, regardless of context and what your actual intentions were.

So ... EA is the biggest troll on the planet besides Trump?


I don't think he's trolling, just seems like a pussy.

Is it trolling if you believe everything you say?

doesnt really matter at this point. guy has started a little race war in the comments and that's all that matters tbh fam

This thread is disgusting. There are kids that use this website, why should they be introduced to racial slurs?

Wetback Taco Recipe okay too?

Chink Sweet and Sour chicken?

Kike cream-cheese bagels?

Nigger BBQ?

/u/ROTMGx has got to be the most politically incorrect soccer mom ever, thinking about the children!

Also all of those dishes are okay.

How did he miss "Oven-baked Jews"? Seriously, the joke was staring him right in the face.

Botchlings and his alts have gone too far this time.

He can't keep getting away with it


The timelines do match up

This is fucking offensive, nigger fried chicken is served with hot sauce.

Ignorant, but not wrong

No, you can use regular milk instead of buttermilk


/u/ultrashitpost Stop ruining your fried chicken man.

Fried chicken man is delicious.

I don't like buttermilk

What tf is wrong with you??? ಠ_ಠ

Ignore the haters, that was a great comment

The don't eat fried chicken

I dont


Glad we got that settled.

Imagine being this mayo

He's actually a mudman

The vitiligo started kicking in as soon as he wrote that

This man saw 11 spices in the recipe and wondered “is salt and pepper ok”

Im telling you use crushed corn flakes as coating


Buttermilk isn't for flavor, it's for the acidic compounds that tenderize the chicken.

Also, this recipe isn't accurate since KFC is pressure cooker fried.

It literally takes five minutes to make, you lazy fucko. All you do is add 1 tsp lemon juice or vinegar per 1 cup of milk and then let it sit for five minutes.

Forget the stupid edgy racist tittle. I have a story, 3 months ago i had to pick up my car from the shop, the mechanic shop was in a black neighborhood. Not a ghetto ghetto, but not the nicest looking place either by any measure. As i was going back home i see a chicken place, i thought "hah chicken place in a black neighborhood" after i snapped out of my own stupid joke i realized i was hungry i so thought "meh". I went in got some, there was really cute black girl at the counter so naturally i got shy and had to order looking at my shoes, it happens none of us are perfect, dont judge me. Got some chicken and tendies (yes i got tendies, fuck you) and went home.

You see went i got home, i poured myself some soda and ate the chicken.

This was without a doubt, the single best chicken i had ever had in my life. Fuck KFC, fuck Popeyes, fuck every other """""""fried chicken""""""" i ever had. This shit was amazing, it wasn't food it was an experience. I was completely knocked out by the flavo. So now every other week i get me some amazing chicken and watch anime while wallowing in self pity. But at least i wallow in self pity eating some amazing fucking chicken.

I bet they use buttermilk tbh.

Please stop posting.

Local chicken joints are always the best. It's like local mexican places.

So now every other week i get me some amazing chicken and watch anime while wallowing in self pity.

Are you me?

You only just realised this? Drown yourself

What the fuck even is buttermilk? Sounds so fucking american.

It's not what it sounds like. Not creamy delucious. More watery and sour.

you guys don't have a good word for it. Imagine yogurt but as a drink and without a shitton of sugar added in.

Yes, it's sour. It's supposed to be. I grew up with it (we call it kefir) and I can just chug the stuff

This is hilarious. /u/rotmgx why are you so butt hurt over a recipe called white trash hash? Why can't you accept that all wypipo are trash?

Would he prefer it to be called "Mayo Hash"?

holy shit this is the stupidest attempt at b8 i've ever seen

god damn it worked

All fried chicken looks delicious. It's pretty hard to fuck up throwing some chicken in wet batter and then in hot oil.

Clearly you’ve never heard of Jack Scalfani.

tbf, Jack is capable of fucking up things that no other person can. He's a savant of terrible cooking. The rules don't apply to the Master

Jack’s ring would in fact completely lose its lustre in 2015 and have to be re-dipped.

this is astoundingly petty

it's an incredible read, right?

i had a vague hope i had something new for /u/snallygaster, but i should have known she was lightyears ahead of me

as if mere mortal like you and I could keep up with /u/snallygaster

Oil temperature is where everyone goes wrong. Nigga chicken can actually be pretty tough


It's called satire, m8. If people these days had the requisite number of neurons to recognize and appreciate satire, even in its simplest and most ham-handed forms, it wouldn't be mistaken for b8.

But these days the fish chomp at empty hooks.

He is serious though. This was a response to the White Trash Hash post.

I dunno, OP seems hella buttblasted in that thread and the one that spawned it all.

That chicken looks delicious.

It's their #28 post of all time

Tbh that sub is garbage for actual recipes. It's about food that looks good in a gif, so most of the popular posts are about melting cheese or deep fried chicken, often cooked by people who have no idea what the fuck they're doing. That boring cookbook your dad has laying around is a way better source of inspiration for actually tasty meals that that sub.

If you ate nothing but /r/GifRecipes for a year, you’d die one of the saddest deaths imaginable.

but what if you love fried chicken

gifrecipes is unintentional comedy a lot of the time

alright now that one cant be real

gifrecipes is unintentional comedy a lot of the time

Now, I almost never like to make assumptions about people that I've never met, but I'd be willing to bet money that OP is an overweight neckbeard gamer who lives with his parents and probably owns a waifu.


God damn I want some of that chicken.

It looks delicious!

Pretty sure this is in response to the "White Trash Hash" that made it to the top of /r/GifRecipes

Both recipes look great IMO

Honestly neither of them should have been there. It's like their sub doesn't have mods or something.

Both should be there, whining about either is just white people being offended for other white people or black people. That thread is basically mayo nonsense distilled.

"nigger" is just as offensive as "white trash"

Its the wetbacks fault.

Why the >

Newfag reeman can't even triforce smh

It's like 80times more offensive to put jalapeno peppers in "White Hashbrowns"

Fucking White Gravy disgusting

is there like a chart or something that you use

like, is "jungle bunny" equal to nine-tenths of a "zipperhead" but one and a half times a "greasy wop dago," something like that

inquiring minds have to know

Who gets offended by white trash?

Also, it's referring to the white sauce, not dirty white people.

Don't play 'retard'. You know very well what "white trash" means, regardless of the fact that it apparently refers to the gravy.

Yeah I just said dirty white people. Who honestly gets offended by it though?

People who live in trailer parks, own some sort of Milo memorabilia, small town Kansans, suburban white people who’s favorite jam is “fight song”, MAGA hats, redditors, botchlings, spez and id imagine Riemann.

/u/drocks27 posted the white trash hash recipe, and they are one of the mods.

Great way to get people to leave the sub. LUL

That's not even white trash food. This is white trash food.

should have named it Slaveblood Fried Chicken

lolcow mizmoose appeared there too

The thread is about fried chicken. Are you surprised?

About food

that one HAES chick who posted in drama for like two weeks?


I actually had her tagged as "raging cunt", but I have no idea why. I simply cannot remember where I saw her before.

I know she used to post in /r/Drama, but that was before I even came here.

/u/ROTMGx if you would layoff the meth, brushed your teeth occasionally, and stopped fucking your family members people wouldn't think you're such worthless white trash

How dare you insult his culture like that!

The only culture wypipo have is rape culture

It's a pretty awesome culture TBH famalama.

This. As an Englishman look at India today and I feel pride at how eagerly our little brown proteges have adopted our rape culture.

If only they could have also adopted our culture of washing regularly and not shitting in the street...

To be fair, you spend enough time in the inner cities you’ll see shitting in the streets in most countries.

did you also shake your fist at the its ok to be white posters

why are white peoples so sensitive

You try living with sunburn in October...

I dont get it

It's a response to a /r/GifRecipes post with the title "White Trash Hash"

Well that settles it. Tonight I'm gonna let my inner nigger out and eat some chicken, y'all. Hell yeah.

Yeah, I'm going to (the original) KFC tonight. Absofreakinglutely.

I couldn’t help myself from jumping into this dumpster fire.

I got banned, apparently the /r/GifRecipes mods (including /u/drocks27 who posted the white trash hash that started this) are down for mayocide.



At this rate, the white race will be finished in no time! DO YOUR PART, FOLKS!

I, too, have been benned.

Apparently the fried chicken post was much too spicy.

Holy fuck the original post is actually called that. 😂

What an edgelord. 😂😂😂

Funny how many upvotes the white trash hash got.

Almost like it was brigaded.

/u/tarunteam seem to lack it.

You appear to lack the ability to consider hypothetical questions. You should work on this; cognitive deficits are not as easily remedied as simple lack of information.


White isn't a racial slur.

That's your argument? Refer to African-Americans in poverty as black trash in /r/news and see if you get banned for racism.

I call black people black all the time. No one cares.

Yeah, splitting up set phrases sure makes it easy to make blatantly disingenuous arguments. Nice technique, a tip of the hat to you sir.

Mate if you think I actually care about any of this you should keep yourself safe

oh shit, got 'em :(

Ironic retard posting is still retard posting

I'd rather retard post than literally have an agenda post as a username.

Ur loss



no it isn't lol. DAE words mean nothing XD

Jesus christ what's with all these morons who actually think that saying "X and Y are both in the same category" (in this case, slurs) is the same as saying "X and Y are equally bad". Do they even attempt to teach rudimentary logic in school any more?

Smart people don't become teachers for the most part so no. In most cases you have children learning from very average/below average intelligence people.

If /u/mizmoose were struck by a train, it would improve him tenfold in both his personality and his appearance.

hmmm now i know what my cheat meal of the month is going to be. unless i cave and decide on sushi again.

hmmm now i know what my cheat meal of the month is going to be. unless i cave and decide on sushi again.

One was used to refer slaves and for 200 years served as emblematic of the systematic oppression Black People suffer from then and even to today.

u/TheBlackTempestHaar black people aren't suffering from anything today except their own poor decisions.

Meh... lowered property values anywhere they stand too.


Intolerance against racists?! Intolerant degenerate! Racist culture happens to be one of the most victimized cultures in our society! Racists need to be rounded up and placed in some sort of off shore safe-haven!

Tbf it probably tastes better than white trash fried chicken

Of course he's an rotmg player